Forum Games / Corrupt A Wish
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 21:37:11
This game is basically like the others but different. The way you play is you make a wish. The next person grants it but then corrupts it. For example: Me: I wish washing machines could talk Breezy: Granted, but it hates you and eats you. I wish I could fly. Me: Granted, but you fly into a lightning storm get electrocuted and fall to your death. I wish I was a tree. Juggalo666666: Granted, but I take take a chainsaw and cut you down and use your wood to warm my house at night. And so on. This game is meant to be fun. I'll start... I wish I was a musician. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 23:00:20
Granted, but you accidentally snap your G-string XD I wish i could hai tua
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 23:06:06
granted but every tiem you do one the mod breaks i wish bonkura is alive
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 23:06:06
Granted But all of your pens broke XD I wish i can be more asian
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 23:06:36
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: granted but every tiem you do one the mod breaks i wish bonkura is alive
Dammit drake you beat me XD -
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 23:08:37
Minlaotion wrote: Dammit drake you beat me XD
lol owned -
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 23:09:16
Granted, but you become so asian that you implode. I wish there was better music on the radio. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 23:15:48
Granted but there all gay I wish I had godly powers
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 23:21:03
Granted, but now you have a small dick. I wish nobody would corrupt this wish.
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 00:08:07
Granted, but Nobody doesn't exist, so somebody corrupts your wish. I wish that somebody corrupts this wish.
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 01:54:25
Aether wrote: Granted, but now you have a small dick. I wish nobody would corrupt this wish.
That's impossible. Everybody knows black men always have large dicks. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 01:55:59
Bleevlee wrote: Granted, but Nobody doesn't exist, so somebody corrupts your wish. I wish that somebody corrupts this wish.
Granted, but because you wanted it it doesn't happen. Ungranted. I wish Breezy would respond to my wish. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 02:40:26
granted, but I dont think Im breezy I wish I could have a whistiling pinwheel.
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 03:11:14
Granted, but it stabs you in the face. I wish I had a wish that could not be corrupted.
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 03:14:38
Granted, but now I take it back I wish I had food
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 03:33:02
Granted, but it's live worms. I wish that I won a national math competition.
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 05:03:00
Granted, but it was rigged and you got disqualified. I wish I was happy. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sat, Jun 11 2011 16:50:24
this game is pretty sweet, i cant think of anything so just ignore me and respond to the post above
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 06:04:51
Granted, but now that you want it, I won't. Ungranted. Lol I wish I was a grasshopper. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 06:47:58
Granted, but someone sprayed insecticides all over the place and you died. I wish I wouldn't get laid.
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 07:29:37
Granted, but then you got raped by a gay guy. I wish I was Superman without weakness to kryptonite.
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 11:05:25
Granted, but he lost all his powers as Superman. I wish I could corrupt someone's wish again.
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 12:47:30
Granted, but you're computer breaks. I wish to think of a wish.
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 14:31:25
Granted but that wish was your death i wish my spinning gets better
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 16:14:54
Granted, but you break both hands I wish the entire world was anime. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 16:30:47
granted but the anime is high school of teh dead i wish pokemon was real
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 16:40:45
Granted. Me too so I will not corrupt. I wish those dogs would stop barking. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 17:21:27
Granted, but now there are wolves howling. I wish that this wish couldn't be corrupted.
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 17:23:00
Granted, but instead your other future and past wishes would be corrupted. I wish I had fifty cents.
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 17:40:41
granted but you got 50 pennies i wish i had a good car
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 17:51:17
Granted but its a toy hotwheels car I wish I had money
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 18:15:33
Granted, but you waste it at gambling. I wish could go to E3.
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 18:42:20
Granted but nobodys there I wish I had nothing
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 18:45:25
granted but someone gave you something but then you lost that something i wish I had a phone
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 19:11:41
Granted, but it's broken I wish things were more interesting ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 19:20:48
Granted but then they got boring again I wish people were less mean
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 19:25:35
Granted, but it only lasted -1 second. I wish guys weren't so horny. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 01:05:12
Granted, but you have to be stuck with me i wish i was a SAIYAN!!
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 01:49:34
granted but then you died I wish for something
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 01:50:49
granted, but you lost it i wish i had a sentient mod
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 01:56:56
Granted but then I snapped it into two pieces and flushed it down the toilet I wish people would disappear
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:10:27
granted, but youd too disappear! i wish my dads gf wasnt so annoying
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:20:50
Granted, but everybody else is annoying. I wish I could disappear. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:49:52
Granted but then you end up in breezys house I wish for free stuff
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 05:17:31
Granted, but it's all burned into one little pile. I wish for candy of which I can go om nom nom. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 05:22:25
granted but the candy gave you a stomach ache i wish life was easier
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 05:36:14
granted, but then youd be bored and eventually go into Limbo or die... i wish i was Famous!
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 05:50:06
Granted, but Justin Bieber takes a liking into you, and BOTH of you turn gay. I wish I wasn't so bored...
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 06:30:36
Granted, but because I like you being bored ungranted. ;) ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 07:00:58
Kari wrote: Granted, but because I like you being bored ungranted. ;) ~KTSpinner~
Wait a minute, did that just end the game? -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 07:21:48
MUSIIX wrote: Wait a minute, did that just end the game?
Oops, sorry. :p I wish I got struck by lightning. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 07:32:43
Granted but breezy saved you before u can get struck I wish Kari would stop playing forum games at 3:30AM
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 07:54:49
Gran... Wait a minute it's only 153 am. And I'm sorry but I can't control when I get off work. I wish I knew more about Breezy. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 12:00:29
Granted, but you forgot all about yourself. I wish I was born a girl.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 12:38:03
Granted , but u cant get child XD I wish i can be Superman
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 13:09:50
Granted, but some a**hole gives you Kryptonite. I wish school would never start.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 17:10:36
Granted, but 24 hours of manual labor starts. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 17:19:51
I guess Kari wishes for nothing I wish for world happiness
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 17:31:18
Grante... ..... It seems the world blew up before I could grant your wish. I wish my parakeet didn't look so constipated. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 17:49:21
Granted, but then you would be constipated. I wish people would make decent music nowadays.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 17:52:05
Granted, but it's not the decent you were looking for. I wish penwish would send my parts. :D ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 17:56:10
Granted, but the evil mailman broke all the stuff in it (which I'm pretty sure is illegal and can be sued.) I wish I would get better at Dragonica.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 18:11:45
Lol granted, but all your hair falls out forever ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 18:26:08
Kari wrote: Lol granted, but all your hair falls out forever ~KTSpinner~
No wish again? And what does that have to do with Dragonica? lolz -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 19:58:20
MUSIIX wrote: No wish again? And what does that have to do with Dragonica? lolz
It doesn't. I just wanted your hair to fall out. I never said the reply had to do with the wish. ;) I wish my black and green kt was finished. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 20:15:44
...Good point... Granted but it breaks when you spin it. I wish I win my battle against Ian :p
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 20:44:30
Granted. But you lose every battle afterwards. I wish the music didn't stop. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 21:23:49
Granted, but that music is all crappy music. I wish Global Warming didn't exist.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 22:05:38
It doesn't exist. Never has. It's called nature. You can't change nature. I wish I got hit by a semi truck. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 00:32:08
Granted, but miraculously you live. And die of a heart attack. I wish someone else would wish instead of me and Kari :D
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 01:18:50
Granted, but Kari will get your next wish. I wish I was awesome.
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 02:57:16
Granted, but then Awesome would become Cloud! i wish i had a life:/
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 04:12:48
Granted, but you only have one. I wish happiness came easy. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 04:15:17
granted, but it wouldnt be satisfying. I wish for another wish that couldnt be changed.
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 17:25:54
Granted, but all other wishes will be corrupted. I wish for the life I never had. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 03:53:41
Granted but a day later you go back to the old you I wish I was raised without violence
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 04:08:26
granted, but then youd become a violent person! i wish i made good wishes
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 04:31:23
Granted but them you started making bad ones I wish I had everything I currently don't
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 06:48:00
Granted but u lost everything u have i wish i can be pro like Vicgotgame
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 06:51:25
Granted. However, someone kidnapped you and cut off your hands. I wish I wasn't a sadist.
