Approved Tutorials / Vicgotgame Mod
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 00:02:58
===Reposted From UPSBv3 Due to Popularity=== ===Credits to Vicgotgame for the Tutorial=====
============================= Stats: ============================= Vicgotgame Mod COG: center Length: varies Weight: heavy Writing-Mechanism: non-writable ============================= Materials List: =============================
(2) Supertips Marker x2 (2) RSVP caps x2 (1) Dr. Grip grip (cut in half) (2)Airfit Jel tips x2 (1)Bic Round Stick Super glue Tape ============================= Tutorial: ============================= [spoiler=TUTORIAL]Ok this mod is pretty simple to mod and hopefully the tut is just as easy to follow... 1). Take the ink tube and back plug out of both Supertip Makers 2). Take whatever your using to cut the Supertip barrels and cut just below where the Supertip cap would go. Cut the tips off both Supertips and cut however much of the barrel you want to match your length preference. (I usually cut enough to when you put the two supertips together the length will be just below your hand length). It should look something like this.. Make sure to flatten the Supertip ends (you can sand it, or i just trim it till it looks straight :P). And make that both Supertips are equal length! 3). Take your Bic Round Stic and remove the ink tub. 4). Cut where the line is in the pic. I used scissors to cut but whatever works for you go ahead. 5). Now that you have the two Supertips and the Bic piece your going to put the non-cut side of the Bic into one of the Supertips. The bic piece goes into the "backplug end" of the Supertip. Itll look something like this.. 6). Now that the bic piece is in, your going to connect the other Supertip with the the first Supertip. Make sure to even the bic piece out among the two Supertips so, meaning when you connect the other Supertip the Bic piece wont be farther into one end of one Supertip, itll be even. OPTIONAL.) When i connect the Supertip bodies they usually start to come apart so what i do is put a little Superglue on the bic piece so they stay together. I think you can use a small piece of paper of some other material, but i just use Superglue. 7). Now that the two Supertips are connected itll look like this.. 8). Put the completed Body aside and get your two RSVP caps. What your going to do with these is first your going to remove the clip. After you removed the clips get out your cutting tool. Your going to cut just below where the RSVP pen clicks into the cap. Like this... Make sure to even off both caps and sand down if needed, making sure both pieces are equal length. Do this to both caps and you should have these... These are going to slide over the ends of the Supertips. BUT dont do that yet. 9). Now get your Dr. Grip grip and cut in half, or if you have two even pieces already thatll work. Put the grips over the cut-end side of the RSVP piece. I slide them on enough to where the grip meets the little "bump" on the RSVP cap. Then once youve done that, put the Airfit tips into the grips. Should look like this... 10). Now get your Supertip body and get tour tape and wrap a small amount onto the tips of the Supertip ends. Like this... This will make sure the RSVP pieces wont slide off the Supertip bodies. 11). Then once youve put tape on the ends and you have your RSVP pieces with the grips and tips, slide them over the ends of the Supertips. Once youve done that your DONE!! And heres your finished mod... [/spoiler] If theres any questions let me know. :)
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 01:51:41
sweet tut ^_^ i gotta try making this :]
Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 14:21:26
Wow this looks great! Too bad I don't have any RSVP :( maybe I'll go self-mod the sides
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 01:08:24
awesome mod but too long and cutting RSVP caps take too much time :)
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 01:18:30
That's how vic likes it :P But you can cut the supertip bodies down to make it shorter.
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 05:41:57
does vic use the old or new st?
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 17:51:44
there a new st?? never saw it before,what's the diffrent? btw i try this mod and a was like "wtf this mod has auto pilot for hai tua" LOL so heavy and crazy momentum.
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 18:15:06
@shadowbane: Cutting RSVP caps takes less than 20 seconds. @Sarugio: You probably only know of the new ones. There was an older version that had slightly different caps, backplugs and I think they were a tad shorter (not sure). Vic uses the new (popular) version though.
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 07:34:23
best mod in the world
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 07:39:52
WTF are people with hands <24cm (pinky to thumb) making this mod? Awesome mod for Vic but I'm pretty :/ towards others making it
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 14:03:23
what is the product name of DR. grip grip,,
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 15:03:36
Dr. Grip .___.
