Regular Pen Discussion / Pen Name

  1. Zowie
    Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 17:14:00

    Because there's no thread on pens the names you haven't found out. I want to do this Thread for all helpless people like me:help:. To start: What's the name of this Pen?

  2. walrus
    Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 17:22:36

    :facepalm: Gel Roller

  3. Zowie
    Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 17:26:24

    Gel Roller is not actualy a name it only says how the pen works. I ment what's the manufacture and the name. And I can read I already noticed the writings on the body

  4. emmoo
    Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 18:07:35

    Actually, I would say that gel roller is a name. I mean, you call a Supergel a Supergel, right?

  5. ricesi
    Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 21:24:31

    i agree with emmoo, but it looks like a hybrid gel grip body with a uniball signo tip and a g2 grip....buts thats highly improbable.

  6. Cloud
    Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 21:48:26

    its a normal pen you know... 1. looks nothing like hgg body 2. looks nothing like g2 grip 3. there are a lot of metal tips out there, not just signos... usually the writing on the body means the name...

  7. Wisp
    Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 21:55:11

    There IS a thread for this. And thats just a cheapy copy pen, not used in mods. Your sig is too big.. @Zowie

  8. Zowie
    Date: Mon, Aug 1 2011 08:58:28

    Sorry for this useless thread. I thought it would be helpful, but it isn't.:gloomy: