Approved Tutorials / SkyGel Mod (aka ~(-.-~) mod)
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 11:29:13
[spoiler="Read Me"]I do not intend this mod to end up like Nachoaddict's S.S.S. Mod, however.. it did. So once again, thanks Nachoaddict for his great ideas =P But then again, I can assure you this mod is modded differently, and will most likely spin differently. The reason why this mod is born mainly because I screwed up the cuts on one of the Sailor Gel caps for KillerGel mod, making it useless (as the tutorial said) Which leaves me with another Sailor Gel cap cutted.. So I worked with what I got.. and comes out this mod! So in the end, credits to both creators of S.S.S. mod and KillerGel mod. [/spoiler]
=========================== [B]Stats:[/B] =========================== ~(-.-~) Mod (or you can call it SkyGel Mod) COG: COP Length: 20cm Weight: ~14g Style: Single-Sided Writing-Mechanism: n/a Ink-Type: n/a Estimated-Cost: ~$12.5 (please do correct me if wrong) Why you should mod this: The use of empty ComSSa barrel gives a floaty feel of the mod, and with the combination of almost equal weight distribution make it's fun and easy to spin this mod, while not too heavy or too light for newcomers. =========================== [B]Materials List:[/B] =========================== [B]2x ComSSa[/B] - 2x Barrel [B]1x Sailor Gel[/B] - Cap [B]1x Anyball/Profile[/B] - Grip [B]2x G3[/B] - 1x Cap - 2x Grip [B]1x Signo[/B] - Tip [B]1x Signo Broad[/B] - Tip - Grip [tip]My Signo Broad grip turned purplish because the Anyball color got onto it. If you don't want this to happen, use a black Signo Broad instead[/tip] [spoiler="Pic of all materials"]
[/spoiler] =========================== [B]Tools List:[/B] =========================== Vinyl Tape Tube Cutter (or anything used to cut barrels) X-Acto Knife Sanding Paper (or filer) =========================== [B]Tutorial:[/B] =========================== [spoiler="Text Tutorial"]1) Remove the backplug of the ComSSa barrel, empty the inktube out and remove the front writing tip. Slide 2 sections of Anyball to the front. (ignore the ruler for now)
2) Cut the Sailor Gel cap to 3.9cm counting FROM THE BACK. (It is recommended you allow some space for sanding to get perfection) [B]Note: [/B]Cut too much or sand too much will make your cap useless! BE CAREFUL~
3) Cut the 2nd ComSSa barrel FROM THE BACK to 1.8cm. Add a layer of black tape around it.
4) Push the Sailor Gel cap onto the full ComSSa barrel. Note it should fit very tight and not loose! Push it enough so that the "inside circle" of the Sailor Gel is NOT touching the tip of the barrel. [B]Note: [/B]If the inside circle cracked, don't worry about it.
5) Force the small piece of ComSSa barrel onto the tip of the full ComSSa barrel. Make sure you still have 0.6cm of spacing!
6) Add the Signo Broad grip (cut to 0.6cm) inside the Anyball grip (2 sections). Push the completed piece into the Sailor Gel cap. Squish in the Signo Tip then. [B]Note: [/B]The tip will be more secure if you push it all the way in (until the small ComSSa piece blocks it).
7) Unclip the G3 cap, sand the nub down, and add 7 sections of Anyball grips on it.
8) Slide the Signo tip into the G3 cap, then overlap 2 G3 grips together and slide the whole piece in the cap. [B]Note: [/B]Most people recommend removing the G3 grip from the barrel by cutting the grip vertically, which allows one grip to overlap another
9) Slide the completed cap onto the ComSSa barrel end. Add tape to secure the connection.
[/spoiler] =========================== [B]Q&A:[/B] =========================== Q) Can I use Namae barrels instead of ComSSa barrels? A) Technically no. Namae barrel's tip is slanted and will not lock onto the back of the small barrel section. HOWEVER, you may sub the small barrel section with another grip (but that might change the CoG by tiny bit). Q) I can't seem to remove the front cap now that I've completed the mod. A) The small barrel section acts as a stopped to prevent the front from flying out. If you really need to disassemble it, you will first have to remove the Signo tip, then the grips, then use pliers and clip it out first. Q) I can't seem to get the 0.6cm for step 5. Help? A) Either cut down further your small barrel section (which I don't recommend if you did 100% use my measurements), or use brute force. Q) I sanded/cut my Sailor Gel cap too much!! Help! A) You're screwed. Q) Who requested this? A) Fuck you! =========================== =========================== PrinceXD
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 12:55:16
Nice. Might try it.
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 15:03:19
White body would look even better I suppose.
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 15:43:08
1) Personal preference. 2) How about you mod one, with white comssa barrel and skyblue anyballs? Oh you'll also need skyblue g3 grips. PrinceXD
daniel0731ex wrote: White body would look even better I suppose.
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 16:19:31
Or you print an insert all skyblue guy.
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 19:53:18
looks very nice. i have all the materials except for the sailor gel cap :/
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 03:21:56
i haz finally released the Q&A section from the tutorial section!!!!!!!! TY ZOMBO PrinceXD
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 03:27:01
nice mod
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 04:24:39
Are you able to put inserts in either caps?
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 05:30:43
Ofcourse you can, i just dont prefer it (simplistic FTW) since the g3 grips are cutted, u can just wrap a insert there as for the front part... you might as well do it just like wrapping outsert on a comssa barrel. PrinceXD
Riley wrote: Are you able to put inserts in either caps?
Date: Thu, Jul 28 2011 06:06:47
maybe white would be awesome! ^_^
Date: Fri, Jul 29 2011 18:32:34
wow never seen g3 cap on a comssa but it looks pretty nice
Date: Sat, Jul 30 2011 11:29:08
Date: Sun, Jul 31 2011 00:34:52
Yes you can, my HKPSA account: PrinceXD
~blast~ wrote: CAN I POST THIS TUT IN HKPSA?
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2013 16:34:01
OMFG, I totally got all the materials from stock!! :D
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2013 06:55:50
wow.awesome,froggy.. i like this mod,hm,simple,,but nice looks...
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:30:23
really great looking mod