Serious Discussion / Rape. (torture)
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 03:07:01
Why is it so common? 1/4 women under 22 have been sexually assaulted. I don't know why, but rape has always really frustrated and bothered me. I understand the drive behind it, most of the time it isn't lust but (also) deeper emotional scarring, or even chemical imbalances but I just can't rationalize how people can do this. Part of history and conquering is raping a village, over throwing a ruler and rape, imo rape/torture and the forced violation of a woman is worse than murder. Why is it so damn common? and also, when guys simply use girls, and the girls are unaware that they are being manipulated >.>. Also the seeming ignorance of girls about it and how many predators there really are, and a lot of them just put themselves out there. The predators are in the wrong, but they should know that there are fucked up people!. I just heard on the radio this woman talking about her rape, when she was 15 and her 14 year old sister, a stranger came in with a gun and forced them both for an hour of rape and forced sex etc, finally firing the gun showing it was fake. Turns out he raped hundreds of girls in this fashion, he himself had been a victim, but still, [B]WHY DOES THIS FUCKED UP SHIT HAPPEN. Also, why does it bother me so much? and Is it really as prevalent as it seems, because if it is, I think I just give up on humanity and am going to go die.[/B] Another thing, like /b/ videos and stuff where teenagers are like touching themselves on cam and stuff. What kind of sick fuck records that, and posts it ug >.> I mean like, the girls may not even be aware there whole lives. It just i don't even know. it's insane that this shit happens. And Torture, why??? torture just seems so... like today my friend was telling me about this black man who was beat up by this white family and was drowned underwater alive while his face was mutilated by boat propellers going by dieing from the injuries of that... Apparently there are pictures online but I don't remember the name. just WHY? it just completley disgusts me more than anything else. You can argue that rape and sex, or like videos are only as deep as they appear, but then it goes through the minds of other people and jsut the traumitization and the fact that people can do this and prey on people.
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 03:21:42
Unfortunately it is so common that men have raped women since the beginning of humanity because of man's constant need for sexual pleasure. Since we have become a civilized species, we needed a reason to mate, humans and dolphins (being the 2 smartest animals on the planet) are the only ones who have sex for pleasure, other animals are driven by instinct to mate with the creature with the best features. Anyways, men are constantly wanting to have sex, all guys know this, and it is a very good thing that men can masturbate... this is a great stress reliever and relieves a lot of these urges. On the other hand, men are the dominant sex in the human race, much stronger, and have much more control over women. sexual predators know they can force women to have sex in many ways, and there are very very many women who have been raped but do not tell people because of threats. people would be threatened if they tell that they will harm their loved ones and such. Some people are born evil-hearted and have evil souls and there is really nothing we can do for them because their brains function different than ours, in their minds, its not a bad thing. Torture, on the other hand, I really don't know what to say about that, there is probably people who have enjoyment out of torturing people for their own pleasure, just like some people like to be hurt for pleasure. Now, you said a white family had a black child, now this is very obvious that this family was extremely racist and had no sympathy for the man whatsoever, these people are very ignorant and deserve to be put in a hole for the rest of their lives. Humanity has come a very far way since our arrival as a species, we change very rapidly according to the people around us, we learn how to act depending on how we grow up and many cultures have lived in very bad ways. I am losing hope in humanity, seeing how today's world acts and is taught, i am very disappointed.
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 03:31:09
and it's so real, how do we just go about our day, I can't imagine the victims, it's just horrible. horrible. horrible. Again they have there reasons, but still T _ T
Date: Thu, Jul 15 2010 17:58:06
or you can focus on real problems
Date: Thu, Jul 15 2010 21:24:54
The answers are relatively simple. Rape is nothing more than the a display of power over another individual. The sex is simply the means of diminishing their moral to have power over them. People like having power, and when you mix that with sexual gratification you're looking at a very deadly combo. Some people will do anything to get that level of satisfaction even if it means damaging somebody else. Torture has gone on since the beginning of man. Torture is another means to breaking another's mind. Whether it be physical or psychological torture it's meant to show power or control. However the most frequent use of it is in information-grabbing. "If you don't tell me this, I'll do this." In some cases it's used for revenge for whatever event may have happened to an individual.
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 06:12:03
thnikk wrote: or you can focus on real problems
Such as? -
Date: Sun, Jul 18 2010 07:28:18
have you heard of the story of Junko Furuta? the girl who got fucked up by the sad / disgusting
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 02:30:47
Talk about rape,there are alot of those cases like Father raping daugther mother raping son and the most disturbing son raping grandmother.... and on that every man constantly wanting to have sex..its true..i have to fight hard to stop fantasizing about my crush everytime i see her...
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 02:50:27
Rape is just a crime (commited by a perv) to me .Not any worse than most crimes. Now torture is just fucked up. Although I don't know why, I enjoy why watching it in movies and stuff.
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 02:52:08
What does that mean about you?
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 02:59:13
I will not become a rapist, nor a torturist.
Date: Mon, Sep 13 2010 04:48:05
Rape is sadly one of the main reasons why people want to learn how to control their LDs. Freud proved this when he was doing his research of the human subconcious. People want to live out fantasies in, and if you can control your subconsious 100%, that means you can control people as well, (in the form of forcing a dream individual to have sex with you). Not sure if this is the best place to bring that up, but just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
Date: Tue, Sep 14 2010 12:25:08
CaptainGolfBall wrote: Rape is sadly one of the main reasons why people want to learn how to control their lucid dreams. Freud proved this when he was doing his research of dreams. People want to live out fantasies in lucid dreams, and if you can control your dreams 100%, that means you can control people as well, (in the form of forcing a dream individual to have sex with you). Not sure if this is the best place to bring that up, but just wanted to put in my 2 cents.
That just gave me a good idea.... (Off to work controling my dreams) -
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 22:53:27
ArmorKingRulez wrote: That just gave me a good idea.... (Off to work controling my dreams)
So you're saying that you want to rape someone (dream person or not). -
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 00:32:08
Rape is hot.
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 08:00:30
CaptainGolfBall wrote: So you're saying that you want to rape someone (dream person or not).
Nope,just trying to charm my crush... -
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 08:07:32
Man its hard getin a date..
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 14:16:38
ArmorKingRulez wrote: Man its hard getin a date..
What the fuck ... -
Date: Fri, Sep 17 2010 12:42:11
nateiskewl wrote: Rape is hot.
nate are kool guy