Off-topic / well, this is saddening

  1. iColor
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 04:33:52

    None of the UPSB moderators are active spinners.. (except, myself and Eriror) Even now, UPSB is a modding and (because we are an international board.) a trading forum. Check the forum posts, 13,000 posts in Pen Modifications. 10,000 in Trading/Buying. Even Fundamental Tricks + Advanced Tricks = 4,402. Not even close. What should we do about this? Or rather: What's more important, UPSB being a modder community or a pen spinning community?

  2. Nachoaddict
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 04:38:16

    Yeah I noticed as well actually with myself. I only come here to check mainly 3 things: SOYP, Trading area, and Team Forums. Then other things if I'm bored. Honestly I don't know if there's really something that would have a significant impact on how people view the forum.

  3. iColor
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 04:43:55

    Newer spinners don't know how much themselves are worth, and some older members don't recognize that that new spinners are good. Also, what would happen if we had moderators that were spinning actively, wouldn't that turn UPSB into a more spinning community?

  4. Nachoaddict
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 04:47:40

    I don't know about giving one type of community more importance over the other. I think that UPSB is just going through a phase where a lot of older members have left and gone and the newer generation hasn't fully gotten to where the old generation used to be. At least spinning wise. Modding wise if you want to look at it strictly based on modders who use UPSB as their main board the situation is likewise. We get a lot of good mods from overseas or other countries in SOYP. EDIT: Didn't see the last part of that post. I think if we had moderators who spun actively and actively contributed to spinning related threads and posts on UPSB, it would definitely affect how much attention we'd give to spinnning. When you have leaders of the community contributing like that I think it encourages at least younger spinners. However I'm just not sure to what extent :s It's true we are a Pen Spinning community so it's probably best to have a couple more actively spinning moderators.

  5. iColor
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 04:54:22

    This topic = My realization on how big of a job I have.

  6. Nachoaddict
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 04:55:25

    Lead a revolutionary movement of the board. :) (Not the mutiny kind of deal if you were wondering).

  7. Hippo2626
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 06:35:58

    I've noticed it as well. I truely is sad... If you spend a ton of time on the spinning side of things here like me, nothing much ever happens. Good threads die out, gets spammed or gets hate (so that number isn't very accurate)

  8. Krypton
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 06:39:00

    How about Eriror?

  9. Koza
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 06:40:59

    Good thread. ^^ bump

  10. Pen Ninja
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 07:07:31

    it really does suck... as an australian i dont have anywhere else to go -.- so clearly i need to be made a mod

  11. i.suk
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 07:26:21

    Pen Ninja wrote: it really does suck... as an australian i dont have anywhere else to go -.- so clearly i need to be made a mod
    me too....xD hmm, but UPSB being a central place to trade/mod means that there's many more members (in terms of pure numbers) posting about modding than those who post about tricks (mainly the people with UPSB as main board) clearly, no. people on UPSB >> no. of people with UPSB as their main board that being said, i do feel more attention should be put into spinning rather than random messing around/modding =__=" compared to other 'major' boards for WC12, UPSB is in one of the worst positions (qualification is questionable/not good chance) D:

  12. Jazz
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 07:51:53

    I shall revert to HKPSA. Nawloljk, but we need to strengthen as a whole board :3

    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 07:55:36

    We don't really have the heavy dedication and put-together-ness as some other boards do. I mean, we aren't pumping out collabs, and more than half the posts nowadays on here are probably just spam,hate or retards posting just for the sake of posting something. If this board really plans on going more seriously into spinning, we're gonna need more organization in terms of putting together collabs, some practice battles, solo videos, stuff like that, otherwise this board doesn't seem like it's gonna go anywhere. I actually know that a lot of people who used to go on UPSB left simply because of the retards who now inhabit the board. I'm honestly considering going to TWPS instead, because some of the people on here are so fucking stupid -____-' Though it's true a lot of people just like pens and not spinning, so they only look at SOYP and whatnot, and that's acceptable, (well, it's not like it's frowned upon or anything) but we have only a handful of people who actually use UPSB for spinning purposes.

