Collaboration Videos / Jireny 1st Collab

  1. L-in
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 19:41:48

    Here is "Jireny 1st Collab", organized and edited by a former super moderator, Jireny [PSH]. This collab contains many of the top psers in PSH, including Jireny, snow, P, se7en, soda, EaglE, lindsky, Asleep, Age, etc. It also has some great psers from other communities, including @i.suk from UPSB. The collab was published earlier this year, but due to technologiical difficulties we did not post it on PSH Youtube channel until today. [video=youtube;JO8EAuBeOB8][/video] Youtube link: Enjoy! :XD:

  2. Kill
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 23:23:35

    really awesome collab probably my favorite so far xDD

  3. Advecticity
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 23:39:45

    What are the songs? They really fit this great collab.

  4. chris
    Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 00:27:05

    too many powertrickers <_< also, X1213 <3

  5. afroman
    Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 20:06:22

    nice spinning