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 15:10:01
Twine wrote: WTF are people with hands <24cm (pinky to thumb) making this mod? Awesome mod for Vic but I'm pretty :/ towards others making it
\ Just shorten the barrels slightly more than vic, and you have a similar mod to a buster. But it's slightly better than the buster, which is why I replaced it with this mod. -
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 15:31:39
Anything better about this besides moar spinning room? I'm just curious
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 16:15:24
prinX wrote: what is the product name of DR. grip grip,,
Just saying, Pilot doesn't sell the grip by itself. -
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 20:25:11
Does anyone know of an easy method to take out the supertip backplug?
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 20:49:07
Pliers. Just grip with pliers, then twist and pull.
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 21:16:56
take pliers with a skinny nose and put one side inside. pull backwards (not all the way becuase that bends that plastic) then if you pulled it out enough, grip the end of the plug and pull backwards.
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 22:44:34
could you just super glue and tape the two super tip bodies together?
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 23:01:26
You could but I wouldn't just use the bic piece method like it shows. It's easy to find, sturdy, and easy to make with the correct method.
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 23:02:19
ummmmm.... NO how the fuck are you meant to glue and tape two supertip bodies with nothing in between for extra support? tape is irraitating to spin on when there is a massive bunch just taping the body together and the mod has heaps of mmt and weight and im sure the mod would fall apart after a few combos. Sorry if i was being rude but that was a really stupid question.
Date: Thu, Aug 19 2010 06:56:07
just made it and love it! i made mine a little shorter but it spins very very well
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 12:10:40
Happy1 wrote: just made it and love it! i made mine a little shorter but it spins very very well
mine too -
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 12:38:46
Krispy Kreme wrote: ummmmm.... NO how the fuck are you meant to glue and tape two supertip bodies with nothing in between for extra support? tape is irraitating to spin on when there is a massive bunch just taping the body together and the mod has heaps of mmt and weight and im sure the mod would fall apart after a few combos. Sorry if i was being rude but that was a really stupid question.
someone can't read, the supertips are joined by a bic body segment about 2cm long xD -
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 13:30:31
If its 2cm long then make it longer. I would just use a Bic round stic grip grip, the coloured bit with the white lines, its light and you dont need to cut it at all.
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 12:23:14
I'm so making this mod ~ btw GJ on making this tut ~
Date: Sat, Sep 4 2010 21:06:14
the materials say jell tips like vic's tutorial in v3... i think he got confused with the ballpoint tips because if you look at the materials picture those are BP tips O_o The jell tips are taller and wider than ballpoint tips but are less dense... i think those are ballpoint tips but idk i could be wrong
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 21:32:43
what can i use to replace the airfit jel tips? :/
Date: Sun, Sep 12 2010 21:35:30
Regular airfit tips or dr grip tips.
Date: Sat, Oct 16 2010 20:17:00
When I did my vicgotgame mod as like the tutorial says, it was 25 cm and too long. I cut 1 cm from every crayola, it's 23 cm now and much better.
Date: Mon, Oct 18 2010 01:12:15
If you dont have Rsvp caps, you can use sharpie caps,using more tape to let it fit on the supertip barrel. Rsvp is a lot more efficient, because you use less tape, and the sharpie caps are heavier. However, if you have sharpies and you like a heavier mod just use sharpie caps (cut the same length as Rsvp cap).
Date: Sat, Oct 23 2010 23:44:58
what do you use to cut RSVP cap?
Date: Sun, Oct 24 2010 00:13:51
A hacksaw.
Date: Sun, Oct 24 2010 00:16:53
I used an xacto knife
Date: Sun, Oct 24 2010 20:50:19
Or wire cutters
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 04:00:30
Hey guys.. Can you use airfit grips instead of Dr. Grips?
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 19:57:51
Is there an substite for the tips that is easily obtainable in America? Thanks
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 20:28:58
airfit and dr.grip grip is silicon gel tip all can be used. No thereis really no tip subs that work. you can use american dr.grip tip but that will be slightly off in terms of weight. if you can't purchase online some shops like kino,, mitsuwa and other shops will have things
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 20:53:55
American dr. grip is pretty close in weight.
Date: Thu, Oct 28 2010 21:10:25
you'll lose a gram or so if you use american instead of jap. so if you don't really care about a gram go ahead and get some dr.grips at walmart
Date: Fri, Oct 29 2010 16:37:01
you can use silicon gel grip tip its also kinda heavy
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 21:10:40
can u subsitute the tip for a impact rt tip?
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 21:14:18
where do u put the bic barrel? i know that u cut 2cm of the back and glue it in the middle but where do u put the left over barrel?
