General Discussion / How do you practise pen spinning?

  1. Soren
    Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 14:23:23

    When you practise pen spinning do you follow a routine/method? On average how long do you practise a day? Do you only practise single tricks? And only practise combos for battles/tournaments etc? Where do you practise? Tips when practising? Discuss here.

  2. Krypton
    Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 14:33:00

    I just practise a linkage I'm working on, and when my hand geels tired/bored I will either switch hands or practise a previous linkage to refresh my muscle memory. I can never get enough of spinning, usually I spin for 5-6 hours a day. I could go on all day if I had the chance to. I spin on the couch, chair (in front of comp) and sometimes standing/shiting. i.suk once told me it's best to practise one particular linkage intensively for several days and be conscious on your style and make necessary amendments. I have a couple of questions myself. To what degree do people usually master linkages to? I usually move on if I can do it nicely/smoothly for about 70% of the time. I've found out mastery of that particular linkage will improve if you freestyle with it often.

  3. funnky
    Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 16:02:31

    i spin mostly at my desk and only for 1-2 hours a day :( and i practice whatever combo/linkage im working on and them some tricks i need to master.

  4. AWtii69
    Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 19:01:33

    i work on linkages a LOT, given i dont really care too much about tricks i know i will never use for my style of spinning AE. flush sonic, seasick, etc. so i practice links and put them into combos, i have most of my good links memorized

  5. Epic
    Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 19:10:59

    i practice almost anywhere i want and i practice all my tricks and i spend bout 2 hours praticing and i dont follow a routine

  6. Awesome
    Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 19:39:50

    I don't never had anything formal or consistent, which works really well for me I'll mindlessly freestyle when I am doing something else, that really gets tricks down 100% If I am learning a new trick I'll keep on trying it until I get it once then take a break, when I come back (could be the next day) I'll aim for 3 times in a row, next time for 5, then finally 10. Once I can do a trick 10 times in a row I never really need to worry about it. For linkages I'll just go over them til they feel right, then put them in a combo and film. I think the most important thing to keep in mind while practicing is that pen spinning should be an enjoyable hobby. You shouldn't push yourself to be the best, or else you will just kill all your motivation and stop spinning

  7. Breezy
    Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 00:27:06

    Like 1-2 hours a day

  8. GigaByte
    Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 07:02:58

    i practice anytime . when i dont have things to do i will grab a mod and practice by watching collab or solo video and learn some new linkages from the video

  9. Kasumipen
    Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 07:26:22

    If i really really want to learn one trick i do it over and over and over again until i feel like I am sick of this trick. and when I'm able to do it, I start to use it in my combos and try to find new linkages for it. I don't much anymore and so I spin just at school and sometimes at home. thats about 3-5 hours a day.

  10. ChainBreak
    Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 21:34:23

    I only spin for 1~5 minutes then I do something else. As a result I'm probably the worst 8+ months spinner alive...

  11. Mufoofee
    Date: Sat, Jun 25 2011 22:43:37

    i practice individual tricks then try linking them. I don't have a time limit since i take a pen everywhere. So i spin everywhere. I multitask by spinning too.

  12. felix1429
    Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 01:17:41

    What I do is throughout the whole day I mostly freestyle, and that gets my already learned tricks even better. At night, like from 6ish to 10ish is when I focus most on getting down new tricks. Once I have new tricks down about 75%, I start practicing them during the day. But overall, i spin almost all day long

  13. MondPs
    Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 00:18:04

    i practise pen spinning while listening some music..:) :)

  14. Sekai
    Date: Sun, Apr 8 2012 02:15:35

    While using the PC xD, listening to music, checking facebook, upsb, etc.. just like Ivabra XD

  15. Cubesnail
    Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 16:24:45

    During school when there nothing to do or the teachers talking.

  16. Nashi
    Date: Wed, Apr 18 2012 21:31:09

    Not spinning that much atm. And mostly freestyle stuff and easy shit but when i have to do a serious combo, i'll sit on my bed, listening to music or a children cassette and practice untill my motivation is gone. (I usually practice whole combos, less often only tricks)

  17. wings
    Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 23:00:54

    i practice 1-3hours after eating lunch, just new tricks with my mx, i can't come up with a good combo @.@

  18. KiimSith
    Date: Thu, Apr 19 2012 23:33:50

    i focus on the new tricks n slowly learned it.after mastered it,then i try to linkage them. Usually pratice up to 4 hr n spun everywhere cuz i always bring them and also smooth the combo n copy others combo.

  19. Ceru Seiyu
    Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 21:48:49

    I never stop spinning, always freestyling for smoothness, always grinding for new stuff.

  20. i.suk
    Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:26:47

    When you practise pen spinning do you follow a routine/method? <-- routine? no, too lazy/undisciplined, i spin when i feel like it; method - usually grind practice for cont fl, random fs, and training specific linkages which are more difficult for me On average how long do you practise a day? <-- highly varies, some days i don't practice at all, some days i practice a lot...probably 40 minutes - 1 hour on average in past few months i guess Do you only practise single tricks? And only practise combos for battles/tournaments etc? <-- no, and no xD Where do you practise? <-- at my computer desk, and at my filming location (recording is a type of 'practice' for me, since it involves a dedicated training of the same combo, just that the camera is turned on; in fact, some spinners do most of their practice while recording Tips when practising? <-- grinding the same thing for 2+ hours a day, ever day or 2, for 2 weeks; has a far far far larger impact on improvement than doing that thing casually for 15 min - 30 min every now and then for half a year (e.g. my fl ta ~ palmspin was stuck at x 20 for over 5 months even though i did it quite regularly (but not intensively), but after 5-7 3 hour training sessions, i lifted numbers to x 30+, and now i can reach that amount fairly easily even though i haven't really practiced them in the past 8 months) PS: of course, training conts at the earlier stages (i.e. when you're still at < x 5) is the most frustrating, since failure rate is very high, in general PPS: after a while of training and analysing linkages from pro spinners, you will find that both your copying/analysis/observation skills will have increased greatly, as well as your ability to understand how pen and fingers should move, which will allow you to devise new linkages, see subtle linkages in other people's combos, and use new material a lot more easily than before, since i think i have moved a bit into this area, most of my intensive training is on harder power variations rather than training individual linkages...reaching this point took over a year though :P

  21. astronaut
    Date: Fri, Apr 20 2012 22:32:20

    I do kinda the same as GigaByte and most other spinners. I watch a video usually of someone pro like isuk or someone else in the WT/WC, then I try the trick/linkage that I saw for an hour or two straight.:spin::king: