Member Introductions / Greetz from Germany :)

  1. IoneGPC
    Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 15:48:16

    Hey guys, I'm Ione from the GPC. Just made an new account, because the old forum is dead :blush: [B]I'm searching for somebody who is selling me a Guitrum's Retractable MX.(Send me a PM)[/B] I'm spinning now for 7 months and I still like it ^_^ Here my Youtube Page:CLICK Also, i'm playing drums for 10 years now. :rolleyes: Hope to see you! :thumb: Ione

  2. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 16:17:15


  3. chris
    Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 21:33:45

    :welcome: ! Umm, idk about the retract mx :/

  4. Ktk
    Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 23:26:50

    Hey ione. [I do not have a retractable either D: ]

  5. IoneGPC
    Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 13:13:02

    Hey Ktk, sup? Still playing LR?