General Discussion / Am I broken?

  1. instance
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 15:49:33

    I've read a lot of threads where they mention "Use this mod after 6 months of using a bictory/rsvp/mettalic comssa!". The problem is im about 3 months into penspinning and im already using a Superbic with dr.grips on the ends. Is this BAD?

  2. Gisele 8
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 16:14:08

    do what you want, dude, no rulez

  3. Rapid
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 16:38:31

    Do what you want or like. But if you want a decent answer, superbic is an ok mod for 3 months :bd

  4. Awesome
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 16:44:42

    you are never "broken" in PS, unless you crush your hands or something. Its recommended to stay away from heavy mods at the beginning to get a solid foundation, but you can always go back with a light mod and build them up and the result will be just like you learnt with a light mod all along. Don't worry and just spin :)

  5. instance
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 16:46:50

    Awesome wrote: you are never "broken" in PS, unless you crush your hands or something. Its recommended to stay away from heavy mods at the beginning to get a solid foundation, but you can always go back with a light mod and build them up and the result will be just like you learnt with a light mod all along. Don't worry and just spin :)
    Thanks, so do you think a superBIC is a heavy mod?

  6. Awesome
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 16:48:31

    I am not up to date on my mods, so I am not sure on what it is exactly. But as long as you don't have dr.grip tips on the ends or something of the sort it shouldn't be too bad.

  7. instance
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 16:50:12

    OK, there are half cut dr.grip grips but not any tips so i guess im good.

  8. AWtii69
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 19:30:31

    thats a good mod, ur not 'broken' unless you cant spin, but do take the advice of not using a buster until roughly 10/11 months or even a year

  9. Fail
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 23:42:01

    @Awesome Made by Guitrum, around the weight/momentum of Waterfall mod. (with Dr. Grip instead of AirBlanc.)

  10. Awesome
    Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 23:48:52

    that should be good, its a medium weight mod, not too heavy, but enough to give you momentum for most tricks :)

  11. GigaByte
    Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 04:30:15

    choose what mod u think u comfortable to spin it ..