Temporary Bin / JBSM and Fail's Trade thread
Date: Thu, Jun 23 2011 20:10:59
Wants: Bonkura colored CT caps (Pink/Skyblue or Orange/Green) HGG parts K7 hybrid original colors with "O" rings (blue, yellow, white), preferably inserted Rushon mod [spoiler=Mods]Have: INC mod
Mister Twister
Nachoaddict's Simple DC Inverted KT (Silver/Black [with silver Signo Broad Caps]) Flying Panda Mod (black) Can make: Guitrum's Breaker Mod (any color grips) Ask, many other mods[/spoiler] [spoiler=Tips]4x Impact RT tips 2x Faber Castell GripMatic Tips Signos[/spoiler] [spoiler=Grips]Orange Waterfall Grips (Jap Dr. Grips dyed orange/gold) Profile G2 Airblanc Rsvp IRT Ask, we probably have (especially if it's American)[/spoiler] [spoiler=Can Get]RSVPs (Colors, New RT version, or clear) Sunbursts (other than yellow and white) American Dr. Grip LTD's Signos G2s Anyball/profiles Dr. Grip COG (G-Spec Pen/Pencil) Others, again, ask[/spoiler] You can ask on this thread, or on our email: [email][email protected][/email] or just give either one of us a PM *(everything on this post was updated 6/26/2011)*
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 03:19:22
Why are you guys sharing a thread? Are you siblings or something?
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 13:23:00
@Nachoaddict we're just friends that want to trade. We want more parts that we can't find around our area.
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 14:59:16
Yea. Also, I can't buy padded envelopes, order from PW, and I don't go to China very often anymore. :( @Nachoaddict
Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 03:26:05
Pm sent guys
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 19:26:24
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 00:43:27
I offered them $50 for their black flying panda and mister twister turned down.
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 14:01:04
@JBSM u cant order from penwish, an APPROVED online store and have ur order mailed to ur house and pay with a credit card but ur allowed to go to the post office and mail stuff to someone u barely know and hope that thaeyll send money back?
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 15:12:56
@Kirro no we're [B]NOT[/B] selling. We're trading...
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 00:49:11