  14. wings
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 10:19:52

    ban trollers for a week? i guess lol why are you guys(mods) letting them get away? @___@

    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 10:31:46

    ive noticed it, but i dont know what can actually be done. more collabs perhaps? if penspinning returned to its glory like back then in 07 and 08.....

  16. Kari
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 11:06:00

    iColor wrote: Newer spinners don't know how much themselves are worth, and some older members don't recognize that that new spinners are good. Also, what would happen if we had moderators that were spinning actively, wouldn't that turn UPSB into a more spinning community?
    The problem is that you just can't make moderators spin if they don't want to. I don't think there is a way to fix that issue. Also I never check soyp or any trading threads. I'm not too interested in that. I really look forward to new spinners because I like helping them learn tricks and helping with any beginner questions they have. ^_^

  17. TheAafg
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 11:38:43

    doesn't Eriror still spin? :? yea we need to really focus on the spinning of this board, as a whole. What can be done about it? more tournaments? more collabs?

  18. Explosion101
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 11:55:48

    I have noticed that in myself, and I am trying to focus on spinning now that I've realized I spend way too much money/time on modding. :/

  19. MrBlazery
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 12:02:47

    I guess we can have a beginners collab? im not sure if we have one yet but it would be nice :)

  20. iColor
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 12:59:18

    I didn't mean to discredit the other moderators, they're great and perfectly fine for UPSB. But, what if we did have more active spinning mods? I'm not sure how much that would affect anything.

  21. strat1227
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 13:02:06

    I don't think having more spinning mods matters plus it's not like the moderators are all modders either, EK is our only spinner and imatt is our only modder, it's even i always hated modding anyway, i just don't get it

  22. Hippo2626
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 13:36:54

    I don't think having more collabs and competitions would work. Or rather it hasn't helped us so far. We recently had a large amount of tournaments (4 I think) and there has bee a large number of collabs for a long time. Nothing has changed since then and now just the constant decrease of interest in spinning.

  23. chris
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 13:44:41

    Semi-relevant: As an old member, I have noticed that this has been the journey UPSB has been travelling on for the past months. Every time I go on here it's either SOYP or the Offtopic section I go (I've given up on trading for sometime). Rarely do I even go to the Videos section much even the Tricks section. It seems that UPSB has gotten a bit boring (at least for me), but like an addiction, I find myself going back here from time to time. Rarely do I even take PSing that seriously (even if I wanted to be better than my current level, I can't bring myself to spin that seriously as compared before). It's like...just something to pass just waste time. That being said, it would be good that not only to have moderators who are active spinners, but perhaps some sort of "revival" to the PSing, starting with the new spinners. Idk what I'm saying, pardon me.

  24. iColor
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 13:56:35

    I'm pretty convinced that any type of staff we have wouldn't change UPSB. It's how the users use/view the board. Also, I don't think it's a cycle of new spinners/old spinners. I believe it's like a constant stream of incoming spinners and exiting "experienced spinners". The problem isn't that we aren't getting enough new spinners, it's because we're losing them somewhere along the stream. Mm, a cycle to me doesn't sound as smooth.

  25. strat1227
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 13:57:18

    chrisPS wrote: Semi-relevant: As an old member, I have noticed that this has been the journey UPSB has been travelling on for the past months. Every time I go on here it's either SOYP or the Offtopic section I go (I've given up on trading for sometime). Rarely do I even go to the Videos section much even the Tricks section. It seems that UPSB has gotten a bit boring (at least for me), but like an addiction, I find myself going back here from time to time. Rarely do I even take PSing that seriously (even if I wanted to be better than my current level, I can't bring myself to spin that seriously as compared before). It's like...just something to pass just waste time. That being said, it would be good that not only to have moderators who are active spinners, but perhaps some sort of "revival" to the PSing, starting with the new spinners. Idk what I'm saying, pardon me.
    I swear we go through this every 6 months ... Go back and re-read your own post. You're saying that UPSB has somehow changed, and the example you give is that YOU YOURSELF only look at SOYP and off topic ... UPSB doesn't change, the people do PS will always be like this: New members find it awesome and exciting. about 1/10 dedicate themselves and get really pro, about 1/10 love the community and stick around even if they get bored of PS, and about 8/10 slowly get bored of it and eventually leave UPSB is and always will be the same, you're changing, not it

  26. MickChickenn
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 14:24:36

    It is kinda sad. However, the number of mods and possibilities is greater than the number of tricks and possibilities making it FAR easier to get the amount of modding threads on this board higher. Plus modding has SOYP, which is unfair.