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 07:38:20
Granted, but then it exploded. I wish......that i could be more Asian and less white
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 08:47:19
Granted, but u now turn so Asian that u have to become white again. I wish i am s777
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 08:58:18
granted, so now we have another LEGEND pen spinner i wish i could be an awesome pen spinner too like s777 lol everyone wants to be him :P
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 08:58:55
Granted, but everyone murdered you for taking over s777. I wish someone would corrupt the wish above this post.
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 09:18:26
Granted. Above this post refers to yours, as mine is below. Therefore your wish is corrupted. I wish to own one of each of all the pen mods that has ever existed.
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 10:10:02
Granted, but they're badly modded and look like shit I wish I had loads of money =.=
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 10:31:41
Granted, but you became a target of kidnapping, assassinating, etc. Good luck bro. I wish i had a sig.
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 10:32:31
Granted but it looks like sh*t. I wish I could start using some more advanced tricks.
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 13:54:58
Granted, but you totally forgot your fundamentals. I wish I had a sig which looked like shit.
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 20:24:54
Granted. Period. I wish girls didn't have to go through periods. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 20:40:34
Granted, but you're always pregnant I wish wood chucks could chuck wood
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 20:57:08
Granted but then a wood chuck chucks the shit outa you I wish life was easier
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 22:39:21
Granted, but you are harder more often. I wish it wasn't so hot in here. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 01:55:34
Granted but a week later its gets hotter than breezy :P I wish for happiness
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 02:15:00
Breezy wrote: Granted but a week later its gets hotter than breezy :P I wish for happiness
I don't think that's possible. ;) Granted, but you have yet to find the one who will be the one to bring you true happiness. I wish I had a tv. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 05:40:57
granted, but the screen size is only 1" I wish I had more wishes
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 05:43:59
Granted but your head literally becomes a taco. I wish a certain someone was online right now. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 08:48:01
Granted, but your computer broke down. I wish I had ketchup all over my table. I lied.
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 11:26:00
Granted, but along with ketchup comes shit fries SHENRON! GRANT ME MY WISH! I wish for immortality!
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 12:38:23
Granted, but you lost your mouth and your skin got so thick that IV drop's don't work anymore. g'luck I wish I could cook.
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 21:02:15
Granted, but your a cannibal and only cook human FLEEESH! i wish i was Avatar Roku!
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 06:02:01
^that's nice. Granted. Ungranted. I wish I died and went to hell.
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 06:19:28
Granted, but hell is ran by God i wish i had something to wish for
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 08:06:57
Granted , but u lost your ps skill i wish i will pass the exam
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 08:19:15
Granted, but they expelled you from school due to unknown reasons. I wish I was good at comebacks.
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 10:06:16
Gwanted, but you lose your tongue and teeth xD I wish evil pokemon were real :/
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 10:38:07
Granted, but then the evil pokemon become good. lolz. I wish WC12 turns out awesome.
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 10:45:50
Granted but WC10 is better I wish for this wish to never be corrupted so that ends the game and you go bye bye then i finish you off with pure awesomeness and a falcon punch while pen spinning so my mod breaks and you will have to buy me a new one :D
Date: Fri, Jun 17 2011 14:22:16
Never granted. Keep dreaming. I wish pie wasn't round.
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 01:52:30
Granted but you have all the mud pies you can eat. Enjoy. I wish the overnight person would come in on time so I wouldn't have to stay later than scheduled. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 02:13:35
granted but he gets to do some... thin- unwanted favors for you. i wish i was the god damn batman
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 03:22:46
Ohayo wrote: granted but he gets to do some... thin- unwanted favors for you. i wish i was the god damn batman
It's a she. Granted, but you lost your mask and cape. I wish I could melt. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 03:36:36
granted, but you couldnt un-melt. I wish I could think of something to write.
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 04:09:24
Granted. But you already did. I wish I had some tacos right now.
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 05:03:01
i wish the earth could blow up right now
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 21:37:39
granted but i used the Black Star Dragon Balls to unexplode earth and we never found those Dragon Balls Again so earth exploded anyways i wish i wish with all my heart to fly with dragons in a land apart:)
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 04:01:11
Granted, queer. XD I wish humans couldn't speak or make and noises. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 06:22:17
queer?! lol Granted, but then you couldnt moan tomorow night! ;) hows that for a comeback?! Lol i wish that someone would come up to me and toss me the keys to a brand new, not stolen, Nissan Skyline!
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 06:42:59
itzDaKine wrote: queer?! lol Granted, but then you couldnt moan tomorow night! ;) hows that for a comeback?! Lol i wish that someone would come up to me and toss me the keys to a brand new, not stolen, Nissan Skyline!
Fine by me. Granted, but I beat you up and take the keys back. :p I wish for a wish. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 06:53:41
Nooo! not my Skyline! your so cruel! haha:D Granted, but then your wish gets corrupted! mmmk? lol i wish my last name was Badabueña!
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 11:02:08
Ok. That's so cool. No one corrupted my wish. But I still didn't get any tacos :( Granted, but your first name would be Gjavnlfdnvlsjdfrnlvnfdvlffjsvndnfgvbjfgnjfdnvjsdfvnfrvnnvgbnejngvnerungjfndvfjvjjflolsjvndjfvjvsfvjnankfrglaeroflvskm. I wish my internet wasn't so slow...:( EDIT: If you look closely, I put 2 extra words in there ;D
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 16:50:45
Granted, but then youd have a shit computer i wish i had blue eyes
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 07:55:55
Granted, but you are blind i wish i could get comssa in my country :D
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 11:32:36
Granted, but you just can't seem to find them. I wish malaysia had more pens which are useful in modding.
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 12:56:55
Granted, but all of the pens you are looking for are out of stock I wish i can find comssas in my country
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 14:31:13
Granted, but someone wiped it all to the last stock right infront of your eyes. I wish i didnt have hands.
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 14:57:46
Granted, but it grew back :o I wish i had all the miffies in the world :D
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 17:30:56
Granted, but I come, become your friend, steal them and run away. :D I wish I had a rope. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 05:26:50
Granted, but I come, become your friend, steal the rope and run away :P I wish i had a good PC
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 06:05:18
granted, but i stole it! i wish my gf would spin:/
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 06:22:43
Granted but she isn't your gf anymore. I wish I ate spin4fun ~KTSpinner~
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 06:50:05
Granted, but you puked him up and ate me instead!! i wish people would stop posting stopid shizz on fb
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 14:40:55
Granted, but you got grounded from the internet. I wish people knew how to spell properly.
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 15:31:34
Granted, buts peoples would then haz the bad grammars! i wish i lived in Japan!
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 16:53:29
Granted, but then you would dissapear as well. I wish I was as good of a runner as Forrest Gump
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 18:13:06
granted, but you would tire quickly and get bored easily. I wish I could think of what to write.
Date: Wed, Jun 22 2011 22:39:40
Granted, but then your mind overloaded!! i wish i was Cole from inFAMOUS!
Date: Thu, Jun 23 2011 16:48:55
Granted but he has a mad small Dick I wish I was there
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 04:49:53
Granted, but then there would be not there... i wish i didnt die
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 05:06:36
granted, but you were a brain dead vegetable for eternity I wish black people could swim.
Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 19:09:43
Granted, but then theyd invade america i wish i had monies!!!
Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 02:18:30
Granted but it was only a picture I wish this game would load ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 06:08:14
granted, but the game jammed after it loaded I wish that school wont start till the end of the world
Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 08:53:51
Granted, so the world stops. But then it goes in reverse and you have to go through school all over again. I wish I never had to sleep. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 04:41:25
Granted, but youd have to stay up listening to Justin bieber songs only! i wish i could be consistant with this damn combo!
