Member Introductions / Hey guys, new pen spinner here.

  1. Please
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 09:29:53

    I've just started pen spinning. I really don't know how to do anything yet. I'd like it if somebody could give me somewhere to start... My mod right now it a pencil with the end torn off wrapped in electrical tape. The ends are layered more to make it sort of a grip. It's not really a pen but.. Yeah. ;) I'm glad to be able to join such a wide, thriving community of spinners.. :) So, I'd just like some advice, and a place to start. Thanks guys! Oh yeah. One more thing.... I've been a forumer on different websites for a long time. I'm just new to Pen Spinning. So I don't understand much pen slang. Lol. :P

  2. Cloud
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 09:34:23

    :welcome: to UPSB! Hm, since you are in the U.S., I'd recommend a starting with Bictory with grips on both ends. If you can, Penwish is a really great site, where most PS'ers have bought from. You can get premade mods or parts to make yourself. If you are new to pen modding, I'd recommend buying a premade mod so you don't screw up and destroy all of your parts. Since you're familiar to these forums, I can tell you that UPSB is a pretty nice one. There are a couple of trolls, but most people are nice if you don't act like 1. some newbie who thinks he's better than everyone else, or 2. a complete idiot. Feel free to ask questions. There are a couple of stickied threads for general questions and whatnot. I don't think I need to tell you this, but don't create a new thread just to ask a simple question. Go through the site's BB Codes and get the hang of them in the test zone if you need to. Memorizing the commonly used ones will help you a lot. I dunno what's with the shoutbox. It's ok sometimes, but can get seriously weird. Not sure how it is with other boards. Since you are new to pen spinning, learn the fundamentals first. Thumbaround, Sonic, Charge, and Fingerpass are the first ones you should learn. I would recommend KTrinh93's Tutorials. Then you should move on to the reverse versions. From there, I'd recommend Sonic variations, but you can learn whatever you want. UPSB is a really great community. Hope to see you around. One important piece of advice. DO NOT START SPINNING HEAVY MODS. For some reason, nowadays, new PS'ers tend to want to start with heavy mods (Buster CYL, Dr. KT, ect.) early on. Do not use them until about a year into pen spinning. It will scew up your control, and plus, you wont be able to spin normal mods. If you can order from Penwish, I would suggest the Metal Comssa, or the RSVP MX. They are both excellent pens for beginners. RSVP MX is a bit harder to use, because it is slightly back heavy, but if you spin an MX really well, people will respect you. After that, the Waterfall is an extremely nice mod to spin. But, if you hang around this forum enough, I'm pretty sure you can figure most things out yourself. But, if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask questions. Have fun! :) So what other forums are you from? Do you do any other forms of manipulations? (First post! :P) No, I don't usually welcome people. I happened to notice yours, and felt like going beyond than the average "Welcome to UPSB!"

  3. drgripable
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 10:19:30

    Hello @TEK 's videos on youtube, the channel is called TEKschannel and should be a very useful resource for you. Have FUN XD

  4. Jazz
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 11:26:30

    LOLOL WHAI THE LONG POSTS @Cloud YOU TOOK MAI JOB T__T :welcome: hello. enjoy your stay here ;)

  5. aRandomAsian
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 11:58:22

    i started spinning like an amateur with normal pens no mods but then i started learning new tricks this year and i found that the bictory is quite a good mod to start with

  6. fang
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 12:48:45

    ^everything is said, so I'll be going with the warm welcome like cloud said! Enjoy UPSB ^_^

  7. Raos
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 14:50:28

    well everything a beginner should know is said so I am not going to repeat but I am going to stress it that listening to them is very important. so :welcome: to UPSB? Where in the states do you live in?

  8. Wolfe
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 15:18:24

    Welcome to UPSB. I'm rather new myself but I can see that you've gotten the same warm welcome I got. :) Good luck learning the fundamentals. They seem hard at first but don't give up, just keep practicing and you'll learn them in no time.

  9. Please
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 16:08:33

    Thanks so much guys... i fell lufft!11!! I tried making a bictory but screwed up. Lol. Thanks for such a warm welcome. I already kinda know how to do the thumbaround! these stufz is addictive!

  10. Wolfe
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 16:41:36

    Yeah, I know how you feel. At school everyone around me usually gets annoyed by the fact I penspin all the time. Rather humorous to be honest.

  11. Minlaotion
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 17:27:40

    :welcome: to UPSB as cloud said many good,weird,annoying ppl out there but its a fun board i started out with a n unsharpend pencil and put to metal things that held the eraser on both sides. THen went to a bictory so yeah light mods are good things for ppl who start Pen spinning. Start with fundmentals Thumbaround Fingerpass Sonic And charge. then their reverses. they all have the same name just add a rev or reverse to it on the name so thumbaound reverse. once you get better learn sonic variations (optional but highly recommended) like twisted sonic warped sonic etc have fun when you are doing this practicing times becuz you wont like it if you get pissed off easily

  12. Quake
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 17:54:41

    lol :welcome: to UPSB. lol Cloud's number of words in his post.... ITS OVER 9000!! :P

  13. Awesome
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 20:07:25


  14. akitaka
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 20:19:47

    Hey, welcome to UPSB!