Reports / Reported Post by Explosion101
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 04:14:36
Explosion101 has reported a post. Reason:
This is trolling.
Post: How to get chicks. Forum: Off-topic Assigned Moderators: N/A Posted by: Surge Original Content:Kari wrote: I'm sorry but you don't know anything about me so please quit assuming you do. ~KTSpinner~
1) Profile picture. It says a lot about you, babycakes. Well, less about you and more about your insatiable appetite for attention. Can I get a SLUT. Posts. Ya can tell a lot about someone when they're as serious as you are. "MS. YES SO KEWL CHECK OUT MY OPINION. OH OOOH. YA." Can I get a WHORE. I mean, come on, I posted a long argument, linked with studies done on actual men and women from various places on various topics. Your reply? Well... Can I get a STUPID. Surge baby, darling, wear your hat On your hip Square like me.