Date: Mon, Jun 27 2011 05:34:08
Granted but it was your last combo I wish i had more money to buy mods
Date: Tue, Jun 28 2011 07:05:45
Granted but that's all you ever spent your money on and you die.of starvation. I wish I was the first smart blonde. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 17:56:54
granted but you failed the IQ test i wish people stop being so arrogant
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 14:49:52
Granted.But people become ignorant instead of arrogant. i wish i'll shot my fcking teacher which dun let me spin =.=
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 22:53:46
Granted but your teacher was you in the future and now you have no future. I wish I could remember to make a wish. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 06:59:00
granted but that wish didnt work i wish people stop being assholes
Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 19:38:56
Granted but you get eaten by a mountain lion. I wish things didn't hurt so much. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 22:24:07
granted now you cant feel anything i wish i could fine the one
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 03:31:27
Granted but you are too young and the one who you think is the one really isn't. I wish I could find out why I don't sleep well at night. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 05:16:19
Kari wrote: Granted but you are too young and the one who you think is the one really isn't. I wish I could find out why I don't sleep well at night. ~KTSpinner~
Granted but now you sleep too much I wish life was easier -
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 14:44:22
Granted but other things are harder. :rofl: I wish I had natural talent for things. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Fri, Jul 22 2011 20:03:32
granted, but since i don't know what "things" are...ungranted i wish Kari and DrakeOhMeteor007 would stop playing this corrupt a wish game
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 14:17:15
Granted, but they will be playing alot other games. I wish Kari and DrakeOrMetheor007 will be playing this game again!~
Date: Sat, Jul 23 2011 16:29:16
granted but then they started trolling. xD i wish i would get some free pens for modding.
Date: Mon, Jul 25 2011 22:38:29
Granted but all of the pens send a painfull electrical charge to your hand if you mess up. I wish my wish would not be granted :D
Date: Tue, Jul 26 2011 00:29:22
sorry, since there has been a "paradox" the whole has been sucked up into a black hole so we're all dead. xD I wish i was riding a magical unicorn right now.
Date: Tue, Jul 26 2011 02:35:04
granted, but the unicorn got killed by voldemort for a new wand. I wish the harry potter series didn't end
Date: Tue, Jul 26 2011 10:52:53
granted, but it got so boring that no one ever wanted to watch/read it ever again. i wish i had an unlimited supply of CHOCOLATE!!!
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 00:16:20
granted, and you got super fat :) i wish i was home
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 00:38:21
granted but when you got back your house was wrecked cuz of a tornado. xP i wish @Cloud was really a fluffy cloud
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 00:40:03
granted, but he became a LIME CLOUD!!!!! ( that'd be my youtube name ;)) i wish i was asleep
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 00:48:29
granted but then a gorilla jumped through your window and woke you up. i wish @Cloud would stop being a lime cloud and turn into a normal fluffy one. PLZ. that's not so hard is it?
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 00:49:45
granted, but it was a FLUFFY LIME CLOUD!!!!!!! i wish lyfojh would stop wishing about me
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 00:58:12
granted but your a fluffy LIME cloud he continues to. xP i wish that @Cloud would stop being lime colored.
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 01:00:13
granted, but i became black, with lime trim i wish you would stop making wishes about me
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 01:05:32
granted but now I'm wishing about other people. xP happy now? I wish i had a fish that was made on a dish with a wish. xD
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 01:32:47
granted. but after 5 minutes, he gains amnesia and starts making wishes about you again. I wish I could make an exact copy of Baaron DC
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 02:18:46
Granted, but you suddenly had amnesia and forgot all about Pen Spinning. Any contact with anything Pen Spinning related results to a splitting headache. The overwhelming chronic headaches resulted to you losing your sanity and so you were put away to a mental hospital with nothing but food, and water. The loss of such a potentially great person to such retardation resulted to the mourning of not only your loved ones and friends, but also the nation. Little did you know that you were going to become the next leader of the country, be the reason for change, resulting to a multitude of discoveries, inventions and vast improvements to the society we once knew. Philippines would've been elevated to the Top 20 most progressive countries of 2020, wars would've ended, cure for incurable diseases would've been imminent, peace be would all over the world... if it not for your simple wish. And you just messed up. I wish for silence.
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 02:47:23
chrisPS wrote: Granted, but you suddenly had amnesia and forgot all about Pen Spinning. Any contact with anything Pen Spinning related results to a splitting headache. The overwhelming chronic headaches resulted to you losing your sanity and so you were put away to a mental hospital with nothing but food, and water. The loss of such a potentially great person to such retardation resulted to the mourning of not only your loved ones and friends, but also the nation. Little did you know that you were going to become the next leader of the country, be the reason for change, resulting to a multitude of discoveries, inventions and vast improvements to the society we once knew. Philippines would've been elevated to the Top 20 most progressive countries of 2020, wars would've ended, cure for incurable diseases would've been imminent, peace be would all over the world... if it not for your simple wish. And you just messed up. I wish for silence.
Chill bro. :))) Granted, but then everything became silent, and little did you know you became deaf. I wish I can get a mod soon. :( -
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 02:55:51
Granted, but you dropped it too much and it broke. I wish for Seven's Style.
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 03:18:55
Granted, but then a new law broke out that you can't copy someone else's style, and if you do, you'll get sued. Good luck finding a lawyer. I wish my bro has an awesome birthday.
Date: Wed, Jul 27 2011 13:20:30
granted but then a gorilla jumped through his window and broke his arm just to wish him a happy birthday i wish i wasn't scammed by breezy. D:
Date: Wed, Aug 3 2011 03:27:00
Granted but you'll still fall for it soon :trollface: i wish that i could wish for something that could make me wish for something that make me wish for something that could make me wish for something... :)
Date: Tue, Aug 9 2011 11:58:12
Granted but in the end, you lose your man hood for all the wishes I wish i could get her back D:
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 15:39:44
Granted but she dumps you again for the football captain I wish I had an AC
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 15:56:44
Granted but it's poorly made and the color scheme is absolutely terrible. I wish I wasn't so lazy.
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 15:59:38
Granted, but as you become more and more active your joints become worn you need a replacement hip, you cannot bend your knees and you will never spin a pen again. I wish I could be a camel.
Date: Wed, Aug 10 2011 16:04:29
Granted but you get locked in a cage and can't get out because you don't have opposable thumbs. I wish the world would blow up. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 14:41:31
LOL @Explosion101 My school has no football captain LOL
Date: Thu, Aug 11 2011 16:33:17
Kari wrote: Granted but you get locked in a cage and can't get out because you don't have opposable thumbs. I wish the world would blow up. ~KTSpinner~
granted but you get blown up with it i wish i was rich -
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 00:04:34
Granted but you got assassinated and had all your money stolen. I wish people would grow up. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 00:14:43
Granted, but you grew way too old and died. I wish my internet was better.
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 03:54:53
granted but u smash ur pen in ur computer
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 03:59:38
Do you have any idea how to play the game? You have to put a wish. Godamn. Its not rocket science. @yoppi000 I wish I could spin like VGG.
Date: Fri, Aug 12 2011 05:04:09
Granted but nobody spins anymore and Laughs at you for still spinning. I wish I was deaf.
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 08:49:12
granted but the song from the band u like just came out and u cant hear it. i wish my penis was not monstrously huge
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 08:49:27
Granted but the only thing you hear still is the screaming of the dead. I wish i was 3 metres tall
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 13:27:38
Lol mapjay, how is a pen cap monstrously large?
Date: Sun, Aug 14 2011 13:39:05
Granted but you would keep hitting your head on everything. I wish that i can have a million wishes.
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 04:11:07
Granted, but each wish makes you have violent diarrhea. I wish I had more time.
Date: Wed, Aug 17 2011 04:43:41
granted, but you end up as the oldest person on the planet and still going... but don't worry, 2012's near, lolololol only 1 year to go =D i wish...
Date: Sun, Aug 21 2011 18:47:36
granted, but youll never think of what to wish for i wish the universe will revolve around me
Date: Tue, Sep 6 2011 17:49:14
granted but eventually the planet reaches critical mass and implodes leaving's not pretty. I wish for this person sitting beside me to die.
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 02:32:58
Granted but he turns into a zombie and infected all the ppl accept some friends, you must survive like in COD zombies I wish I was me
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 02:36:44
Granted but you are an asshole. Literally. I wish I had a vagina with a puppy inside of it.
