Approved Tutorials / Gee3x Mod
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 20:06:46
=========================== Stats: =========================== Versions of Gee3x Mod[B][B] Original Gee3x Mod [/B][/B] [B]MP Gee3x mod with z-grip mech. [/B] [B]Light Gee3x Mod[/B] [B]RT Gee3x Mod[/B] [B]Fully Insertable Gee3x Mod[/B] [B]Gee3x mod with gripcut[/B] [B]Heavy Gee3x Mod [/B][B]Retractable Gee3x Mod tutorial is on page 3 post #29[/B] [B]Mechanical Pencil Gee3x Mod tutorial is on page 4 post #35[/B] COG: COP Length: 20.5cm (shorter or longer depends on modder) Weight: approx. 14-17g Style: Single-sided Writing-Mechanism: either no ink or MP or RT Estimated-Cost: approx. [B]$10 [/B]$1 or $2 off and hours of modding =========================== Materials List: ===========================
All American parts. 1x Signo Broad: $2.45 1x Pilot G2 : $1.99 [B]2x[/B] z-grip: $3.49 1x R.S.V.P: $.99 1x BIC: $.99 =========================== Tool ===========================
=========================== Tutorial: =========================== [SPOILER="Part 1"]Parts needed.
Bic body, G2 grip and backplug?, RVSP cap, [B]2[/B] z-grip bodies amd grip, signo broad grip and tip.
1. Cut the body 4.5cm for both barrels
2. Sand the 2nd z-grip. Try to connect the bodies with [B]INSERT[/B] so that later you don't have to sand them again.
3. Wrap some teflon tape on the backplug
4. Screw on Signo tip.
5. Put it in first z-grip body. Should fit nicely. If it doesn't, still be patient.
6. Use nail clipper to cut the clip and put insert.
7. Put signo grip on Bic body. Make sure you leave it a little over the body so when you put in RSVP cap it won’t show the Bic.
8. Put it inside RSVP cap and run the blade around the extra grip hanging out and you get .5 cm of signo grip. Continue the post below.[/SPOILER]
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 20:08:12
[SPOILER="Part 2"]
9. Put the Bic inside the 2nd z-grip wrapped around with insert. Push it hard so the Bic stay tightly inside z-grip. Put on signo grip
10. Mark as shown and cut the Bic where the mark is. Remember to sand it so the Bic is a bit shorter. Like this You should get 4.2 cm left.
11. Put them back together.
12. I use clear tape as replacement for insert. So wrap your insert around the grip and push in until it touches the line in the middle of the cap. Then take x-acto knife and run through the insert.
13. Connect the two bodies with the insert.
14. Use G2, remaining signo grip, and z-grip. Use tape if desired.
15. Put the smooth part of the z-grip on RSVP cap and you’re done! [B]Please note that i put the remain signo grip and another black grip on. [/B] [/SPOILER] =========================== Q/A: =========================== [B]Where can you get z-grip and signo broad? [/B]Office Depot [B]What is a good sub for signo grip?[/B] RSVP but you can’t have inserts inside the cap. [B]Where’s the light and heavy version? What are MP and RT? [/B]You can use Pilot Better Retractable tip to sub for Signo tip and don’t put the grip ON the cap.
The heavy version: cut .5cm of z-grip barrel where you screw signo tip on, screw signo tip on then take hi-Tec or G3 and screw onto signo like Seven G3 or other G3. I will upload RT and MP tutorial if anyone request. [B]I don’t have RVSP cap….=.= what are other sub? [/B]Hyperjell , Jimmy and G3, basically any caps that are big. [B]You said customizable grip but I don’t see how. [/B]You can make gripcut on G2 or change it to signo knock or signo RT. Have a little imagination. [B]I don’t like the grip in the front! [/B]You could use another z-grip or signo broad cap to sub for the grip in front. For z-grip you cut the body as desired and put them in with INSERT or tapecut whatever you like. But you need to sand the front too in order to fit z-grip body. [B]How is this a tutorial? [/B]I'll make a video tutorial if anyone request. [B]"Who request this shit?" [/B]: Jan or Walrus DArKT, LittleRabbith, MickChickenn, Nicetricks, Hoyessuan and Supergirl. If you have any more question post/comment below.