  27. Rapid
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 14:29:19

    Well IMO we are parting ways with spinning because of lack of motivation. Still relevant to the cycle theory icolor suggested. As old members go out the newfags like me lack motivation. I was here only like november and at that time, vic was still here. When i see him post i immediately take a look at it and be like "omgwtf vic posted! :OOOOOOOO". I was happy when supawit posts, vic jamie ek and all the legends lol. So yeah just my hypothesis tho :/

  28. strat1227
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 14:30:58

    upsb is going down the drain [/sarcasm]

  29. Spin4fun
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 15:27:58

    would holding more events work? Just a suggestion, because i have always wanted a tourney for my level (newbie xD) but never had the chance or never actually seen anyone host tourneys for beginners. Maybe host some event every 2 months or something that actually gets the spinners active :D, just my idea. sorry if im being noisy :/

  30. funnky
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 15:48:45

    its a modding forum

  31. shoeman6
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 16:01:18

    strat1227 wrote: I swear we go through this every 6 months ... Go back and re-read your own post. You're saying that UPSB has somehow changed, and the example you give is that YOU YOURSELF only look at SOYP and off topic ... UPSB doesn't change, the people do PS will always be like this: New members find it awesome and exciting. about 1/10 dedicate themselves and get really pro, about 1/10 love the community and stick around even if they get bored of PS, and about 8/10 slowly get bored of it and eventually leave UPSB is and always will be the same, you're changing, not it
    I think strat said it the best, There's nothing wrong with wanting to contirbute more to different aspects of spinning. For those who need or use the tricks section it is there, and they make use of it, it's not lacking in any case. With a growth in youtube tutorials people often go there for learning and the boards for support, most of the time all we can say is practice. I remember when people were arguing how members spent too much time battling, or recently how there hasn't been enough innovation in modding, but it's all about where you are in your own spinning that shapes how you view the board. I like the idea of growing and making something new, or better, but the users of upsb drive those kinds of innovations and excitement.

  32. Prince
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 16:04:23

    Why does it matter? We have the forums if people want them... obviously the most popular ones are used the most, whats wrong with that

  33. Koza
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 16:59:06

    I think we[UPSB], just need to spin more. Spinning needz moar soul if you want it to flourish as an art, or whatever. Competition or otherwise, you need people more focused on spinning than anything else. Modding is great. Kudos to the people modding all the cool mods of today, but what good is a cool looking mod if you can't spin it for shit? You look like a fool spinning something like that, poorly. Just gotta find a way to get the masses more interested in spinning. How this is going to get done, I don't know. So many people from other boards come and go as they please... nothin' wrong with it, but its gotta be a pain to manage all those people. But I'm still hopeful that UPSB can get outta this pseudo-spinless rut and stand a chance in more tournaments like World Cup and stuff. Even if the team doesn't stand a chance, at least we'll have one. :/

  34. GeeGeeGee
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 20:22:46

    Koza wrote: I think we[UPSB], just need to spin more. Spinning needz moar soul if you want it to flourish as an art, or whatever. Competition or otherwise, you need people more focused on spinning than anything else. Modding is great. Kudos to the people modding all the cool mods of today, but what good is a cool looking mod if you can't spin it for shit? You look like a fool spinning something like that, poorly. Just gotta find a way to get the masses more interested in spinning. How this is going to get done, I don't know. So many people from other boards come and go as they please... nothin' wrong with it, but its gotta be a pain to manage all those people. But I'm still hopeful that UPSB can get outta this pseudo-spinless rut and stand a chance in more tournaments like World Cup and stuff. Even if the team doesn't stand a chance, at least we'll have one. :/
    totally agree. nice mods + spin like shit = The SHIT. haha i've said that before. UPSB needs good spinners. I see many great spinner from other board but rarely here. I know i.suk and that's it. i don't want to offend other spinners but i'm being honest here.