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 02:40:13
Granted but the puppy came out an starting livking ur clit. Thus u died of pleasure. I wish bonkura Neva died
Date: Wed, Sep 7 2011 12:25:25
Granted but he comes back not as you knew him. I wish for herpes.
Date: Thu, Sep 8 2011 18:30:23
Granted but instead you got aids. I wish I died. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Fri, Sep 9 2011 03:09:12
Granted but you got reincarnated to become a octopus I wish I see obama
Date: Fri, Sep 9 2011 16:21:00
Granted but it's a mangled body in a pool of blood. I wish somebody could make me feel better. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Sep 11 2011 11:53:22
Granted, but that somebody turned out to be a rapist and a repeated prison escapist. I wish the world could be a better place.
Date: Sun, Sep 11 2011 19:12:50
Granted but nobody killed anybody and the population multiplied by 1000 and you were forced to live in a tree. I wish life wasn't so complicated. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Sep 12 2011 13:54:45
Granted I'm here, but I happen to be a flaming zombie. I wish that this thread would go on forever.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 05:08:35
granted, but it stops here i wish this thread dies :trollface:
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 07:33:01
granted, but it's never alive in the first place. I wish someone had a crush on me =P
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 12:37:55
granted...But then that person becomes sadisticly insane and follows you everywhere. I wish I could play the drums.
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 13:17:21
granted but then you hit your head on a drumstick i wish chickens could talk
Date: Tue, Sep 27 2011 15:23:20
granted but they annoy the heck out of you and you shoot them all. I wish I could wish that I had a wish.
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 03:10:19
Granted but that wish wasn't a wish therefore your wish mould not be granted. I wish I was a dictator. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 03:18:19
Granted, but you are just the kind of dictator that reads things aloud to others. You have to read aloud a pencil-themed erotica to a senior citizen.
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 13:36:43
You don't have a wish to corrupt; you are a simple sad little man. I wish I could be Asian....oh wait, I already am. I wish I was 100% Asian, not 50%
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 16:25:06
Granted but den shitty sushi no lika da shitty wok so he buwrn your silly rittle place dewn. I wish I was inside the world of south park.
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 17:01:04
Granted but you are Kenny and get killed all the time. I wish the entire world was made of rubber.
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 17:05:50
Granted, but do I even need an explanation for how this could go wrong? I wish I could teleport.
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 17:26:10
granted but you can only teleport to hell and prison i wish that i am as awesome as s777
Date: Wed, Oct 12 2011 17:37:20
Granted but then s777 will kill you for taking his awesomeness... i wish that I were alive.
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 08:14:10
Granted but the world gets overrun by zombies and you get eaten. I wish I was a vampire.
Date: Thu, Oct 13 2011 12:28:44
Granted but then you become somebody from twilight and cause a mass suicide...Nuff' said I wish that africa didn't have poverty.
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 15:12:04
Granted but now America is overrun by poverty I wish my crush likes me =>
Date: Thu, Dec 1 2011 15:32:02
Granted but now you don't like her. What would you do if you met patrick swayze in the after life?
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 02:29:33
I won't know who he is, never did, never will wait.. isn't this corrupt a wish, not what would you do if? I wish i had a Beats Pro headphone by Dr. Dre...
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 02:39:04
Granted but u put your music way to loud and you became tone def and you walked across the street and didn't see the bus coming and died I wish I was super man
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 02:51:54
Granted, but you're so strong that when you touch someone they fall down in pain. I wish I could lose my ability to spin pens.
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 03:00:57
Granted, but only because your hands turn into bee hives and continuously sting you and everyone near you. Your family and friends desert you, and you are forced to live in a box on the side of the road. All while you keep getting stung. I wish that I had a penis that looks like a vagina.
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 08:27:24
Granted, but now you are gay. I wish it wasn't raining right now
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 08:32:00
Granted. It will not rain, but there will be lightning and thunder, tsunamis and earthquakes. I wish I could be funny.
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 13:28:27
Granted but then you turn out like "funnybot" and think the ultimate joke is destroying human kind. I wish obama wasn't such a douche.
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 15:27:54
granteed but now you have to be it i wish i was able to beat Errior in a battle
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 15:34:56
granted but everytime you win Errior beats you two times i wish i had a million dollars
Date: Fri, Dec 2 2011 16:10:46
granted, but you are now targeted by thugs and assassins for that money I wish i can find a safe spot where there is no light pollution at night so i can see the stars clearly
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 03:08:54
Granted, but all the stars would explode in your face I wish I had a 500 dollar penwish gift card
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 07:25:45
Granted but i would rob it from you I wish i have Photoshop CS5~~
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 09:55:59
Granted. But everytime you launch the program it will crash. I wish I own Facebook. :trollface:
Date: Sat, Dec 3 2011 16:31:27
granted but after you own it no one goes on it anymore. I wish i had M&Ms.
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 03:00:30
Granted. But everytime you mod using it, the mod will fall down and break =D I wish Supawit127 is my brother.
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 04:20:19
granted but he will kill you and then commit suicide I wish it was Christmas
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 04:36:55
Granted but then you have to buy me two gifts! (My birthday on Christmas) XD I wish Facebook allow us to post .gif images
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 05:07:31
Granted. But any gif images will show porn =D I wish I am a PS-ing legend.
Date: Sun, Dec 4 2011 23:46:10
Granted but you will never make any money doing so.I wish could look cool in sunglasses.
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 00:10:39
granted but you started to wear them so much they got stuck to your head and at night time you cant see I wish i was famous
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 00:34:15
granted, but now everything you do ends up on live television, including singing in the shower~ I wish i can nail any combo on the first try
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 00:46:44
Granted but you wont land it on the third try. I wish I could pencil spin with both of my hands.
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 15:21:06
granted but both your hands sucked at it. I wish i can use the force to pen spin
Date: Mon, Dec 5 2011 15:32:20
granted but the force breaks your hand i wish i wasnt so bored
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 10:28:16
granted, but u got bored after awhile again I wish i was a ps addict NOW xD
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 11:23:49
Your wish has been granted, but the vault is shite. I wish I had more balls.
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 11:28:42
Granted, but they were actually a figment of your imagination. I wish this wish would be corrupted in a clever way.
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 14:32:22
granted, just granted. I wish the vault had more intresting topics.
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 16:00:17
granted.all about trolling u i wish abyss was back to spin4fun
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 17:49:45
Granted. But later on, he decides to change to something crappier like shitDaddy. I wish for a nicer hand and fingers
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 17:50:28
Granted, but your hand's a cyborg hand thing. I wish for the next person's wish to be something related to bacon.
Date: Thu, Dec 8 2011 19:03:08
Granted, but the bacon came from your balls I wish the bacon came from someone elses balls :trollface:
Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 15:33:55
uhh granted but its rotten i wish i graduated already
Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 16:04:56
granted, but you cant find a job and becomes a beggar. I wish ayyjayy's name only had 3 y's
Date: Fri, Dec 9 2011 19:18:54
Granted but he will add more a's I wish that I can fly :D
Date: Sun, Dec 11 2011 06:46:33
Granted, but youd only fly 2 MPH's I wish my wish wouldnt be corrupted;)
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 14:05:31
Granted but you wished it would be. I wish I had 2,000,000 noncorruptable wishes.
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 15:35:02
granted but you cant use them i wish everyone was a pen spinner
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 16:28:09
Granted but they'd all be new fags who irritate the shit out of everyone. I wish @Pixels were all here
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 16:48:28
granted but sean will troll u @Abyss i wish sean would get extraordinary troll powers to troll u
Date: Mon, Dec 12 2011 23:18:55
granted but i troll raymond so much that he trolls you I wish @YUi would change a better intrest. :trollface:
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 03:20:33
Granted, but my previous interest gets so awesome that she replaces my new interest (: I wish @Abyss would change his name to Twiddles
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 03:23:18
granted but i changed back. I wish people to stop mentioning me in forum games = =ll
Date: Tue, Dec 13 2011 14:58:54
granted but then you slip into a coma. I wish @Abyss would stop making irrational wishes
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 13:41:54
granted but then he does it again after a week i wish my hand wouldnt get tired from spinning
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 14:05:23
Granted but instead your face does. I wish Samuel L. Jackson didn't yell so much.
