Regular Pen Discussion / Weight and length of tips, grips, caps
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 21:03:43
hi!! got my caliper and scale today:D
that's what I was able to measure [B][SIZE="5"]if you know some pens that arent at list please write to me in pm!![/SIZE][/B]
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 21:40:42
Thanks for this! :D change the title to something professional XP
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 23:06:12
Nice. Maybe you could compile it into a picture so it'd look better (stickling here, great info) Another thing to note may be maximum diameter of the tip.
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 01:42:05
very useful. rather than a picture..really it should be converted into a spreadsheet. perhaps include barrels, along with their width too too ;] thx for all the work you did.
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 02:27:52
Nice work! All that arguing on v3 about the weight difference between needlepoint and signo "you guys are on crack needlepoint is obviously heavier". "No, I weighed them and needlpoint was only 1.4 and signo was 1.8". thank you for clearing this up, that they in fact are the same (within .05 gms.).Try to add Jap Dr. Grip grip and Airfit grip. But really nice work :)
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 05:35:03
:O now we know
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 05:41:00
airfit is only 4.75? i woulda thought it was OVER NINE THOUSANDDDDDDDD
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 05:53:02
dont think that that photo will be good, because i will update list when i will have new pens. so i must take photo of all stuff again and again?))) havent full Jap Dr. Grip grip, i can measure cutted grip. i measure airfit grips but lost this values. ball grip is heavier. i will add it soon. i thought to measure inner and outer diameter of all + measure bodies, it is very big work)) write names of bodies with parameters you want to know, ш will measure it first ps thanks for [B]+[/B]
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 06:09:39
thanks! I've been expecting someone to do this for a long time and you do know that there are 3 kinds of airfit tips right?
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 06:33:19
yes, there is airfit pencil. i should buy it for test))
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 06:40:20
Amazing, thanks dude I also decided to type it up in an excel sheet.
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 11:38:30
Hello Thanx for making this Could u pls weight the tip of an m301 tip? It's the pencil version of the f301 I'm thinking it could be a sub for metalic gel tip or plastic g3 tip But I'm not sure if teh weight of it is close or far from the weight of the other tips I have a bunch of them round Thank you :)
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 13:48:36
Isit possible to add the weight and the spinnnable length of barrels?
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 15:46:31
RR24 sorry i havent it yet Hippo2626 spinnnable length depends on how you will put caps, so its is different for each spiner
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 16:21:00
@yurchik perhaps the maximum spinnable area?
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 16:25:13
This is great +1 things like mass, weight distrtipution etc. What would e really coll would be to create accurate 3d models that we could use and play with :P. Also if you have more than one you might want to consider takin multiple measurements and averaging it out :3.
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 16:35:59
Hippo2626 this is ok make it when i'll can
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 16:54:18
Hippo2626;5316]@yurchik perhaps the maximum spinnable area?[/QUOTE] it depends on caps and everything. An emboss cap may leave more or less spinnable space and an m&m versus a m&m cap. A more reasonable question would be length of barrel. [QUOTE=shoeman6 wrote: This is great +1 things like mass, weight distrtipution etc. What would e really coll would be to create accurate 3d models that we could use and play with :P. Also if you have more than one you might want to consider takin multiple measurements and averaging it out :3.
Your asking to much for things that are hard to do and not that important :p Although the last suggestion is reasonable EDIT: Unless hippo you mean the length of the barrel minus the writing part and back plug? Like just the round smooth circular part? -
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 17:23:26
Kirby it wouldn't be that haRd to do lol. I just don't have the tools/resources. If I have free time next year in tech I'll do a few tips/barrels. Also just being able to label every part would be cool. But could get redundant. And I don't have that many pens, pictures or like accurate sized outlines of the Parts with dimensions would be great.
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 17:53:35
mass: You can eyeball it, Weight Distrubution: throw it up see which side lands down more out of 10 tries :xd: Then you may say "You can eyeball all of them", but things like weight and length are actually necessary to be close to exact. You have good ideas, but they arn't wroth trying.
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 18:52:36
Wow this thread is useful (: and..for weight distribution u can just use kirby's idea it sounds good to me (:
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 19:03:23
can you weigh ks online sportys?