Date: Thu, Nov 11 2010 21:16:36
no you can't use impact rt tips, leftover barrel you use on another mod you only need a few cm for vicgotgame
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 02:07:22
Anyone know how this mod is in comparison to a buster cyl? i know it's longer, but....
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 02:20:58
this mod > Buster CYL 1. The construction of the mod is quite excellent in terms of distribution of momentum. (idk if I'm saying this right) 2. Weight/momentum is both on the sides and the center,so.... 3. If done correctly, COG = line on the center of the mod = COP, which is quite nice if you're practicing cont tricks. EDIT: 4. Adjustable length :P
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 02:30:45
chrisPS wrote: this mod > Buster CYL 1. The construction of the mod is quite in terms of distribution of momentum. (idk if I'm saying this right)
No you're not. It needs to read: 'The construction of the mod is quite in terms of distribution or momentum. A word such as maybe 'even' or 'balanced'? -
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 02:52:49
isn't it much more expensive though? on pensiwh its $10 more
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 02:54:00
@drgripable on penwish its only $15 to make even with more expensive dr grip tips, the whole airfit pen is actually cheaper.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 02:55:21
It uses more pens. Buster CYL uses only 5 pens, while this uses 9 pens, 10 if you want the dr grip grip to be identical on both sides.
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 03:03:07
no, i meant the vicgotgame mod. It's $10 more on penwish than the buster cyl on penwish. $15vs $25
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 03:17:44
@drgripable i know, but im saying the vicgotgame mod is only $15 if you make it yourself
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 03:20:05
oh...i see....then all i have to do is buy another dr. grip
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 18:14:58
anyone got a video tutorial?
Date: Tue, Dec 21 2010 19:36:38
Soren Blade wrote: anyone got a video tutorial?
i dont think theres a video tutorial. but, its pretty easy to make. just follow the tutorial -
Date: Tue, Dec 28 2010 14:32:37
I love this mod is easy to make , its all ;p
Date: Fri, Dec 31 2010 05:24:56
its a long but nice mod easy to do tricks with it thats why i made my mods with this body
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 00:27:44
this is cool
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 21:06:47
very nice tutorial i'm gonna make this soon
Date: Fri, Feb 25 2011 04:43:50
Nice mod! Sweet!!!!
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 18:03:00
can all the materials be found in walmart,rite aid,target,staples,in america?
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 18:03:43
-ACE- wrote: can all the materials be found in walmart,rite aid,target,staples,in america?
No. -
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 18:16:59
wich piece cant you find in america and is there a substitute for that piece
Date: Tue, Mar 22 2011 19:01:24
-ACE- wrote: wich piece cant you find in america and is there a substitute for that piece
The airfit gel pens and the dr.grip grips. their really isn't any true substitute for it, you could try to use the American dr.grip tips and grips (which are diffrent than the Japanese ones used here) but I think that wouldn't work out quite well. -
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 14:19:27
does vic use the dr. grips with the long grip or the short grip?
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 15:27:33
MickChickenn wrote: does vic use the dr. grips with the long grip or the short grip?
It uses the longer grips. They are thinker as well so check for that to make sure you get the right one. -
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 20:45:00
thanks. I was using the short ones andn i was like "what the heck!!! these tips dont fit!!! How does he keep them in there?" and then I saw my friends Dr grip with the long grip. thanks a ton.
Date: Thu, Mar 31 2011 22:09:09
Nice mod, my friend has it and its pretty awesome. he sticky tacked zt tips under the rsvp caps so its pretty heavy
Date: Sun, Apr 3 2011 03:25:21
ok. I have the long grip, but how do I get it off? it wont come off.
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 15:28:17
WOW! it looks great but a little too long... but i got used to it.
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 18:16:37
I didn't spin it yet, but I think it's way too big for my average hand :P Nice idea anyway :thumb:
Date: Thu, Apr 28 2011 20:28:52
infinite spreads lol
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 10:37:21
is this mod worth making/getting? how good is this compared to something like a buster or a waterfall mod?