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 14:18:17
granted but then he never speaks again i wish there was a pen spinning club at school
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 14:22:10
Granted, but then a bunch of annoying nerds would join. I wish i could do a bakfall every try.
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 14:27:55
Granted, but after you learnt it you accidentally sliced off your middle finger. I wish i had a better angle
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 14:57:34
Granted but your camera doesnt work. I wish I have a troll shield against @Abyss
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 15:03:39
granted but i troll so hard that it penetrates your troll shield i wish i can read peoples thoughts
Date: Wed, Dec 14 2011 15:42:32
granted, you can read the thoughts of some dude named "peoples" i wish
Date: Fri, Dec 16 2011 15:58:36
Granted but you fail. I wish epic epicness could be epicly epic.
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2011 01:15:14
granted but it only last a split second i wish everyone spun a buster
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2011 01:42:35
Granted, but everyone dies from arthritis. I wish I could read minds.
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2011 20:05:39
Granted, but you discover everyone want to kill you I wish i could do 100 busts with MX c:
Date: Mon, Dec 19 2011 13:27:46
granted but your hand falls off i wish i wasnt so cold
Date: Fri, Dec 23 2011 15:30:49
Granted. But your balls grow so hot, the sperms boil and you die. I wish that i could land that chick
Date: Sat, Dec 31 2011 04:10:05
Granted, but u landed on her, literally. I wish i have a new spinning pen because my friend broke mine =(
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 15:17:19
granted but it is evil and wants to kill you i wish i could be an adventurer like you.
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 16:03:31
Granted but you dont just take an arrow to the knee, you also take an arrow to the balls. I wish for a good year this year
Date: Tue, Jan 3 2012 17:27:15
granted but then you take an arrow to the knee. I wish that everybody that has an account would get on
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 10:39:09
Granted. But not everyone is a serious spinner so UPSB becomes the centre of socialising. I wish my eyesight was perfect T_T
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 13:43:57
denied you fail at life, go kill yourself
Date: Wed, Jan 4 2012 14:18:11
Granted buddy aren't you just so adorable when you're angry. I wish me and AoD1 could be friends forever.
Date: Fri, Aug 10 2012 16:01:37
Granted but AoD1 kills you. I wish this wish to be corrupted.
Date: Sun, Aug 12 2012 00:50:52
Granted, but you die. I wish I farted.
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 04:32:14
Granted, but ur fart wun come out and u explode I wish I had AjisAi's style
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 06:27:14
Granted, but you simultaneously had a sex change I wish I were buff
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 07:31:41
Granted, but ur dick became too big and now u have the biggest dick in the world I wish I had 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 billion bucks
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 08:56:52
Granted, but your life span will shorten to 24 hours. I wish I could be intelligent.
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 08:59:10
Granted, but u nvr get anything correct even with ur intelligence Wish I had a time machine
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 09:05:06
granted, but someone stole ur time machine and went back in time to kill ur parents b4 u were born. i wish i am the ruler of the world
Date: Mon, Aug 13 2012 23:56:15
Granted, but then there is a revolt and you get killed. I wish for the next wish to be corrupted.
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 00:11:51
Granted but since I must corrupt it, it does not become corrupted. I wish that there are no schools. This wish cannot be corrupted :trollface:
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 00:31:05
Granted but now parents are forced to home school their kids. I wish for the next person to come up with a crazy corruption.
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 00:48:30
Granted but I cannot corrupt a corruption and thus there is no corruption to ur wish for it to be corrupted ur by the nature of this game i have no choice but to corrupt a a wish for corruption by not corrupting ur wish :)
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 00:58:14
Granted but Leonardo DiCaprio didn't understand. I wish the end of the world will occur before 2012 ends
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 01:42:39
Granted, tbh I dw to corrupt it. I'm not too happy with my life lol I wish I could get bite grades :/
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 04:55:51
Granted, you get bite grades but not better grades. I wish people take their time and look over their post before posting.
Date: Tue, Aug 14 2012 05:33:00
Granted, but then panda nose nazi arabia. awijngoaiufhnvvboeo?
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 01:18:30
Guys please follow the rules of the game accordingly, it is very simple. Posts that does not follow game rules will be deleted. This message will be deleted within 3 days.
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 01:20:56
Granted but I am not happy wit yore fussy demands ish:P I wish Raos would gimme some free pens :D
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 01:23:39
Granted but they were all useless ones Btw what were you supposed to write? Did not understand what you wrote LOL I wish people can type better :/
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 01:26:01
Nvm it makes sense but I dun bother explaining xD Granted but now u type with ur dick I wish @Raos would gimme free useful pens :trollface:
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 01:36:02
Granted but they were back ordered back to me I wish people should stop asking me for pens :/
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 01:39:19
Granted, but as I am into corrupting ur wish, I asked u for a Miffy :trollface: I wish I had a Miffy
Date: Wed, Aug 15 2012 02:14:40
Granted but it was a miffy sub I wish people have good grammar and not ask me for pens.
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 04:35:07
Granted, but now everyone refuses to spell correctly and your pens are stolen I wish for an idiot-proof plan to take over the world.
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 04:37:13
granted but the sun explodes and the world is destroyed i wish i had an elephant
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 04:39:15
Granted but the elephant pollutes your water supply and you die of infection I wish I had a girlfriend.
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 05:05:19
Granted turned out she was a man I wish they made a sequel to Okamiden
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 05:48:34
Granted, but there is a prolonged power outage and you're not able to view it. I wish for video game cheats to work IRL
Date: Thu, Aug 16 2012 06:12:06
Done but the game file got corrupted and you died. I wish Apple sucked.
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 01:43:29
Granted, but use of cheap labor to maximize economic gains causes Apple to become a technological monopoly and the only tech brand available worldwide. I wish for world peace
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 02:41:26
granted but there is one supreme ruler, me. I wish there was no global warming
Date: Fri, Aug 17 2012 02:47:39
Granted, but the planet has an ice age that wipes out all life on Earth. I wish for American politicians that actually know what they're doing.
Date: Mon, Aug 20 2012 22:56:37
Granted, but then they bomb everything. I wish I was 6 feet tall.
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 12:54:17
Granted, but now your legs are combined with your dad's so he does't have any. And now you have a freakishly short body and long legs. I wish I could kill chuck norris.
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 15:22:23
Granted, but after killing him, Chuck Norris is reincarnated by his sheer awesome power and goes back in time to kill you before you kill him. This then leads to a time paradox that results in two Chuck Norris-es and then time shorts out and everything slowly fades out of existence because of some wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff. I wish I had a good looking psychopathic blonde archeologist from the future that is the daughter of my two best friends as my wife.
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 16:26:31
granted but the blonde had Herpes, AIDS and can not get bear children. Also shes bipolar and a prostitute. I wish school was easier
Date: Mon, Aug 27 2012 18:16:36
Granted, however it becomes too easy, and you lose most of your brains important functions making you as stupid as a shovel and 2 candy bracelets. Making you a human vegetable. I wish to have all the bacon in the world.
Date: Tue, Aug 28 2012 02:25:38
@Raos you didn't go with the Docter Who reference! :( Granted, but the pigs you got it from were all infected with a super virus that slowly and very painfully kills your nervous systems and shuts down your brain and eventually kills you. I wish my girlfriend had herpes.
Date: Tue, Aug 28 2012 02:35:47
Deveroux wrote: @Raos you didn't go with the Docter Who reference! :( Granted, but the pigs you got it from were all infected with a super virus that slowly and very painfully kills your nervous systems and shuts down your brain and eventually kills you. I wish my girlfriend had herpes.
I dont watch dr. who D: Granted but your mom and dad got herpes too, your family dies out with no successor in your main bloodline. I wish I was handsome as a13x -
Date: Wed, Aug 29 2012 16:23:59
Granted, but you also got herpes I wish people would stop listening to garbage music.
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 00:17:32
Granted, but listening to other music causes terrorists to come to your house and abduct you. By abduct I mean then convince you to work out which gives you abbs and mail you a pre-cooked duck. I wish I could say I like trains like in the link.
