Manipulative Arts / Dice Stacking

  1. GhostAce
    Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 12:08:32

    Dice Stacking is using a cup to swipe up a few dices such that when you put the cup down, the dices will be stacked. Heres a tutorial:

  2. Fran
    Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 15:47:06

    Ya I have problems sometimes when i put the cup down anyone know who to stack four then put another stack on top of it

  3. GhostAce
    Date: Sun, Jul 11 2010 20:28:27

    Fran wrote: Ya I have problems sometimes when i put the cup down anyone know who to stack four then put another stack on top of it
    From my experience its easier to do a sudden stop (Hard to explain X_X). Just make sure the entire circumference of the cup is touching the table. Stacking dices on another tower of dice is called point stacking (Stacking dices at a point), practice stacking dices on something with a small surface area first (I use a phone around 1/5 size of a Iphone (Samsung F480 if you want to know)).

  4. Fran
    Date: Mon, Jul 12 2010 04:58:36

    OH ok thanks i'll try to do some point stacking later :)

  5. Kari-Chan
    Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 02:15:47

    i want to do this but i don't have a suitable cup for it XP

  6. jess
    Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 03:13:37

    Kari-Chan wrote: i want to do this but i don't have a suitable cup for it XP
    haha same! but then again i have dice with rounded corners orz

  7. Fran
    Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 03:25:04

    i learned using the cup and dice out of a yahtzee game :p

  8. Mike
    Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 06:52:50

    The easy part seems to be getting the die in the cup and stacking them. Nut then to actually stack them on top of each other is much harder O_o

  9. GhostAce
    Date: Tue, Jul 13 2010 13:11:52

    Any plastic cup will do though I prefer a cup specifically for dice-stacking. I heard cups for cups stacking works too (Some have no bottom though). It is easier to use dice with sharper edge, I bought mine at 4 for SGD$6 (Not casino dices those cost a hell lot more). Stacking dice on dice is helluva hard I can't even do it.

  10. viniciuspeed4
    Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 00:14:18

    Dice Stacking but in reality is something very simple you just need to get the hang of lowering the glass because the data automatically when you take the dices they stand up and really you can do with any and all dice as a sign but the casino dice are easiest to be kept standing Sorry if the translation was terrible I do not speak English And a video with me doing Dice Stack Click

  11. Mike
    Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 01:46:44

    viniciuspeed4 wrote: Dice Stacking but in reality is something very simple you just need to get the hang of lowering the glass because the data automatically when you take the dices they stand up and really you can do with any and all dice as a sign but the casino dice are easiest to be kept standing Sorry if the translation was terrible I do not speak English And a video with me doing Dice Stack Click
    I didn't know any data was involved in this D:

  12. Jamal
    Date: Mon, Aug 30 2010 01:59:02

    [video=youtube;j6xKTEMPTpw][/video] isnt inertia awesome?