Trading / Buying / What should I buy?
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 20:23:31
First off I'm not sure if this is the right section but I think it is. I'm just starting to spin and I can already do a thumb around and this other thing idk what its called but I want to buy a pen made for spinning. I'm not sure what I should get. I want one that is great for learning but I can still use as I get better. I've looked at a few but still not sure. ps. I'm new to this so if your using abbreviations for pen stuff put what it means in parentheses so I can learn. Thanks, krinkelzz
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 20:35:13
My advices is go to a Gather and test mods from other people look if you could find a few cool mods and buy it... but set a limit or you couldnĀ“t stop buying ^^ I think ~20$
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 21:08:38
Thanks for the response. I'm not sure though. I want to buy like a base pen. One meant for spinning from amazon or something. Should I get the rogue or ect.
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 21:12:12
RSVP MX. It's what i started with. I still use one. But they're easy to make; If your up for it.
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 21:37:40
I suggest RSVP MX or Metal Comssa. You can get both at
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 00:51:42
I suggest buster CYL. theyre pretty long, heavy and great for learning new things. you can get them at as well
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 00:56:34
NO wtf? Don't start with something so heavy. First of all the weight will actually inhibit the learning process for fundamental tricks because your hands won't be acustomed to such a heavy mod. Second you won't really need a buster until you get into busting and power tricks. Start out with sometihng light first
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 01:54:49
Thanks everyone. Right now I dont have the parts and dont feel like buying one this second. I'm making my own mod with what I have around the house. I'm having trouble with finding something to put into a cap to weigh it down a bit though. I'll upload a picture when I'm done. Also how do you make an insert?
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 03:24:22
you print one off with a colored printer, find an insert you like, then what I do is put it into MS word and adjust the zoom so the page it shows is the same size as a real piece of paper, then hold up my pen to the screen and adjust how big I need by eyeing it. then print it off and cut it out, you might want to leave a bit of white paper on the long edge, then roll it up around the ink tube and put it in your pen
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 17:23:52
Nachoaddict wrote: NO wtf? Don't start with something so heavy. First of all the weight will actually inhibit the learning process for fundamental tricks because your hands won't be acustomed to such a heavy mod. Second you won't really need a buster until you get into busting and power tricks. Start out with sometihng light first
It really depends on what YOU think is easier to start learning tricks with. but w/e you have a point -
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 18:26:11
Well I'm not the only one who thinks that way. this should help: Idon't see bustercyl in newcomers :/ and thr name. BUSTER cyl.
Date: Thu, Jul 8 2010 04:56:35
agreed with nacho, you SHOULDNT use a buster to learn thumbaround or such. well it SEEMS very easy to be learning fundamentals with a buster cyl but later your hands could only spin something heavy. when your an advance already , what are you going to spin ? a metal rod ? idont think so. conclusion : no busters
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 02:20:42
start with an unsharpend pencil...then see if u can bust with it...when u can do that, then go get an rsvp mx/bictory and if u can some comssas (metal/normal)