General Discussion / Pen Spinning and Reflexes + Memory Retention
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 11:57:15
I made a thread back on v3 about how pen spinning could increase one's reflexes as result of being accustomed to dropping the pen many times(and making attempts to catch it), and I now also believe the eye/finger coordinatiion is involved also increasing one's reflexes through pen spinning. Think, moving the pen through your fingers really fast and following it and knowing what your doing even when to others it looks like the pen is jus flying through your fingers Makes me think again, can the practice of remembering tricks as you do them at whatever speed increase your memory retention? Like when you learn a new trick, you have to accustom your mind to doing it, and as you expand you ps arsenal and get faster, the accustomatoin only gets bigger, thus ur training your mind to remember to execute number of tricks one after the other rhythmically at a certain speed. So could this facilitate your ability to retain information easier(especially alot of information) and in the case of other manipulations and pen spinning, allow you to execute new tricks faster with less practice? this can be applied to all forms of manipulation am i making sense?
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 12:15:02
I think that this basically applies to practice in general. Every time you do it your brain imprints some how, this way practicing in different ways, styles situations and constraints tricks you allready know would really help further your repertoire rather than just staying stagnant practicing the same thing. You also get more accustomed with the feeling of the pen and can apply tricks to help you do more advanced ones. Really you can do all the tricks, practicing just makes it a lot easier... =]