Reports / Reported Post by Van
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 18:52:48
Van has reported a post. Reason:
annoying as hell
Post: Slow spinning Forum: General Discussion Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: funnky Original Content:Illusion wrote: Dude, He's asking which one will a noob prefer. And your explaining it as if the noob understands what your saying. I'm not flaming or anything. I just think your annoying. ._. Back to Topic I prefer fast spinning since it looks appealing. I agree that slow spinning can show the difficulty of a linkage or combo. But when I watch slow spinning i get bored i don't get excited that much. I also can't see the spinning effect of the pen. When I see the spinning effect of a pen and it looks cool, I consider it as a good video IMO.
dont feed the trolls dumbass................and i dont recall him asking what a noob would prefeer.