  35. Colin
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 20:51:40

    IIRC, Xero covered this issue in v3.

  36. spinford
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 22:27:54

    I noticed this for a long time. there used to be lots of moderaters that spin. now in decreasing. =(

  37. Van
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 22:35:00

    Spin4fun wrote: [B]would holding more events work? Just a suggestion, because i have always wanted a tourney for my level (newbie xD) but never had the chance or never actually seen anyone host tourneys for beginners.[/B] Maybe host some event every 2 months or something that actually gets the spinners active :D, just my idea. sorry if im being noisy :/
    done that, was pretty good after round 1 (about 50% submitted lmfao)

  38. XYZaki
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 22:41:40

    Xero pointed this out 3 years ago. It's not a big deal. Pen modding appears to be more interesting than actually spinning when people get past the whole "wow" factor/appeal spinning has. In fact, a great deal of people would quickly lose interest in pen spinning if it weren't for modding. Please lose your liberal cynical hipster pen spinner attitude and stop puporting yourself to be a visionary for the penspinning community. You're a fucking betamod.

  39. MinEste
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 22:45:29

    some of you compare UPSB to other boards too much

  40. King
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 22:48:57

    Start a revolution, iColor. Encourage collabs, spinners, promos, solo videos. Inspire others to pick up the pen again.

  41. nateiskewl
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 22:50:31


  42. iColor
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 22:59:28

    XYZaki;134677]Xero pointed this out 3 years ago. It's not a big deal. Pen modding appears to be more interesting than actually spinning when people get past the whole "wow" factor/appeal spinning has. In fact, a great deal of people would quickly lose interest in pen spinning if it weren't for modding. Please lose your liberal cynical hipster pen spinner attitude and stop puporting yourself to be a visionary for the penspinning community. You're a fucking betamod.[/QUOTE] You're funny. I never said I was going to take control and change UPSB. I only said I had a lot of work to do, as a moderator that pen spins actively, and can act as an stable support for people. I don't know why you're treating me harshly, I'm not an idiot. Do you think I really want to lead some sort of revolution, when it's not going to do anything? This topic was to at least inform people or inspire some people to keep pen spinning. Now, you can leave and go to your LPSA and take your attitude too. I'm sure the others would love it. EDIT: But when you talk like a reasonable human being: [QUOTE=XYZaki wrote: Xero pointed this out 3 years ago. It's not a big deal. Pen modding appears to be more interesting than actually spinning when people get past the whole "wow" factor/appeal spinning has. In fact, a great deal of people would quickly lose interest in pen spinning if it weren't for modding.
    I'm able to agree with you.

  43. RicLu98
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 23:03:28

    this is the universal PEN SPINNING board. i say that all the mods should be active pen spinners and if they're not, they shouldn't really be mods.

  44. exclusive
    Date: Wed, Sep 14 2011 23:38:43

    lol now lpsa is made

  45. Hippo2626
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 00:29:55 For anyone who is interested in Xero's thread

  46. funnky
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 00:30:45

    nateiskewl wrote: WHO GIVES A SHIT UPSB BLOWS COCK
    i have never agreed more

  47. colourfulXinsanity
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 00:48:51

    It's because all the cool kids have left. Shadowserpant, sangara(ish), JC, Outlander, DeaHa, and now me, ect.

  48. Colin
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 00:57:42

    colourfulXinsanity wrote: It's because all the cool kids have left. Shadowserpant, sangara(ish), JC, Outlander, DeaHa, and now me, ect.
    Youre a cool kid?

