Advanced Tricks / How to make combos more impressive?
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 23:36:11
i've been spinning for more than a year my combo doesnt look that appealing tell me any tricks or suggestions should i add in my combo.
Date: Sun, Jul 24 2011 23:58:05
I have the same problem... let's try to do more impressive linkages O_o
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 00:21:49
be smooth in every trick that you're doing !!!! the best way!
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 00:29:32
develop a cool style
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 01:43:43
Smoothness everywhere + highlights in the beginning, middle end. A catchy starter is good for getting peoples' attention.
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 03:27:46
in the words of nachoaddict "move the camera around frantically so no one can tell what the hell your doing" :trollface: but being serious. slow down your spinning, it looks pretty good, you might not have this prolem, but if you spin fast when your just learning, you arent very smooth later, but you seem pretty okay. and spin a lighter mod, is that a buster?
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 09:33:09
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 15:39:04
surprise them with harder tricks in the end lol that's what kin did in the tournament XD
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 17:32:35
work on control and try different camera angles. maybe over the shoulder view. but try to get your fingers straight, that'll make it look more controlled
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 22:19:17
First of all it has to be smooth cause smoothness is the most important at penspinning imo. Then comes difficulity and originality(style), creativity. But for those I have said, the combo has to be well executed. Any fail would screw the whole combo. Also cam quality and angle is very important.