General Discussion / Kammy's 2010
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 02:26:20
Hey everyone, We finalized the results for the Kammy's and these are the winners. Now if you want to go straight to the winners, just scroll down. I'm including a spoiler with the information on our rules that we used and the process etc. [B]Also, if any of you have suggestions for new awards or the voting process or anything else we'd be glad to hear it. We can always improve the Kammy system.[/B] [B]Also, be sure to thank these people as without them this couldn't have been done! @Lettuce
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 02:56:17
Please note these are for 2010 and some of the people who won awards are actually a bit more inactive now (sadface).
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 03:06:34
Nontheless, I'm happy how the results turned out. :)
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 03:23:05
big props to nacho for organizing it
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 03:29:53
thank you for the organizer. will be proud to use these siggy ;)
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 03:42:58
Haha most friendly? I don't normally agree but in this case, how could I not? ^_^
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 03:47:48
Thanks hoiboy and no problem Gland. Oh and one more thing: iMatt made the backgrounds of the banners transparent so they do change color depending on which UPSB skin you use. If you want a set color in the background you'll have to do a little editing on your own.
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 04:06:09
Nacho, I can't download the sig on an iPod touch. Is there any way to get it?
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 04:19:26
Almost none of my nominees made it through, but the results turned out okay after all. Thanks Nacho for organising it and congratulations to all the winners!
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 04:33:10
@Kari Yeah mediafire won't let you download on ipod I don't think unless the actual picture file is uploaded. Again not sure >< However, the thing you download is actually a folder with everyone's banners in it. And also, the file is a .rar file so you will need to extract the file with something like winrar I think. And I don't think an ipod touch has those kinds of capabilities. I suggest getting to a computer to do everything. I'm not aware of a way to do it on ipod sorry ><
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 04:49:54
Possible for someone else to get it for me? I don't know the next time I can get to an actual comp. It's been probably seven or eight months since I last got to one. D:
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 04:52:43
@Kari if you PM me your email address I can DL it and email it to you
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 04:54:36
You have internet access but no computer? ._. Here I can post yours for you right here:
Save it to your ipod and then upload it to your photobucket or imageshack or whatever. Edit: Oh sorry strat you posted while I was in the advanced settings for my post >_< Edit2: sorry strat ><
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 04:56:45
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 04:58:12
Nachoaddict wrote: Edit: Oh sorry [B][COLOR="red"]shoeman [/COLOR][/B]you posted while I was in the advanced settings for my post >_<
lolwut -
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 04:59:20
I don't know why I got you two mixed up T_T
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 05:01:31
Thank you both. ^_^ Strat for the thought. Nacho for doing it. ^_^
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 05:07:03
woots! thanks! =DD so happy to win something ^___^ go aussie reps! XDD
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 06:42:41
thanks for organising ^^ and YEAHHHHH go Australia :P pfft winrar won't let me view the file =__=" can someone upload it for me/link? xD
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 08:15:49
grats to everyone winning a kammy!
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 12:02:52
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 12:31:48
lol wtf. i wasnt even aware i was nominated. *prepare for corny ty speech:* but i guess thankyou for everyone who supported me. encouragements like these help my motivation as sometimes i just dry out. im happy that the effort and time i place in my pen spinning has received some recognition as i feel that ive been spinning for a long time, and its taken patience for me to get to this stage/start to get noticed (a little). i dont think im a prodigy who can get good at a trick overnight, but if there is a trick i want to learn ill put in some persistant effort to get it down. im sure most psners do the same, but i feel this applies to me heavily. im also glad i won for creativity. an aspect in my combos that i try to focus in. i thank bonkura (hope ur up there!) , s777 for being strong influences (at least thats what i think) in my combo creativity. big thanks to pen ninja for expanding my moveset tremendously. he is someone who has actually been there for me in flesh to teach me things up front, and ive gotten much better because of his time and effort has used to visit. no way id be at the level i am without having a master/rival/friend as cool and understanding as him. another big ty to the aus team. its been some fun years. AND WELL DONE WINNERS. WE ARE FREAKIN DOMINATING PSL AND KAMMY AWARDS. gj kari-chan, i.suk, and pen ninja. I hope there'll be an australian gathering with all of you guys in it!!! <3 thanks to the organizers for these awards. and than---*speech closing up music starts playing --*NO!!!!!!