  49. Greenman
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 01:18:43

    Hmmmmmm what to say.... I am decent at psing for almost a year of psing (with a slow start :P ) and not to great at modding only one personal mod :rofl: But i agree with icolor psing has slowed down for us now that a bunch of our great spinners left for example: vic :( i have to say modding is interesting but without psing there is no modding

  50. strat1227
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 01:35:58

    yeah "everyone" is leaving just like when i had been here about a year all the good people were leaving (flip, donk3y, all the other spinners you guys have never heard of) each "generation" has their own set of spinners that are great when the join, and then leave later on

  51. hoiboy
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 01:50:51

    RicLu98 wrote: this is the universal PEN SPINNING board. i say that all the mods should be active pen spinners and if they're not, they shouldn't really be mods.
    whoops, there goes zombo

  52. hoiboy
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 01:53:36

    Who are the majority of the new spinners? Kids in middle school/underclassmen. Who are the most enthusiastic spinners? Kids in middle school/underclassmen. Who is mature enough to moderate? Definitely not kids in middle school.

  53. sangara
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 02:07:16

    Boohoo. Spin your pen.

  54. Vassenato
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 02:17:34

    time for v.5 guize

  55. Nachoaddict
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 02:53:45


  56. Sc00t
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 05:07:34

    i agree there's a point where it's important to have the wisdom of the previous generation watch over the new like kam and zombo with their forum positions and how much they've contributed to PS or done for the community (and still do in zombo's case), and eriror and iColor who still spin and represent, but the other staff are [mostly] just retired spinners that, rather than inspire others to look up to for spinning with their contributions to ps as a whole, just manage the forum on an almost distant level to the content it revolves around. Without enough encouragement, it degraded to being a haven for trolls and traders where penspinners can't find enough people to look up to. It becomes less a matter of moderation and more a matter of solidarity. What image do we want this forum to send? That's what we have to find out.

  57. Zkhan
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 05:11:51

    Stare wrote: i agree there's a point where it's important to have the wisdom of the previous generation watch over the new like kam and zombo with their forum positions and how much they've contributed to PS or done for the community (and still do in zombo's case), and eriror and iColor who still spin and represent, but the other staff are [mostly] just retired spinners that, rather than inspire others to look up to for spinning with their contributions to ps as a whole, just manage the forum on an almost distant level to the content it revolves around. Without enough encouragement, it degraded to being a haven for trolls and traders where penspinners can't find enough people to look up to. It becomes less a matter of moderation and more a matter of solidarity. What image do we want this forum to send? That's what we have to find out.
    you are a product of the issues upsb is facing now. you no longer spin.

  58. boshi
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 06:00:36

    nagi, cloud traveller, asian tim, seven, kuzu, minwoo, and a handful of other japanese and koreans. time for some self studying.

  59. Rogersbored
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 08:49:37

    This thread in itself has inspired me. I interpreted this thread as "If I spin more and get better, I can inspire other people to spin, too!" Also, some people seem to be dividing "modding" and "spinning." I think they're two peas in a pod. No spinning = no modding. No modding = no spinning. Each inspire each other, and themselves, respectively. I have realized the increase of trolls, flamers, and haters, even though I haven't been in UPSB for very long. They troll threads that newcomers make when they ask questions, and that causes the newcomer to either quit, or become a troll themselves. This is a good thread, but do note that it will take time and effort to make UPSB change for the better.

  60. Pudels Kern
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 14:01:51

    The composition of the moderating teams just reflects the preferences of the community. It's because of the activity in the modding and trading sections that some mods were chosen who have a lot of experience in these things.

  61. strat1227
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 18:30:43

    lol hoiboy has had the best post thus far

  62. hoiboy
    Date: Thu, Sep 15 2011 21:40:25

    on an unrelated note, did anyone feel that JC's team tourney boosted UPSB?

  63. SJ
    Date: Fri, Sep 16 2011 03:41:07

    i just dont see america accepting penspinning as a major sport, thus penspinners lose motivation to become better or pursue it as a career. i mean at least in some parts of asia and europe they hire them for commercials and etc. ex) minwoo. in the states, not so much. the reason i dont see it ever making it big is that penspinning is very inconsistent. it takes hours to film a crazyass combo. can spinners do that on their first try at an event in front of a crowd or at a tournament? even worse, they have to do multiple combos. preferably without dropping the mod. i think penspinning is more or less a phase. everyone goes through it, then moves on. its a fun hobby though.