Member Introductions / Hi!please help me :))

  1. d3-n
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 13:00:46

    hi!i am new around here.i am spinning for about 2 months.i have some questions:) 1.i can do all of te fundamentals,tw sonic,tw sonic bust,warped sonic,inverse sonic,sonic rise,infinity,wiper,wiper reverse,inf ext,shadow,double charge,middle around,index around ,fl ta,ta reverse,figure 8,inverse tw sonic,tw sonic reverse,neo sonic,demons sonic(not really well),thumspin.which tricks should i learn after these and which pen should i use? 2.i would be reaally happy if you could write a combo with these tricks.or a mini one :) you reccomend anything else ? i would be soo happy if you help me best wishes d3-n :))

  2. Flarion
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 14:55:13

    If you want to see which tricks you should learn, look at the threads... (cant find the other, ill get back to you on that one) For pens.. metallic comssa, RSVP MX, Nachoaddict RSVP, try to use mods about 12-15g until you get better 2. Heres a combo I wrote a couple weeks ago you can give a shot: tw sonic 23-12> pass 12-23-34> demons sonic 34-12> ext TA> charge 12> shadow 12-12> bak> index around> pass reverse 12-23-34-23> neosonic 23-T1> FL TA rev.> charge 12> pass 12-23-34>sonic 34-23> tw sonic bust 3. Dont spin (heavy) sticks. You get way too used to using them, and you cant go back to light mods afterwards.

  3. Bleevlee
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 14:57:25

    What pen? All personal preference.. Nobody can choose that for you. But at your level, you should stay away from heavy mods, like Buster CYLs, Dr. KTs, etc. 2.I suck at this... Twisted sonic Reverse Palm Up 12-23>Twisted Sonic Bust Palm down 23-12>Shadow 12-12>Wiper Normal T1>Wiper Reverse T1>Pass T1-34>Demon's Sonic>Indexaround>Thumbspin~Thumbaround, I guess? 3. Recommend? :O. I don't know!

  4. Awesome
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 17:56:46

    pen choice is a personal decision. Asking what pen to use is like asking what kind of ice cream you should like. The recommendation is to stay away from heavier mods until you start learning advanced tricks, this helps develop your style more naturally. For combos, don't worry about specific combos, just put tricks one after another and try and get them smooth. If you are smooth whatever you do is good :)

  5. fang
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 19:28:03

    ^everything is said! Enjoy UPSB PS: start creating hybrids

  6. d3-n
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 20:08:10

    thx alot guys for helping me,you really helped me alot :)

  7. Kiiro
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 22:46:56

    this helped me a little bit too not a lot but it did help

  8. 2Baka
    Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 00:14:44

    1. go with a bictory you can customize it to your own liking, differnent grips/cuts,tips and even make it inkless

  9. Krypton
    Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 08:31:51

    :welcome: to UPSB. I recommend using a Metal Comssa to just about everybody, it's cheap, balanced and a nice amount of weight. Here are some simple linkages: Sonic Rise34-12 > Warped Sonic12-23 > Middlearound 23-23 Inv. Twisted Sonic 12-23 > Pass rev 23-34 > Ringaround 34-34 Inv. Sonic 12-23 > Pass rev 23-34> Charge rev 34> Pass 34-23

  10. d3-n
    Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 11:15:11

    thx alot guys