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 20:20:28
Never thought I'd see a use for the Z-grip haha. I love the construction of the mod. Good job. Clean tutorial. :thumb: That white insert version looks nice too
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 20:21:35
The best tuto ever. But this is hard to mod>.<
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 20:49:55
RT and MP tuto pl0x
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 21:07:57
That's an amazing looking mod! I'll have to try this when i get the materials!
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 21:50:25
amazing mod *-* tnx for tuto
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 22:33:00
about the heavy version, wouldn't it be off balance if there is an extra tip on the front of the mod, but nothing at the back S:
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 22:37:09
uhm thanks guy ... Explosion101: I'll give you the sneak peak of the MP Gee3x Mod. But promise me you won't jizz lol jk!
I have you guys know, that is [B]SIGNO TIP[/B]!! You guys probably wandering what the hell is the metal thing inside the signo tip. Haha!!! Video of the mod coming soon! Uhm... how do you mention people? I don't know how.
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 22:38:17
lol hey i made a mod with the same z-grip body a while back :D
of course mine is all fugly due to the amount of spare parts used <_< very clean
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 22:40:17
awesome mod :thumb: you could get signo broads from office depot? wow mp and rt tuts please
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 22:49:33
hahakumquat;129334]lol hey i made a mod with the same z-grip body a while back :D of course mine is all fugly due to the amount of spare parts used <_< very clean[/QUOTE] Wow yours look exactly like the one i'm gonna post in like next month or something. really i have a sketch it of on my notebook. You can call ur mod with ur name. Doesn't have to be mine. (only you nobody else lol) [QUOTE=Danny116;129332]about the heavy version, wouldn't it be off balance if there is an extra tip on the front of the mod, but nothing at the back S:[/QUOTE] There's a extra space inside RSVP cap where you could put like dr grip g-spec to balance the mod. That's why in the tutorial I [B]purposely[/B] state you cut the BIC body shorter to allow more tips and grips. [QUOTE=Jacob8185 wrote: awesome mod :thumb: you could get signo broads from office depot? wow mp and rt tuts please
yeah White and Golden Signo Broad are sold in Office Depot. I even saw this guy. -
Date: Fri, Aug 26 2011 23:25:53
Isn't it just an mpmx v3 mech? ._____.
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 00:36:55
Nachoaddict wrote: Isn't it just an mpmx v3 mech? ._____. watch carefully at the end, you know that MP RSVP v.3 mech can't go in and out of the tip but mine can. Yeah mine is [B]really[/B] complicated to make. But i'll go with v.3 mech. Now you should guess the parts for RT. :D -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 01:00:14
finally i can use all those z grips i have XD
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 01:34:19
for the RT i'll take a wild guess and say you're using the G2 mechanism?
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 01:39:08
what a useful z-grip! ^^
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 01:44:13
very nice mod man
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 01:56:44
Explosion101 wrote: for the RT i'll take a wild guess and say you're using the G2 mechanism?
uhm how in exactly does G2 fit in any part of this mod? lol thanks for comments it really make me happy. -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 02:19:53
nice job! One of the best tuts i seen done by a newcomer
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 04:26:04
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: nice job! One of the best tuts i seen done by a newcomer
i've spinning since April, 2009. I just found UPSB. I'm new but filled with experiences. and it not hard to make a tutorial if follow the template. (W.E it called) I've posted MP Gee3x mod, now RT Gee3x Mod. NO picture sorry guys tomorrow i'll upload. I had working for the tutorial since 10:00 AM. I will definitely post tutorial two requested versions. [video=youtube;42MtXk0HvWc][/video] Rate Comment and Subscribe. [B] GeeGeeGee or Gee3x[/B] -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 04:40:21
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 12:15:38
GeeGeeGee wrote: uhm how in exactly does G2 fit in any part of this mod? lol thanks for comments it really make me happy.