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 12:42:26
neoknux_009 wrote: lol wtf. i wasnt even aware i was nominated. *prepare for epic ty speech:* *insert epic speech contents here* *speech closing up music starts playing --*NO!!!!!!
your award category is done by the research department, it's not public xD so there won't be any 'evidence' of nominations unless you can access the secret forum section they used to discuss this stuff D: -
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 12:46:42
@i.suk yeah i knew it wasnt public. but i dont think id be where i am without some support. ;D
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 16:24:26
:rofl: FUCK YEAH. I'm pretty sure I got the best one. EDIT: Alright who's the jackass that capitalized my name in my banner? I'm not trying to be a dick, but come on shonen gets his name uncapitalized D:
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 16:36:27
whoopty do. good job all you people. i hope u feel proud of your selfs
Date: Sat, Sep 17 2011 21:03:21
How did zumbo win most helpful? Not to mention his posts are always as minimal as possible ._______. Imo strat is more helpful.
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 00:46:13
Big thanks to Nacho for starting and driving this project!!! Would have been nothing without him! Thanks everyone else for participating!! Grats to all the winners!
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 06:43:59
funnky wrote: whoopty do. good job all you people. i hope u feel proud of your selfs
I'm very proud of myself. Thank you. ^_^ -
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 09:43:16
so why is it 2010 again?
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 14:20:18
neoknux_009 wrote: so why is it 2010 again?
cause they dont know what year it is -
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:03:38
I was wondering that too. It's almost 2012 so why are we doing 2010 Kammy's?
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:05:33
It's 2010 because 2011 hasn't ended yet. And we didn't want to skip a year and jump to 2011. Also, if any of you have suggestions for new awards or the voting process or anything else we'd be glad to hear it. We can always improve the Kammy system.
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:09:23
Then wouldn't it make more sense to do 2010 Kammy's at the beginning of 2011 instead of way at the end? And 2011 Kammy's at the beginning of 2012?
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:15:15
Yes I completely agree. However what happened was, if you remember, there actually was another thread besides ours a while ago where people nominated for the Kammy's (I think it was the most popular award) however the Vault people who were supposed to finish the nominations didn't get around to it. So after a couple months I think Hippo and I decided to ask Zombo if the RD could handle the project and after he said yes, we put out all the threads and etc. That's why they're so late this year. If we do end up doing 2011 Kammy's as well, we will be doing them early in 2012. I don't know if the Vault people will want to handle the project or not.
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:19:31
Why not keep it in the RD then?
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:21:53
2009 Kammy's were done by people in the Vault. I'd love to keep them in the RD but in the case the Vault people actually really want to participate or take it into their own hands we'll have to work something out. Also, despite our RD having over 20 members less than half of them ended up participating. I think a few more people could better represent the different opinions of the UPSB community when it comes time to deliberate and vote. I'm not expecting a revival of the Research Department where 10 or 20 people join because the RD is kind of dead right now :/
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:25:11
I'd help if I could but I don't know how much I could do for you guys. Lol
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:28:03
Well if you have particular opinions about certain awards that's all we need: for you to voice your opinion. Or if you have any ideas for new awards etc. etc.
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:36:14
Any specific place they should be posted?
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:38:49
Well we posted everything that was non-public in the Research Department area which is unviewable to regular members. Either you'll have to become a researcher or we'll work something out if you're the only non-researcher person who wants to participate.