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 19:23:39
all you talk so much that I need an interpreter)))) blahblahting will have it soon
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 06:03:03
do keityo and colortwin caps really measure around 25 mm? are these the ones used for Dr. KT? edit: got it..i forgot there was two caps on colortwin and keityo
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 07:57:25
now i havent big kt cap so cant tell exactly
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 08:12:25
@Kirby that's what I mean.
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 09:34:12
how come Pilot G2 ex was not on the list? it has a good grip with a small metal ring and metal tip... :/
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 19:34:31
Large CT (well this is M&M) cap
RSVP cap
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 20:57:58
my scale are better))
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 03:52:48
how about Pilot Hitec c tips.?
Date: Sun, Aug 8 2010 05:45:45
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 00:42:22
how about airfit grips from mp,bp,gel? and airfit tip from mp?
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 04:16:13
havent now airfit tip from mp but grips are almost the same, jell version is a little bigger
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 13:29:38
what is t lenght(in cm) of a reynolds 094 cap?:learn:
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 13:32:42
post in quick modification questions
Date: Wed, Sep 15 2010 16:23:36
Date: Thu, Sep 16 2010 06:36:09
OMG, why isn't this stickied!?!?! This is such a valuable resource! Thanks a lot!
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 18:04:12
ur scale might not be as accurate as u think it is
Date: Sun, Sep 19 2010 18:48:35
thanks for this it makes good reference :)
Date: Sun, Sep 26 2010 06:11:54
yeah I think anyone who is doing measurements needs to check constantly to make sure the calibration of their scales is all right
Date: Tue, Sep 28 2010 08:33:56
Does anyone now the weight of Pentel Meteor or Bk83??? :D
Date: Tue, Oct 26 2010 19:37:27
hi guys!! help me to make this thread more useful i am going to make spreadsheet on google docs. only 1 thing that i need from you its list of all pens that can be used in pen modifications (means all famous original pens). in alphabet order or just by company. and what more i want to ask - better will be make all pens in one list or for 1 company 1 list (means pilot, pentel, zebra....)? thanks for help
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 08:58:37
@yurchik i think by company order would be easier to find there's a pen mod list on this board, and also looking at the penwish website and ponkotu's blog, you can get a decent list that covers most of the pens i'm doing this because i'm slightly too lazy to make the list, but kind enough to offer help XD
Date: Wed, Oct 27 2010 17:35:02
thanks next week i will post link
Date: Sun, Oct 31 2010 19:11:27
updates in future will add another pens + pictures
Date: Mon, Nov 1 2010 04:39:27
nice work yurchik if you are going to list every variation of a type of pen (ie. dr grip jap/american/etc) then maybe group them and make them more visible by having the subgroup (ie dr grip) in the first row of column A of each subgroup, then the different types (jap/american/neon) in the next colum sorry if its a little confusing, here's a visual rep of what i'm thinking Dr Grip | Japanese ....... _______| American _______| Neon HGG | normal _______| metallic like so i think improving visibility would improve it a long way, and i think it'll be a really useful resource
Date: Thu, Nov 4 2010 17:07:36
Can you also put the following items?: - KT - M&M - G3 (Metal and Plastic) - Hi-Tec C - Lakubo - Signo DX & Broad Thanks =D PrinceXD~
Date: Thu, Nov 25 2010 05:39:51
Honestly, I think this thread should be stickied in Pens/pens&modifications section. I think it'll help a lot
Date: Fri, May 13 2011 05:26:16
@yurchik i saw now you have a lot of pen, why dont you update this thread? This is very helpful for us i think
Date: Sun, May 15 2011 04:38:49
What's the comparison (high weight length etc) with a Dong A cap and a regular comssa cap?
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 21:58:29
nice work very helpful
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 02:15:37
@yurchik Would you be interested in combining this with my mod database (there is a link in my sig)? I think it has a fair selection of mods, but the tip, grip, cap sections are a bit thin.... I don't have callipers or scales that are accurate to less than a gram, so these sections are a bit thin... I would also be interested in adding sections on back plugs and bodys..... Please PM me if you are interested, I think it would be awesome! tno
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 04:11:59
very helpful. thanks for the chart.
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 16:01:54
What Mikchiken said