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 01:06:25
granted, but you are hit by a train i wish i was the conductor of that train
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 02:30:25
Granted now you are sentenced a death sentence. I wish I was the judge that sentenced you to death
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 13:39:29
Granted, but you are assassinated shortly after sentancing him to death. I wish I was the assassin that kills you
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 16:19:26
granted, but you forget to ask for payment in advance and could not pay your rent so your wife divorces you i wish i was your ex wife.
Date: Thu, Aug 30 2012 18:03:42
Granted but you were then burned on the stake. I wish I was the person that burned you on the stake.
Date: Fri, Aug 31 2012 06:54:52
Granted, but u had be killed by a sniper after one weeks I wish Tek or Nachoaddict come to my house :D
Date: Tue, Sep 4 2012 00:39:59
Granted, but it turned out they were instead robot clones from the future sent to kill you. I wish i didn't have school tomorrow.
Date: Tue, Sep 4 2012 02:08:50
granted, but you will not go to school tomorrow because you will come down with a deathly virus, be quarantined, and later die. I wish for no aftermath of this wish.
Date: Wed, Sep 5 2012 06:50:07
Granted. However, the wish masters were lying. You are assassinated by them. I wish I was a wish master.
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 18:15:49
Granted, but you have wish overload. Cannot handle it all; and unfortunately commit suicide.
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 14:11:50
I Wish i got loads of Dr KTs
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2012 17:45:55
Granted, but the KT's will bite you till dead!~ I wish I could make some nuclear bombs!~~~~
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2012 03:23:39
Granted, but the lorry that carrying nuclear bomb have a acident near ur house and ur house has been destroyed..everyone hate u due to the radiation I wish i own a Apple iMac
Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 00:34:22
Granted, but it is an apple so it is horrible I wish that there were kitten smoothies
Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 10:24:07
Granted, but the kittens' poop were still within their bowels. I wish that no one posts below this.
Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 16:20:28
Granted, but the one who post below is a nobody. I wish I was a good spinner!
Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 18:25:15
Granted, but you literally became
which spun so smoothly without a trace of friction. I wish i wasn't so lazy.
Date: Sun, Dec 16 2012 19:15:40
granted, but due to your pure devotion and hard work you become a controversial inspiration resulting in your assassination. i wish that the way i granted that wish made more sense.
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2012 15:12:46
granted, but it's written in the long lost language of the ancient sumerians in mesopotamia. I wish that I had a million wishes.
Date: Sat, Dec 29 2012 07:02:22
Granted, but all those wishes can benefit only your worst enemy, and not yourself or anyone else. I wish I knew what I want the most in life.
Date: Sat, Dec 29 2012 07:28:34
Granted but it turns put you wished you were gay I wish i had super finger independence
Date: Sat, Dec 29 2012 17:13:40
suppyfezzy wrote: Granted but it turns put you wished you were gay I wish i had super finger independence
Granted, but you have only one finger on each hand. I wish for an original Monet Water Lillies painting. -
Date: Sat, Dec 29 2012 18:00:06
Granted, but someone takes a shit on it I wish for $5
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2012 17:17:41
Granted, but do to currency inflation that can't even buy the cheapest candy bar. I wish I could beat spinnerpeem at powertricking.
Date: Thu, Nov 28 2013 20:31:55
Granted, but after you beat him they discover that you cheated by wishing for this on the forums and you are banned from UPSB and pen spinning for life. I wish I had the power to control lighting/electricity.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 04:46:47
Granted, but you struck urself the first time you tried I wish people wont revive dead threads unnecessarily
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 07:54:09
[QUOTE='[SilHoeTTe];272946']Granted, but you struck urself the first time you tried I wish people wont revive dead threads unnecessarily[/QUOTE] Granted, but all threads die I wish I had a cookies and cream flavoured chocolate bar given to me by a certain friend
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 08:34:44
Granted, but it's poisoned. I wish I could see through the dark!
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 09:26:11
granted, but you are now super sensitive to light and when you walk into daylight you become totally blind i wish no one could corrupt this wish.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 11:08:46
But i just did I wish i was a horse
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 11:19:16
Granted, but now you get sold to a French restruant illegally and get served as a casuine. I wish did unicorns exist.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 12:18:31
granted, but they are actually an alien race come to take all the world's brownies then erase any memories of their (or the brownies') existence. i wish i could do an index spin like clear >_>
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 13:43:16
Granted, but you will be unable to do it in front of others and on camera. I wish I could I time travel.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 13:51:55
You will use the time machine to fix your mistakes. Unfortunately your attempts go that bad you're forced to destroy the time machine and get back to square one. I wish I were less smart.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 14:44:58
Granted. But u were so dumb u thought cocaine was salt. U died as a result of consuming too much I wish could pen spin
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 14:45:11
Granted. But your inability to understand things around you makes you feel inferior to others, and therefore you again wish that you are smarter. I wish that I'm muscular
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 14:48:18
Granted. U got all the girls and got laid too many times. U died as a result I wish i had muscles :D
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 15:25:59
Granted, but you exploded as results of too many muscles. I wish I had some good drawing skills.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 15:28:43
Granted. Ended up doing illegal graffiti and got jailed I wish i had something to wish for
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 16:16:43
granted. unfortunately your wish that you wish you knew what to wish was to wish you knew what to wish... so you essentially accomplish nothing. i wish i could stop fapping.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 17:24:51
Granted, however due to the lack of release pressure built up inside your testicles and they exploded. I wish my dog would stop chewing holes in my socks.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 17:44:51
Granted, due to losing the able to chew socks. The dog loses all it's teeth and has to be spoon fed and results in it's death. I wish I could get a better computer.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 17:49:07
Your computer turns out to be an Amiga. After all, Andy Warhol declared it the best computer he ever used and who can dispute with Andy Warhol. The "Guru Meditation Error" drives you mad. I wish for a hug.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 20:49:03
Granted, you are given a panda hug however it proves too much for you to handle causing you to spontaneously combust into a cloud of fairy dust and rainbow ash. I wish to rip the tags off all the mattresses of the world.
Date: Fri, Nov 29 2013 21:28:16
Granted, but all the mattresses come to life and eat you for ripping off their ears. I wish for world peace.
Date: Sat, Nov 30 2013 01:08:29
Granted, but in order for there to be peace there can be no individuality. Now everyone, and everything, is exactly the same. Everyone looks the same, lives in the same house, with the same number of people, doing the same things at the same exact time. I wish to rule the world.
Date: Sat, Nov 30 2013 02:01:10
Granted. Ended up chewing holes in you I wish i was smarter
Date: Sat, Nov 30 2013 03:42:42
Granted, however in order to get smarter you were given an experimental drug that enlarges your brain mass. This causes your head to swell until it finally bursts. I wish for a wish to wish upon a wishes wish.
Date: Sat, Nov 30 2013 06:37:49
granted, but your wishes wish really has no wishes so your wish to wish upon a wishes wish was a real waste of effort and now you wish you wished for some other wish. i wish weed was legal
Date: Sat, Nov 30 2013 10:36:30
Granted, but because weed was legal no one made money on it so people created a new drug, which turned everyone into zombies. I wish pokemon were real.
Date: Sat, Nov 30 2013 10:39:33
Granted, there's poop everywhere I wish i could heal AIDS.
Date: Sat, Nov 30 2013 11:03:14
granted, but you are now the only person with AIDS. you die shortly after. i wish i could do some ayahuasca
Date: Sun, Dec 1 2013 10:43:00
Granted, but you misused it and it backfires, leaving you Mentally Traumatized for Life. I'm truly sorry. I wish i.suk would come to Singapore and film a Tag Video with me.
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 04:48:14
Granted, but he will use Dr KT and stab you to death after filming. I wish i got Gold in LoL D:
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 04:48:56
Granted, but he will use Dr KT and stab you to death after filming. I wish i got Gold in LoL D:
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 07:49:39
Granted, but because of that you lose your social life and now you have no friend I wish I have a gf :c
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 09:42:57
Granted, but because in the process of finding one, u left behind all ur family and friends, ur life assets, everything, just to go on an expedition in the Amazon to find a gf I wish i had a gf too
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 11:38:21
Granted, jk. I wished I was a doge.