i have no idea but it was worth a shot :P -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 15:18:23
thanks for the tutorial!!!!!!!! about the insert colour, is it normal yellow? is it possible for you to post the insert? (i dont want to get the shade/tone of yellow wrong) thanks
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 15:32:15
this is a pretty hard mod to make x_x i had to read through the tutorial a few times to understand it
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 16:10:57
GeeGeeGee wrote: watch carefully at the end, you know that MP RSVP v.3 mech can't go in and out of the tip but mine can. Yeah mine is [B]really[/B] complicated to make. But i'll go with v.3 mech. Now you should guess the parts for RT. :D
I see. :notsureface: -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 16:43:02
Explosion101 wrote: this is a pretty hard mod to make x_x i had to read through the tutorial a few times to understand it
ok if you have any question, you can ask me i'll answer every single one of them :D yeah if you follow the tutorial [B]RIGHT[/B] then there wouldn't be a problem. yeah you have to make the back part first then the front. it's weird i know but it's better that way. Tell me which part confuses you, i'll fix it. About the insert, I just find bright green color paper. The color is similar to this. I think it's bright green. Nacho: you don't get it? if you have mp mx v.3, the mechanism can't go in and out. It just stay the same. And when you drop it, the lead might broke. I'm not saying mine can hold the lead in place but my version looks like a non-MP mod ..i think. -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 16:45:02
I get it. I'm just saying I don't know what mech you used.
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 20:31:00
[B]RT Gee3x Mod is out![/B] I hope you like it. Before starting the tutorial, I want you to know that I don't have exact messurements for this. I made mine different. [SPOILER="RT Gee3x Mod tutorial"] Material Pilot Better Retractable ( spring if clic stic spring doesn't fit.) Clic Stic med. ( spring and mechanism) Gee3x Mod 2x RSVP ink tube ( one from Gee3x mod) Tools Tweezers Small Screwdriver (optional) X-acto knife Teflon tape Prepare: take 1 RSVP ink tube and clear out the ink. 1. Connect the clear ink tube with another RSVP ink tube. DON’T do anything to it yet
2. Put Teflon tape around the pilot back plug as shown.
3. Use screwdriver or x-acto knife to drill a hole in the front. Please make a [B]small[/B] hole.
4. Screw on pilot better tip.
5. Put the spring from clic stic or pilot better or any spring you have, inside g2 backplug.
6. Dissemble clic stic. Take the spring and mechanism.
7. Make the mechanism like you would do for[B] RT RSVP MX’s mech[/B]. Mine has tape because I sand it too much.
8. Put it in Bic body in Gee3x Mod with RSVP ink. The barrel looks short because I cut it but you don't have to do anything Please [B]READ[/B] [B]I don't have the exact messurement so you should do trial and error in order for it to work. This part is confusing so ask question.[/B]
9. Put the tip part with spring in [B]step 4[/B] together like Gee3x Mod and add tape. I have that blue grip because I cut the barrel of z-grip to try to make MP Gee3x Mod.
10. Put grip on.
11. Put back signo grip. And you’re done! Questions and Answers [B]Why not use clic stic instead of Bic body?[/B] Because clic stic is thicker and doesn’t fit RSVP. But you can use it if you have g3, hyperjell or jimmie cap. [B]Can you make a heavy version of this?[/B] You can you Signo instead of Pilot Better (with more Teflon tape) In the back, you cut the Bic body a little bit shorter. So there’s enough room for 1 more tip. Any question just ask!! I know the tutorial is poorly made but you should read carefully. [/SPOILER]
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 20:53:28
Nachoaddict wrote: I get it. I'm just saying I don't know what mech you used. -
Date: Sun, Aug 28 2011 10:54:14
thanks for the insert colour!
