Trading / Buying / Asire´s Trading | Sweet Drop, Watercolor, Dr. M&M and much more
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 23:21:56
Pos. Feedback GPC <30, UPSB 2, FPSB 2 Neg. Feedback everywhere 0 Asire from GPC here ;) Have / Sell: MODS:
Higher Quality: from left to right: - Mini RSVP AMX - RSVP MSXA (with gripcut) - Thunder MX (retct. Mod) - Pencil Mod - Ballsign Mod - Full Black DC ComSsa - RSVP MX (pink, lightgreen, yellow,orange) - Marvy Marker Mod (with Signo Tips in Caps) - Metallic ComSsa (Dr. Kt Style) - DC ComSsa with Grips - Ryo Cheat ComSsa - Rushon Mod - LPSA KT (also aviable with unspinned M&M-body with bunnies on it) - Stylish Pirat - VGG Emboss Mod - Skyblue-Pink Selfmod (CT Body, 2 HGG Fronts, GM Tips) - SEVEN Sweet Drop Mod (orginal)..\ - SEVEN Waterfall Mod (orginal)...... |> Special SEVEN-Packet, buy all and get them for less - SEVEN G3 Mod (orginal).............. / - Ayatori Mod (missing Frontgrip) - VStrike Mod (orginal) - GPC-Emboss Mod - Buster CYL (with 4 metalrings, same siza as grip, doesn´t make any sond while spinning) - Dr. M&M (Bonkura Style) - Stuhl Mod PENS: - Chubby 11 - Gripmatic - Old Sarasa (Grip for Watercolor Mod) - Color RSVP (green, orange) PARTS - Dr. Grip Grips - Modrod Grips - GM Grips - American Dr. Grip Tips (weight 0,05g less than japan ) - Airfit Tip - G3 Tip - HGG Tip - Sailor Grip (blue, grey) - HGG Grip (black, lightgreen, 2 blue, Metallic blue, brown) - Anyball blue Will / Want : - Moneyyyyyy - Signo retrct. rot - G3 with metall Tip and see-through (not black body and cap)
Date: Wed, Aug 24 2011 14:16:44
Dr. M&M Lightgreen-Orange for 40$
Date: Sun, Feb 5 2012 21:37:42
Date: Mon, Feb 6 2012 22:38:40
$3.50 for the muji pen. Pm me.
Date: Sun, Feb 12 2012 11:40:23
Date: Sun, Apr 15 2012 15:21:04
Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 21:04:05
Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 05:10:11
Hey i have 2 anyball and 2 signo wanna trade
Date: Sat, Jun 23 2012 15:50:18
B ring U p M y P ost
Date: Thu, Jul 5 2012 23:27:20