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 01:27:09
wouldnt this be better than a buster cause this still uses airfit tips but tis uses two supertips barrels so its longer and has more momentum
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 01:37:22
Wouldnt it be better then if u connect 5 supertips barrel and stack airfits on ends? way way much more momentum that way ^_^ PrinceXD
Epic wrote: wouldnt this be better than a buster cause this still uses airfit tips but tis uses two supertips barrels so its longer and has more momentum
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 01:41:33
@Epic if you have short hands a buster would probably be better than a vicgotgame but if u hav long hands a vicgotgame is better
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 19:58:38
You know, you could make this mod writable by using Bic Roundstic Grip pieces. Like so:
[B]EDIT: picture is drawn in paint[/B]
demonsblood123 wrote: @Epic if you have short hands a buster would probably be better than a vicgotgame but if u hav long hands a vicgotgame is better
Actually, I think the Buster is already quite a long pen, it's for big hands in my opinion. And also, don't forget that the length of this mod is customizable, so it could be cut to the same length as a Buster. -
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 08:46:17
can you put the grip and tip onto the body without the rsvp cut caps?
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 07:29:38
i gotta try making this mod. it's perfect for may big hands..xD how long is the original VGG mod? the one vic use in his videos..
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 15:34:01
anyone know the weight of this>?
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 04:15:16
Is the end supposed to be REALLY thick and unattractive looking? In vics picture it looks way different than the one I made.
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 04:16:46
i made one using a airfit grip and it doesnt look that bad
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 04:18:30
funnky wrote: i made one using a airfit grip and it doesnt look that bad
The one vic uses alot has airfit grips and sailor grips instead of Dr. Grips and RSVPs. -
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 04:23:01
oh. ok
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 04:24:57
yeah. He uses the VGG modv.2 in most of his Vicgotslomo videos.
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 11:00:48
=,= dude thats not VGG mod 2 =.= its ivan mod with longer airfit grip + ring =.=
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 18:25:50
Starryz97 wrote: =,= dude thats not VGG mod 2 =.= its ivan mod with longer airfit grip + ring =.=
Go to the tutorial on UPSB v3 and then tell me if your statement is correct. -
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 11:59:12
Thanks for sharing such a useful tutorial i recently join this forum and got this useful thing,i am so happy. Online Diploma|High School Diploma Online|Get GED Online
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 10:01:49
demonsblood123 wrote: @Epic if you have short hands a buster would probably be better than a vicgotgame but if u hav long hands a vicgotgame is better
if u have short hands a buster isnt good at all -
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 21:33:31
Here's a better example: If you have large hands, a Buster is good for you. If you have super monster huge ass vicgotgame hands, a vgg is better.
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 22:34:31
Cloud wrote: Here's a better example: If you have large hands, a Buster is good for you. If you have super monster huge ass vicgotgame hands, a vgg is better.
I still prefer a buster slightly, just because it looks better IMO. -
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 22:36:13
@MickChickenn You can make a extended one with Crayola Pipsqueak barrels connected VGG style...But you have to rub the bodies and the feel is different. Also, The backplugs are freakin' hard to get out.
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 22:42:43
Fail wrote: @MickChickenn You can make a extended one with Crayola Pipsqueak barrels connected VGG style...But you have to rub the bodies and the feel is different. Also, The backplugs are freakin' hard to get out.
Why would I need to extend my buster? Its smallish, but not that tiny. -
Date: Mon, Aug 15 2011 15:08:30
Done one 21,0cm ... = 20,72g .... wtf ...
Date: Sun, Aug 12 2012 06:09:13
BAHAHA im still laughing ! AUTO PILOT for Hai Tua
sarugio wrote: there a new st?? never saw it before,what's the diffrent? btw i try this mod and a was like "wtf this mod has auto pilot for hai tua" LOL so heavy and crazy momentum.
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 10:27:34
x3silver wrote: BAHAHA im still laughing ! AUTO PILOT for Hai Tua
thanks for informing us of your laughter, which obviously necessitates reviving a 1-year dead thread -
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 15:34:25
i.suk wrote: thanks for informing us of your laughter, which obviously necessitates reviving a 1-year dead thread
Ur welcome.;) -
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2012 11:54:42
nice.. this mod was made by Vicgotgame!!... ^_^
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2012 03:36:32
Awesome possum, gonna build this soon. :D
Date: Sun, Nov 25 2012 22:10:14
Does this mod feel heavy like a buster or kt?
Date: Mon, Nov 26 2012 01:31:09
Zephyr wrote: Does this mod feel heavy like a buster or kt?
It's by far longer and heavier than buster or KT. -
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2012 13:47:34
nice tutorial, but it would be nice if you put the pics in here... its kinda hard to click and click... ^_^
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:34:21
really interesting mod, just added rsvp grip ring for centre to add a nice spinning effect
Date: Thu, Oct 17 2013 13:40:01
a gift from vic to all the pen spinners