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 12:54:36
i want the green one !!!! kyaaaaaaaaa i'm trying to colleting cute mods now and damn the green one so cuteeeee
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 13:23:51
thanks so much for this tut^^ im gonna make this mod soon. xDDD
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 22:55:53
LYFOjh;130213]thanks so much for this tut^^ im gonna make this mod soon. xDDD[/QUOTE] you're welcom... mention me when you did. [QUOTE=sarugio wrote: i want the green one !!!! kyaaaaaaaaa i'm trying to colleting cute mods now and damn the green one so cuteeeee
best comment ever!!! -
Date: Wed, Aug 31 2011 17:42:55
MP Gee3x Mod
This is the mx v.3 version. I won’t release the main version simply because it’s SUPER complicated. Well since no one cares about the RT version, I just want to release this MP version because I want to complete my task. In the future, I will be making more Gee3x Mod and try to improve it. In my head there are many versions of this mod. I’ll make those when I can get the materials. Thanks for reading! I’m so thankful for those who commented. GeeGeeGee or G3x [SPOILER="Tutorial"] Material Gee3x Mod [B]2x[/B] z-grip mechanisms ( the one that you didn’t use when making Gee3x mod) Bic body ( could be the one you made in Gee3x mod or new one, see tutorial) Muji mechanism ( it doesn’t have to be that, it could be anything that fits signo) Gather materials
1. Take apart the mechanisms and the tubes. I don’t have two in the picture but you should.
2. Connect the tubes with tape
3. Do the same thing as step 2 then put them aside.
4. Cut the Bic body approximately 3.3 cm
5. Drill a hole in Bic backplug.( never imagine the backplug is this important.)
6. Make sure the tube fits. If you can get the cover thing with eraser through the backplug then great. If no then it’s ok. NO problem. Cut the extra part of the tube so it looks like step 9.
7. Cut the cover (w.e it called) so you get 1.3 cm.
8. Put some tape around the end of the tube to hold the actual mechanism.
9. Put the mechanism through the Bic body and you should get about .5 cm of tube coming through. So you put the cover thing over the extra part of the tube. If the extra tube is shorter, repeat step 8 and 9. If you're stuggle with step 8 and 9, see this video or ask me for help . 10. Put the signo broad grip over and you're done. :clap: [/SPOILER] Ask questions if need help.
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 00:36:57
I WILL MAKE THIS PEN one question though, in step 6 you put something in the RSVP cap. is that the RSVP grip? thanks
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 03:40:36
It's my G3X mod, i had change something, it's not pretty
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 03:58:41
LongCK;131034] It's my G3X mod, i had change something, it's not pretty[/QUOTE] :) [QUOTE=browndog12 wrote: I WILL MAKE THIS PEN one question though, in step 6 you put something in the RSVP cap. is that the RSVP grip? thanks
haha no's shiny 5 gum insert. but you could put RSVP grip in. Not sure though you should try. Do you know how to put insert in RSVP cap? :] glad you liked my mod. -
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 06:11:41
Aww, I made 2 mods using a Zebra. <_< I should have posted. Well, job well done, I like it, I can actually make this! :D But I have always seen the Zebra body so fragile and easily cracked. :mellow:
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 17:12:40
Mufoofee wrote: Aww, I made 2 mods using a Zebra. <_< I should have posted. Well, job well done, I like it, I can actually make this! :D But I have always seen the Zebra body so fragile and easily cracked. :mellow:
yeah it's easy to crack it but it's cheap. lol i just have a big crack on mine trying to catch it. can i see ur mods? just curious -
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 17:27:38
Looks so nice! Can i buy those z.grip pens only in USA? Whats a good sub for it, supergrip?
Date: Thu, Sep 1 2011 17:45:43
Migi wrote: Looks so nice! Can i buy those z.grip pens only in USA? Whats a good sub for it, supergrip?
