Reports / Reported Post by Nachoaddict

  1. Nachoaddict
    Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 18:54:06

    Nachoaddict has reported a post. Reason:

    Spamming the thread
    Post: Show Off Your Pens [READ FIRST POST] Forum: Pen Modifications Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: exclusive Original Content:
    DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: 4/7 @exclusive want some hints?
    AF tip > signo tip > HGG body> ST cap > G1 tip > HGR grip > HJ cap

  2. Awesome
    Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 19:17:00

    DrakeOhMeteor007 made a pen and had people guess what parts it was made from, pages upon pages of show off your pens was just guessing for this pen. No infractions were given, but I posted a warning saying they will be issued starting now. I told people to take any guesses to PMs instead.