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 15:52:52
Wow So granted Much doge Very joke Wow I wish I could fly
Date: Tue, Dec 3 2013 17:00:39
granted. your penis has been replaced with a jet engine and you can only fly in a single direction at an uncontrollable speed. did i mention you dont have a penis? i wish that i could fix peoples' problems by fapping.
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 01:18:34
Granted. However, because of that, you are not allowed to have sex since you are required to fap 24/7. After 3 years your penis burst and you die. I wish I could rap
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 08:04:18
Granted. U became a nigga I wish i was a nigga
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 14:35:47
Granted, but you became a sicko instead. I wish I could have all the girls I want.
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 15:44:02
Granted, after a while you get bored of it and you become gay. I wish i was black.
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 15:49:46
Granted, you were slapped by the blacks. I wish I can be like naruto ninja characters.
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 16:37:02
Granted, but you misused the Shadow Clone Technique and you disappeared into the UnderWorld, completely. I'm truly sorry. I wish that this wish that I had wished would be wishfully corrupted by a wish that the next person had wished.
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 16:41:42
Granted, but it's done by fang! I wish I could reverse the time!
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 16:48:25
Granted, you accidentaly kill your grand-grand-grand father and you were never born. I wish I could kill people by writing their names in a notebook.
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 17:22:37
granted, but before knowing its power, you write your own name in it so that people know who to return it too if it is lost. you die. i wish i had sexy japanese fingers and nails.
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 17:43:13
Granted, but your tendons are too short to move them easily I wish i could stop the time
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 22:54:54
Granted, but you are the only who grows old now. I wish I could eat my favourite food everyday till the day I die.
Date: Wed, Dec 4 2013 23:53:31
Granted, but now all you are able to eat is your favorite food, which you quickly grew tired of eating. You come to hate your favorite food and can no longer stomach eating it, causing you to throw it up whenever you try to eat, leading to you to starve to death. I wish my parents would get me a Irish Setter puppy.
Date: Thu, Dec 5 2013 12:06:41
Granted. It was in an Asian meal I wish i could pen spin
Date: Thu, Dec 5 2013 13:40:07
granted, but you can only do thumbaround. i wish i could work for penwish
Date: Thu, Dec 5 2013 13:51:58
Granted, but he has you only doing phone support. I wish for a burrito!
Date: Fri, Dec 6 2013 03:10:54
Granted, but it was contaminated I wish i could fap 92 times cont.
Date: Fri, Dec 6 2013 16:45:28
Granted, but your d**k falls off. I wish for a panda!
Date: Fri, Dec 6 2013 17:14:58
Granted, but your Panda eats Flesh instead of Bamboos, and, it eats you. I'm truly sorry. I wish I could dance like Walkaz.
Date: Sat, Dec 7 2013 07:09:23
Granted, but u dropped ur pen "intentionally" while dancing. It was a dr kt and ur leg was impaled and it fell off I hope i was as pro as fel
Date: Sat, Dec 7 2013 07:58:53
Granted, but your Skills won't good enough to beat Fel2Fram in a Battle as you magically wished to be as good as him while he had trained for years. In the end, you suffered from Depression and died. I'm truly sorry. I wish VicGotGame would release another Video this Month.
Date: Sat, Dec 7 2013 11:30:49
Granted, but he releases a vlog. I wish that i.suk would stop being gay.
Date: Thu, Dec 12 2013 07:12:52
granted, but he still loves you. i wish i was as beautiful as gash.
Date: Fri, Dec 13 2013 06:14:55
Granted, but this saps Gash's beauty from him, making him hunt you down and sap his beauty back by killing you. I wish for happiness.
Date: Fri, Dec 13 2013 06:57:46
Granted, but your happiness comes at the cost of others. In their depression and anger, they make it there life goal to make you suffer as they did, which leads to your death. It was tragic. I wish I got everything I wanted without any bad repercussions.
Date: Fri, Dec 13 2013 10:03:38
Granted, but since you got everything you wanted in Life, you fell into Boredom and started to think that Life was Meaningless. In the end, you jump off a Building. I'm truly sorry. I wish I can be more Confident.
Date: Wed, Dec 18 2013 19:50:51
Granted, but everyone will fuk you up for your overconfident. lol. I wish I can have a better grade for my tests.
Date: Mon, Dec 23 2013 16:15:59
Granted,but when you woke up and realised that it was all a dream. I wish my girlfriend goes naked everytime.
Date: Tue, Dec 24 2013 12:40:10
Granted. Singapore being singapore has weird laws. She was put in the death sentence for that. Im truly sorry I wish TGN would tell us what TGN stands for
Date: Thu, Dec 26 2013 00:06:01
Granted, he said it was Too Good Nipples. Haha TGN dun get mad, Im just joking. I wish my guardian angel would appear.
Date: Wed, Feb 12 2014 05:12:09
Granted, but your guardian angel is played by Robin Williams - his jokes are terrible and he won't stop prodding you and grinning until you laugh. I wish for world peace or a puppy, whichever is easiest and cheapest to maintain. mpc
Date: Wed, Feb 12 2014 07:51:46
Granted for a Puppy, but, as he grows older, he began to be more vicious, and in turn starts to maul you to death. I'm truly sorry. I wish to be a Famous Person.
Date: Wed, Feb 12 2014 08:33:26
Granted, but I have to take your soul after 10 years. I wish my future plans will succeed.
Date: Wed, Feb 12 2014 13:03:34
Granted, but because they succeeded so well you gain famr and are expected to do great things. Due to this, you are overwhelmed by the stress and eventually hide in a cave. I wish I can get a gf Orz
Date: Wed, Feb 12 2014 14:29:55
Granted, but she'll be your cousin. I wish for money.
Date: Wed, Feb 12 2014 15:25:43
granted, but its only one dollar... and in order to get it you have to pull it out of afropenkid's booty. i wish walkaz and i could both get GFs
Date: Wed, Feb 12 2014 15:52:21
Granted but turns out that, it's your sister that your parents put up adoption. I wish I could ask this girl out.
Date: Wed, Feb 12 2014 16:59:36
Granted, you are now able to ask girls out. Due to this, you ask out a cute girl you saw at the movies. Things go great until you realize she is a serial killer and you are her prey. I wish I had better will power.
Date: Wed, Feb 12 2014 17:49:11
Granted, but you have an over-bearing amount. You have the tendency to live life on the edge and to the extreme. While sky-diving, you execute your parachute and everything works as planned, except for your landing process. Due to extreme anticipation to jump you completely ignored the instructor on how to land properly. In result, you break both your legs on the way down.
Date: Thu, Feb 13 2014 05:22:10
i wish spenpinner had wished for something.
Date: Thu, Feb 13 2014 18:11:00
Granted unfortunately spenpinner didn't have any [B]Reason[/B] to so he wished for your death, sorry I wish for eternal youth
Date: Thu, Feb 13 2014 19:00:22
granted. you are transformed into an immortal child, but you are also transported to a world where only old creepy pedophiles exist. i wish i had a pet fox.
Date: Fri, Feb 14 2014 05:40:46
Granted,it freaks u out every night. I wish my penis was longer.
Date: Fri, Feb 14 2014 05:53:14
Granted, you are straight, but can only have sex with guys. I wish I could have the ideal valentines day.
Date: Fri, Feb 14 2014 06:08:34
Granted,you were out of cash after buying things for your valentine girl. I wish I had vampire fangs.
Date: Fri, Feb 14 2014 10:24:10
granted, but you got hit by a car when you were crossing the road to suck a chickens blood. I wish i have a lot of money.
Date: Fri, Feb 14 2014 15:23:54
Granted,but you died of suffocation of piles of money on you. I wish I could talk to Bonkura.
Date: Sat, Feb 15 2014 03:19:28
Granted, but all your penspinning skills are gone. You start again as a beginner. I wish I could be more social.
Date: Sat, Feb 15 2014 07:56:52
granted, but all your pen mods and money will vanish forever. i wish i am successful.