You can get z-grip at Office Depot. I don't know if they sell them in other countries. I would say sarasa is a good sub but it really short if you try to mod it. I don't know about supergrip because I don't have them. If you want, I can trade z-grip with you. -
Date: Fri, Sep 2 2011 23:22:02
What a shitty mod, looks exactly like a s777 mod. Get original and stop copying other peoples mods.
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 00:08:11
Krispy Kreme wrote: What a shitty mod, looks exactly like a s777 mod. Get original and stop copying other peoples mods.
look 1 bad comment!!! haha finally i'm so care. btw you wouldn't think of my mod anyway. I'm original, i use all american i use what i have, you have to buy/ trade to make a new mod how pathetic. ACTING like a PRO and ur follower liked that post. i'm jealous. I spin better with this "shit" anyway, ur mod + ur psing= THEE SHIT. when you can actually do amazing things with ur mod ...hit me up. Right now shut the hell up [B]ANNOYING MODERATOR-WANNA-BE[/B]. -
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 01:00:19
Krispy Kreme wrote: What a shitty mod, looks exactly like a s777 mod. Get original and stop copying other peoples mods.
s777 mx is completely different -
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 01:21:44
he said 'looks', and that's referring to the plain fluoro insert and full black grips (insert in this case) at the ends. they have a similar color scheme... which is what it means when they look the same. he never said they were made the same.
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 01:23:09
Apho wrote: he said 'looks', and that's referring to the plain fluoro insert and full black grips (insert in this case) at the ends. they have a similar color scheme... which is what it means when they look the same. he never said they were made the same.
Stupid shit, learn to read. Stop ranting about things that i never even said :lol: -
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 01:33:54
Krispy Kreme wrote: Stupid shit, learn to read. Stop ranting about things that i never even said :lol:
SHUT UP anyways... really clean mod. cool construction method. overall a nice mod. i want one now XD -
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 02:22:52
Krispy, here are some lessons about modding and penspin. ok let's start ...s777's style inspired by Bonkura, Bonkura KT inspired by Dr.KT, my mod inspired by s777 mx. So you're telling me to make original mods. who are you? Mr.MODERATOR?
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 18:28:10
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 21:40:31
Nick2811 wrote: this can??
This can what...?? you may have some problems...T.T -
Date: Sat, Sep 3 2011 22:12:28
Nick2811 wrote: this can??
This can what??? Dude! You're random... -
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 00:17:58
GeeGeeGee;131521]Krispy, here are some lessons about modding and penspin. ok let's start ...s777's style inspired by Bonkura, Bonkura KT inspired by Dr.KT, my mod inspired by s777 mx. So you're telling me to make original mods. who are you? Mr.MODERATOR?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=GeeGeeGee wrote: look 1 bad comment!!! haha finally i'm so care. btw you wouldn't think of my mod anyway. [B]I'm original, i use all american i use what i have[/B], you have to buy/ trade to make a new mod how pathetic. ACTING like a PRO and ur follower liked that post. i'm jealous. I spin better with this "shit" anyway, ur mod + ur psing= THEE SHIT. when you can actually do amazing things with ur mod ...hit me up. Right now shut the hell up ANNOYING MODERATOR-WANNA-BE.
what? -
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 00:53:21
whoa whoa geegeegee, really though i love the mod, but CALM DOWN a little :O
Date: Sun, Sep 4 2011 03:56:31
Telling me to calm down but not to Krispy... Sure drgripable, but have you read the comments? Who started the argument after I said "down to forgive" . like I said I only pissed when I see shit start flying.
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 11:01:00
Any subs for z-grips? Sarasa doesnt work, the grip part of the barrel has a hole the same size as the rest if the body... :(
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 22:33:07
love the mod, but how do you connect the singo broad cap for grip sub
Date: Sat, Oct 15 2011 22:59:00
@dat i connect signo broad cap with a small ring of a grip in the very front of the mod. i don't know if i answered ur question. Just restate it i'll sure answer it. EDIT: i'll show you the tutorial on the SIGNO BROAD CAP VERSION if you want.
