Off-topic / Don't get overconfident
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 10:09:58
dont get overconfident with your driving, i did and this is the result, i am extremely lucky to be alive.
please don't be an idiot like me. I thought I was cautious enough for this to never happen, i was reeeaaaallllllyyyy wrong. edit: accidentally put two of the same pictures on, my bad lolSpoiler
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 10:18:37
IN BEFORE SOMEONE SAYS WOMEN AND DRIVING Edit: Now that I got that out of the way: Glad you're okay.
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 10:22:48
How did you manage that?
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 10:30:17
@Twine, turned onto a main road, got up to the speed limit (70) sun blinded me, tried to change lanes to make it better, didnt see stopped bus, slam its weird what goes through your head at those moments, first its 'oh sh*t' then 'ow my nose' then 'the windshield shatter looks awesome' then 'oh man, my coffee's everywhere' then 'oh shit i could have died...' and everyone telling me how lucky i was made me feel so sick, for about an hour and a half all i could think was 'i could be dead, i could have died, i could not be here right now' had to see two doctors to check if i was alright...mostly coz the first doctor i saw was pretty unconvincing and very much 'i don't care' i only just got my license too xD now i have to start all over again lol
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 10:50:46
woah. glad your okay though :)
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 11:50:16
Glad your alive, dude! That car crash was extreme o_O
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 11:58:02
Far wrote: Glad your alive, dude! That car crash was extreme o_O
dudette* -
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 12:00:04
woah, i feel sorry for your loss of your car, but its good that you are alive mei :)
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 12:30:24
Looks really serious :O Glad you're fine, and this should serve as a reminder for me to be careful when I get my license.
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 12:47:45
thats why i put this here Krypton, i got out alive and unharmed but it could have been horribly worse, if i'd had a bit smaller car i'd be dead
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 13:27:20
good thing your hands wasn't hurt.
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 14:00:08
I think this is the first case of being "literally" blind sided. For this our anger now goes to the sun. *Angry fist* Anyways, Good to hear you're ok. Be sure to send a letter of apology to the bus company, trust me it's a very good gesture after an accident.
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 14:32:40
Oh boy, at least you're ok Mei, thats great to know. I'll be extra cautious when I drive now.
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 14:56:07
I'm glad you're okay.
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 15:23:04
thank you everyone @N00Bz, i actually got hit by the airbags on both my wrists, causes huge inflamed welts on both, its gone done a lot more now and it only really hurts when i push on it. also i got a tiny cut on my finger coz some glass went on the door handle and i got cut getting out. i'm all good though, doc said i'll be fine...unless i start vomiting and get migraines, then he said i should go to the hospital...sooooooo....dunno xDDD im gonna be sooooooorrrrrreeeee tomorrow
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 15:50:19
what about some
everybody wears some while driving around here
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 15:52:15
sunglasses would not have helped at all, that road at 7:30 in the morning is blinding no matter what
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 16:25:28
Thats some final destination shit right there. If you cheat death once more you'll be set. Good thing your safe though.
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 16:56:31
Good thing you're okay. This is why I prefer to drive a tank ;)
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 22:46:35
Your. Pisses me right off. Glad
youryou're OK. For real. -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 00:04:57
LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LUL! this whole thread is LOL!
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 03:44:52
glad my almost-death makes you laugh AoD1 ^_^
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 04:55:40
You wouldn't happen to be Asian would you? Anyways... for now glad you're ok, that sucks. Poor car.... what car is that? Its been eating at me for the past half hour....
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 05:26:36
Frip wrote: what about some everybody wears some while driving around here
^ make sure its polarized or just get some oakleys, raybans are useless unless they're polarized lol ive tried an oakley once and i could look directly at the sun while i cant on a wayfarer/aviator, it needs to be polarized... scary shit yeah, like final destination, we got into a car accident last year too, it was so rainy and dark and that stupid delivery guy didnt turn the headlight of his motorcycle on so we didnt see him and he bumped into us cuz he counterflowed...stupid zzz -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 10:30:03
no not asian, more European/Australian
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 18:04:01
I wonder if PenJa has to pay for the damages :hmm: poor guy.
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 18:05:06
I guess you do need sunglasses to drive when its bright...
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 18:07:00
I honestly have to wear sunglasses when i drive around 3pm or later. The sun glare is absolutely RIDICULOUS. I would rather look stupid with my gay-Wayfarer imitations than end up crashing my car. Sunvisors help too.
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 18:08:47
same in the winter when the sun reflects off the snow...
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 19:17:40
tinting the top of your windshield helps too eh. i wear usually sunglasses when i drive, even if its not even that bright. im a feeeeg. but not at night or darkish conditions.
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 20:55:24
Ogawd, I get THE WORST sun blindness on my way to school sometimes!! Must. Be. More. Cautious....
Date: Sat, Aug 13 2011 06:09:07
Luke doesnt have to pay for it, it was my mum's car that she gave to me, i wish i earnt more money so i didnt have to bother her -.-
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 06:13:02
The weak and the failures shall perish: first principle of our love for man. Nietzsche prays for your death from his grave. <3
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 13:19:35
Pen Ninja wrote: dudette*
She was a dudette? O_O Lucky her to be alive, hope she's okay -
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 14:29:22
I don't understand. I never wear sunglasses when I'm driving, I see absolutely no need. If you're blinded by the sun in the car, when you're outside walking around at the same time of day, do you also get blinded? That sounds horribly inconvenient.
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 15:17:49
Meh my mom always wear glasses even if its not that bright. she says she gets a "headache" lmao
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 15:58:57
XYZaki wrote: I don't understand. I never wear sunglasses when I'm driving, I see absolutely no need. If you're blinded by the sun in the car, when you're outside walking around at the same time of day, do you also get blinded? That sounds horribly inconvenient.
Start driving at sunrise going east with a dirty windshield. -
Date: Sun, Aug 21 2011 00:17:13
o-0 I bet the bus driver was mad.
Date: Sun, Aug 21 2011 00:18:46
PROTIP: Don't be a shitty driver.
Date: Tue, Aug 23 2011 14:42:24
praise god ur alive!!
Date: Wed, Aug 24 2011 04:13:04
lol? bus driver was a dick, didnt even come to see if everyone was alright until i went to apologise ten minutes after it happened, and when i did see him he held out his hand and said "licence, i need to get your insurance" i was like "...gee, i'm fine thanks! i was just in the scariest position in my life and you act like i killed you children, wtf??" oh well, payed the fine...dunno when they're gonna take my licence from me though o.O and the cop on the scene was like 'yeah you can still drive until we take it off you' ...what? rant rant rant lol
Date: Wed, Aug 24 2011 04:14:33
Surge wrote: The weak and the failures shall perish: first principle of our love for man. Nietzsche prays for your death from his grave. <3
also, because i lived doesnt that mean i'm not weak? >.> -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 04:35:57
MeiTenshi wrote: dont get overconfident with your driving, i did and this is the result, i am extremely lucky to be alive.
wow, women drivers. its not a fucking washing machine.please don't be an idiot like me. I thought I was cautious enough for this to never happen, i was reeeaaaallllllyyyy wrong. edit: accidentally put two of the same pictures on, my bad lolSpoiler -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 04:40:18
sad thing you're still alive.
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 04:51:55
funnky wrote: wow, women drivers. its not a fucking washing machine.
go back to failchan, please and thank you. -
Date: Sat, Aug 27 2011 05:03:27
Vassenato wrote: go back to failchan, please and thank you.
lol...... nope im staying right here son