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 16:41:18
Sounds good to me. ^_^
Date: Sun, Sep 18 2011 20:21:50
Congrats to everyone who won. Maybe I'll win one in the Kammy 2011 :P
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 05:04:29
Ed wrote: Congrats to everyone who won. Maybe I'll win one in the Kammy 2011 :P
Noobiest noob nominee. ;) -
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 06:20:16
Most inspirational Best CVs Best Editor @Nachoaddict Some suggestions :D
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 07:01:33
Well we had Gland as best editor but yeah thanks for the suggestions ^^
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 08:08:49
if you do have the Best CV, who's going to win the award? the editor or the organizor? or the spinners? XP
Date: Mon, Sep 19 2011 16:56:47
Kari wrote: Haha most friendly? I don't normally agree but in this case, how could I not? ^_^
You go Kari. -
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 17:20:52
I just realized I cheated then, I didn't join UPSB again until January. Requesting best cheater Kammy :<
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 22:07:06
nah it's supposed to be through the beginning of '11 also
Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 22:36:19
Yeah we were a bit lenient on some of the awards. Don't worry about it lol.
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 00:12:19
Congrats winners! I thought of some new awards: Since you have best editor for CV's, I thought of Best Solo Editor (as in for solo videos). And: Most active battler Best Sportsmanship Coolest Piece Sign (lol) I might be able to think of more, in which I'll update this post. The rest here are all really not as "serious" you could say, but since you have best power tricker: Wicked Wipers Loopy Links Two Hand Madness Super Smooth etc...
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 03:11:43
Don't know if we should really award someone for being an active battle contestant because what if they loose all their battles. Is that really worth rewarding? Sportsmanship is kind of ambiguous and hard to pick someone for because a lot of spinners congratulate each other after battles. Coolest Peace Sign could work I think but not sure. Wipers I think is too narrow of an award. It's one type of trick :/ While something like power encompasses multiple tricks. Links is kind of like style and combos. Also, it's not clear what kind of linkages: difficult? stylish? etc. I'm glad you brought up Two Hands because that sounds like a great addition to the list. Smoothness is kind of iffy but I suppose could work.
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 04:16:41
Thank You to everyone who voted and to all that help organize this. Just like neo, I really didn't know i was nominated as well. Winning two awards in modding is shocking to me since i dont consider myself a modder anymore. I also didn't really know how much the community liked my yelo mod. I guess the reason i'm so unaware is that i dont check out the forums as much as i used to. However, I hope people don't think that i am inactive now. I'm still very active in pen spinning, just not on the forum. I still spin a lot, still working and perfecting tricks which i hope to reveal soon, along with other video projects. Also, congratulation to everyone else that won.
Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 04:38:33
TEK wrote: Thank You to everyone who voted and to all that help organize this. Just like neo, I really didn't know i was nominated as well. Winning two awards in modding is shocking to me since i dont consider myself a modder anymore. I also didn't really know how much the community liked my yelo mod. I guess the reason i'm so unaware is that i dont check out the forums as much as i used to. However, I hope people don't think that i am inactive now. I'm still very active in pen spinning, just not on the forum. I still spin a lot, still working and perfecting tricks which i hope to reveal soon, along with other video projects. Also, congratulation to everyone else that won.
You, Kam, and iMatt all received awards but you are all pretty inactive on the forums right now. The reason for this is a) you were semi-active during 2010 if I remember correctly and b) there were no modding awards in 2009 so we wanted to commemorate the people who made large contributions to UPSB modding in the past couple of years even if their activity decreased significantly. I think even though you released your Yelo mod in 2011, it was very early in the year and it was a LOT more popular than the other mods in the public poll. So we just made an exception. We were kind of lenient with the original rules ^^ -
Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 12:59:07
can i request for the biggest bitch award for next year? i bet you i could win that?
Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 21:33:01
Now you are just trying too hard AoD1. ;)
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 14:42:16
Perhaps this thread could be sticked in place of the Kammy's 2010 one? @Erirornal Kraione