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 23:58:39
using the zebra ink tube from the zebra pen u used body and grip for there it is writing lol my version of writable version of this pen...
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 12:36:39
Izit possible use G2barrel as sub for z-grip?
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 13:47:58
i will try to make one! :) nice tut.
Date: Mon, Jan 30 2012 16:35:21
@fQ.RaM thank you! Now I'll go update something for this thread.
Date: Tue, Jan 31 2012 17:29:32
@GeeGeeGee This is like a ZGMX mod hehe! Only the barrels are cut and there is a cap on the back rather than a clicker. Should be interesting when I battle you with a ZGMX.
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 05:30:09
Date: Sat, Mar 17 2012 11:32:50
@iNickk the INSERT goes all the way the the end of the cap. then the signo broad grip. I'm assuming your talking about the black gum insert in step 5.
Date: Fri, Mar 30 2012 15:35:46
i need a gee3x mod wif zgrip mrch EDIT:mp gee3x
Date: Sun, Apr 1 2012 14:14:40
@iNickk the muji mechanism is on page 4 post #35. i didn't release the tutorial on z-grip mechanism because it TOO much work and VERY confusing. sorry. other mechanism like muji works just fine.
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 06:14:12
sorry again== LOL Insert+bic into Zgrip body make my body broke==
Date: Mon, Apr 2 2012 15:10:16
iNickk wrote: sorry again== LOL Insert+bic into Zgrip body make my body broke==
oh. start using this kind of bic because it a little thinner. if this doesn't work, file/sand the bic. Really sorry that ur z-grip broke. i think right now the best sub is modrod barrel but i haven't had the chance to buy it. and i have the figure out the way. thanks for reading. -
Date: Thu, Apr 12 2012 22:14:11
LOVE this mod thanks sooo much for the great tutorial
Date: Wed, May 2 2012 01:41:18
lol finally theres a use for the Z-grip, i have so many at home
Date: Fri, May 4 2012 08:26:39
Can i use a G-3 barrel
Date: Fri, May 4 2012 21:35:06
@HenryS uhm...then it wouldn't be Gee3x mod anymore. :[ But it works better on modrod barrel I think.
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 08:06:35
umm. i modded this and without anyball grip at cap it already cog = cop -_- you know why? sorry if my english is very bad :D
Date: Sun, May 6 2012 13:33:07
@ventz I don't use anyball grip to cover RSVP cap. I use z-grip grip. modded the ORIGINAL Version right? if you did everything correctly, then I don't really know exactly why. But you could take pictures and send it to me so I can figure this out.
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 07:20:08
@GeeGeeGee oh yeah i wrong HAHAHA. yeah the original version.. umm, what grip in RSVP cap beside signo broad? :|
Date: Mon, May 7 2012 18:42:45
@STEP 6[/B]
Date: Wed, May 9 2012 10:51:21
@GeeGeeGee ohh.. i put HGG grip in there haha -_- i think that is a grip. okay thanks a lot :D
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 13:22:43
Nice mod! I want to make one :) what is the length of the smaller part of the 2nd z-grip barrel? thanks :)
Date: Fri, Jun 1 2012 18:48:03
@CtrlPS mine is 1.5cm. but you should sand it and try to connect 2 barrels so you don't have to do it later.
Date: Sat, Jun 2 2012 15:52:17
thanks :)
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 06:38:48
Nice mod. Whats in the signo tip in the retractable pen
Date: Tue, Jun 5 2012 14:39:58
@n00bSpinner the ink tube and the mechanism of G2 pen? i don't know which part of the tutorial you're talking about. If you refer to the MP version, then it's the z-grip mechanism that I'm using. You could also use mechanism from MP RSVP v.3.
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:45:48
been looking for a mod that used z-grip thanks!~