Trading / Buying / Minovate DC, Waterfall, Dr. KT anyone?

  1. Arab
    Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 16:27:10

    Good day UPSB, I would like to know if someone had one of the three mods in the title [Minovate DC, Waterfall mod, Dr. KT Original] I could buy. If you do, please send me a message or write on my profile. Thanks :) oh and tell me how much it costs. PS : I could even trade it in for a Namae mod if anyone wants one. But I would prefer buying it xD

  2. Danny116
    Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 22:40:30

    the waterfall and dr kt original you can buy them from penwish? i also recommend buying parts separately to save some money i dont know about a minovate DC, as eriror or minwoo :dunno:

  3. Raos
    Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 22:59:24

    minovate dc is impossible to get, no legit tutorial

  4. Nyx
    Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 10:09:40

  5. Eruption
    Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 10:21:34

    @Nyx can u translate it?

  6. Nyx
    Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 10:25:29

  7. Cloud
    Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 00:21:36

    Ahem... it says there's no real tutorial, even in that tutorial. It's just Voretex's replica. So no LEGIT tutorial.

  8. Raos
    Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 01:06:15

    I know thats not the legit tutorial, i know the tutorial and its not that