Research Department Feedback / Kammy 2010+ Questions Thread

  1. Nachoaddict
    Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 03:17:26

    Post your questions here and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

  2. Escorpio123
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 00:08:29

    Most creative spinner? Most talented spinner? this means that can have multiple talents such as rubik cube, magic, simon lol. Most annoying spinner in the forum? :lol: Jk <_< Most active arcade spinner? lol.

  3. Hippo2626
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 00:50:52

    Escorpio123 wrote: Most creative spinner? Most talented spinner? this means that can have multiple talents such as rubik cube, magic, simon lol. Most annoying spinner in the forum? :lol: Jk <_< Most active arcade spinner? lol.
    There's already an award for most creative. There was an award in 2009 for most annoying spammer but that was made just for zoulin if i recall correctly. Thanks for the suggestions we'll consider the rest

  4. Nachoaddict
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 03:14:37

    I don't think the arcade is used frequently. I don't know if it's necessarily a viable option. As for most talented, I suppose it could work. Basically a spinner who has talents in other manipulative arts.

  5. strat1227
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 03:31:45

    "Renaissance man" Kammy would be pretty good

  6. funnky
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 03:33:40

    why are the kammys always a year behind?

  7. MickChickenn
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 03:41:22

    funnky wrote: why are the kammys always a year behind?
    Because 2011 hasnt ended yet. Also, Worst spinner award? Worst troll? Best sig?

  8. funnky
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 03:54:28

    MickChickenn wrote: Because 2011 hasnt ended yet. Also, Worst spinner award? Worst troll? Best sig?
    i can win all of those. well not the last but i sure am i horrid troll and shit spinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Nachoaddict
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 03:59:15

    Well we were thinking about having a worst modder award but I mean even if we had it as a joke, it could offend some people. Best sig doesn't really have to do with the community nor pen spinning :/ Worst troll could be possible though.

  10. funnky
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 04:04:03

    Nachoaddict wrote: Well we were thinking about having a worst modder award but I mean even if we had it as a joke, it could offend some people. Best sig doesn't really have to do with the community nor pen spinning :/ Worst troll could be possible though.
    who cares if you offend someone. its the internet. and worst troll is so gona be mine next year

  11. Nachoaddict
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 04:13:35

    Even if you don't care about offending someone, the Kammy's are supposed to be a prestigious set of awards and having someone upset over getting an award for something like this devalues them all. Sure there was "Most annoying" for 2009 but Zuolin is someone who would take it as a joke because he spammed and annoyed people for fun. The problem is the case where we aren't sure if the nominee will take it light-heartedly especially when we're criticizing his or her modding or spinning skill. I'm only saying Worst Troll can be a possibility if there is an incident where someone humiliates themself in a failed attempt to troll since trolls usually take this kind of thing light-heartedly. If they didn't, they'd "care" too much to be real trolls.

  12. Eruption
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 08:11:47

    Very wise and noble nacho

  13. GenesisNoir
    Date: Tue, Sep 20 2011 10:53:05

    These have probably been done already but here it is anyway Shoutbox awards Most active shouter? Funniest shouter? Friendliest shouter? anti-trolling shouter?

  14. Escorpio123
    Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 02:47:11

    Nachoaddict wrote: Even if you don't care about offending someone, the Kammy's are supposed to be a prestigious set of awards and having someone upset over getting an award for something like this devalues them all. Sure there was "Most annoying" for 2009 but Zuolin is someone who would take it as a joke because he spammed and annoyed people for fun. The problem is the case where we aren't sure if the nominee will take it light-heartedly especially when we're criticizing his or her modding or spinning skill. I'm only saying Worst Troll can be a possibility if there is an incident where someone humiliates themself in a failed attempt to troll since trolls usually take this kind of thing light-heartedly. If they didn't, they'd "care" too much to be real trolls.
    Beautiful Post, nice explanation :rolleyes:

  15. Nachoaddict
    Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 03:07:57

    Thanks guys I guess. Just said what I thought lol.

    GenesisNoir wrote: These have probably been done already but here it is anyway Shoutbox awards Most active shouter? Funniest shouter? Friendliest shouter? anti-trolling shouter?
    We have a most friendly award so making another one just for the sb is kind of redundant. Most Active and Funniest kind of funnel into the Best Shouter award which basically we found the person who shouted the most interesting things and then made sure they were semi active on the sb. Again I feel it's kind of redundant to put those in. And anti-trolling shouter? Not sure. That could be an interesting one but doesn't have to be limited to the sb only.

  16. MickChickenn
    Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 03:16:27

    Best comebacks? Best member from another board? Best returning member?

  17. Nachoaddict
    Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 04:04:02

    We have coolest foreigner and coolest oldie :/ Again best comebacks is kind of ambiguous. Doesn't really have a lot to do with the community or PS in general.

  18. Eruption
    Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 10:12:47

    Most active user? Most posts?

  19. AoD1
    Date: Wed, Sep 21 2011 12:19:05

    GenesisNoir wrote: These have probably been done already but here it is anyway Shoutbox awards Most active shouter? Funniest shouter? Friendliest shouter? anti-trolling shouter?
    i should get the friendliest shouter and anti trolling shouter all in one bundle

  20. funnky
    Date: Thu, Sep 22 2011 00:04:45

    AoD1 wrote: i should get the friendliest shouter and anti trolling shouter all in one bundle

  21. YUi
    Date: Fri, Sep 23 2011 15:05:08

    Most handsome spinner (: and definitely most beatuiful spinner ;x

  22. Hippo2626
    Date: Sat, Sep 24 2011 01:11:27

    YUi wrote: Most handsome spinner (: and definitely most beatuiful spinner ;x
    There's a hottest male and female award already, it's basically the same thing.

  23. mintypaladin
    Date: Thu, Oct 6 2011 18:47:10

    biggest troll? most infractions?

  24. MickChickenn
    Date: Fri, Oct 7 2011 04:16:07

    newest member and oldest member? Youngest and oldest member?

  25. utkarsh
    Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 12:09:43

    will another kammy ever take place? -._-.

  26. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 12:35:41

    @Hippo2626 is in charge for the next one.

  27. shoeman6
    Date: Fri, Oct 19 2012 20:08:18

    @Hippo2626 any plans for kammy?

  28. Hippo2626
    Date: Sat, Oct 20 2012 00:33:33

    I forgot to post here also.. I can't do this project anymore...was asking for someone else to take over. still no one