Date: Sat, Feb 15 2014 10:40:54
Granted,you failed again 10 years later. I wish I was a muscular dude.
Date: Sat, Feb 15 2014 12:38:01
Granted, but you get a really small penis because of all the steroids. I wish I could stop and sstart time when I want.
Date: Sat, Feb 15 2014 13:10:54
Granted,you stood in front of a car when you stopped the time and you didn't noe about it,when you start the time again,the car crash towards you and you die.I'm truly sorry. I wish humans were still naked like Adam and Eve.
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 02:59:29
granted, but women does not exist. i wish everyone is stabbed except for me.
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 04:15:09
granted, but none of them die and they all gang up on you and stab you. I wish all stupid spoiled rich kids who flount their wealth would move to mars. now.
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 05:22:29
Granted, but those spoiled rich kids ended up kicking the martians out of their home planet and sending them to earth. Angry, the martians take over the planet and enslave the remainder of mankind since powerful idiots took their big guns with them when they left. Now we hail King, Martian Luther. I wish I could go back in time and start over with the knowledge of this possible future.
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 06:11:17
Granted,you were stuck in the past and cannot come back anymore.I'm so sorry. I wish farts didn't smell at all.
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 06:13:23
Granted, however, because you have the knowledge of this future it causes dramatic changes in the flow of time, one of which being you never wishing to go back in time. So, not granted. I wish to find my true love.
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 06:21:04
Granted,you broke up with her later. I wish death note existed in real life.
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 09:39:28
granted, but you were the first name in the notebook, so you die. Truly sorry. i wish i dont have homework.
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 10:28:51
Granted,but your parents sent you to tuition for every subject. I wish I had a lot of mods
Date: Sun, Feb 16 2014 13:30:13
Granted,then all the psers come steal your mods away,leaving you none to spin.So sorry. I wish my girlfriend would stop spending my cash so much.
Date: Mon, Feb 17 2014 08:21:39
Granted, but she has to get a job to pay for her own things. She meets a cute guy there, and leaves you for him. I wish super powers were obtainable.
Date: Mon, Feb 17 2014 09:23:53
Granted,after you got the ability to fly,I shot you down with an M16 and you die. I wish everything was free.
Date: Mon, Feb 17 2014 09:50:37
granted, but everyone moved to mars with everything, leaving you alone thinking that everything is free. i wish i am important
Date: Mon, Feb 17 2014 14:42:07
Granted,you became important,and reporters come chasing you like mad dongs everywhere you go. I wish humans don't have to die.
Date: Mon, Feb 17 2014 16:18:31
Granted, but the population goes insanely out of control leading to all resources on earth being completely drained. This leads to only on out come where now all humans must die. I wish I had a pony.
Date: Mon, Feb 17 2014 22:47:19
granted... but...
I wish i will pass my geography test tmr
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 02:49:45
Granted,and you scored only 50% while all others got full marks. I wish I can know what poop taste like.
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 10:35:35
Granted, hot cheetos (life complete, kill urself now) I wish i could sleep in class without getting spotted
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 10:36:07
Granted, hot cheetos (life complete, kill urself now) I wish i could sleep in class without getting spotted
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 11:29:55
Granted,everyone left school already and you are still sleeping and you got locked inside the school. I wish mythical creatures existed.
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 18:17:39
Granted, but the mythical creatures pray on humans. The apocalypse has arrived in the form of magical beasts we never acknowledged could exist. You die a painful death at the fangs of a vampire. I wish I was skinnier.
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 19:16:39
Granted but unfortunately you develop an eating disorder. You wish to become skinnier and skinnier and eventually die of starvation I wish i was more Awesome
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 20:19:58
Granted, but in becoming awesome you obtained a psychopathic fan boy. He ends up becoming the next Buffalo Bill. I wish bra's weren't uncomfortable.
Date: Tue, Feb 18 2014 22:57:07
Granted,but women still wear them,though.You failed trying to look at braless women. I wish my dad was a billionaire.
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 02:09:58
Granted, but because he loved his money so much, he legally disowned you and threw you to the streets, adopting his fortune. I wish I had another wish.
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 02:51:45
Granted,after another wish,I shot you to death with a shotgun. I wish magic was for real.
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 05:25:55
Granted, but you were killed in the Wizard World War. I wish I was a ninja.
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 05:49:32
granted. you are now naruto. naruto is retarded i wish i had more time to do things
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 08:40:01
Granted, however this means that time goes slower for you relative to the time of your peers. So 24 hours for your peers, would be only about an hour for you. This leads to your life span becoming much longer than others and hence meaning you see the closest people to you pass away much before you. I wish I could tour the world in the future.
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 11:09:53
Granted,you were raped by gays in Thailand.I'm so sorry. I wish time traveling was possible.
Date: Wed, Feb 19 2014 14:40:16
Granted. But u got stuck in the Triassic age when a dinosaur destroyed your time machine. I wish I could have Jennifer Lawrence's kids.
Date: Thu, Feb 20 2014 05:49:35
Granted. you now have Jennifer Lawrence's kids. you are now wanted for kidnapping. I wish gummibears were 100% healthy while still remaining delicious
Date: Thu, Feb 20 2014 13:43:21
Granted,the gummibears producers made it sticker,it got stuck in your throat and you die. I wish how boobs feel like.
Date: Thu, Feb 20 2014 16:00:41
Granted, but I don't know what the f**k you mean so you don't get s**t. I wish I could use the force.
Date: Thu, Feb 20 2014 16:43:49
Granted, but it ends up killing you. I wish I went back to the '70s in Venice.
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 06:36:30
Granted,you were stuck there,so sorry. I wish it wasn't a need to serve National Service.
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 06:37:18
Granted,you were stuck there,so sorry. I wish it wasn't a need to serve National Service.
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 06:48:31
Granted,you were stuck there,so sorry. I wish it wasn't a need to serve National Service.
Date: Sun, Feb 23 2014 14:58:52
granted, butwith no one to serve, your country goes down in flames. I wish I could understand women p.s whats with the triple post?
Date: Mon, Feb 24 2014 10:14:19
Granted. But that makes you get a sex change and eventually you become a tranny lesbian. I wish I had powers that would heal me of any injuries instantly. Triple post is against the rules of upsb. You can not post thrice in a row in a thread.
Date: Mon, Feb 24 2014 14:00:07
Granted,someone finally stabbed you right into your heart and you die. I wish I was born a rich kid. P.S. @Utkarsh it was an Internet error.My apologies.
Date: Tue, Feb 25 2014 05:51:40
Granted, but you end up getting kidnapped as a child and held for ransom. You die and they get your family's money. I wish guys had periods instead of girls.
Date: Tue, Feb 25 2014 08:25:42
Granted (but there are so many things wrong with this wish). So now men have periods and the sperm? Also how would they give birth, crap the baby out? Also what would be the point of the opposite gender if the men did everything. And finally seeing as a man can't give birth through his **** humanity would die out. :-( Anyway!! I wish I had a billion wishes.
Date: Thu, Feb 27 2014 22:17:37
Panda Hugs wrote: Granted, but you end up getting kidnapped as a child and held for ransom. You die and they get your family's money. I wish guys had periods instead of girls.
Granted, but you also turn into a guy. I wish for a peaceful and relaxing life. -
Date: Fri, Feb 28 2014 09:23:52
Granted,you became lazy and eventually died. I wish i can get any girls i wanted.
Date: Tue, Mar 18 2014 10:34:34
Granted, but they began to argue over you. This lead to a Big Fight, and in the end, all of them died. I'm truly sorry. I wish for this wish to never be Corrupted.
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 21:30:12
Granted but you cause a paradox and also a black hole. I wish i never procrastinated
Date: Mon, Aug 18 2014 22:25:41
Granted, but you have so many things to do that you try not to procrastinate and then self-destruct o_O I wish I were not so self-conscious.
Date: Tue, Aug 19 2014 05:32:41
Granted,you got stabbed in the back with a broken bottle by a drunk beggar.So sorry. I wish smoking is legal for all ages and there are no laws.
Date: Tue, Aug 19 2014 05:48:07
Granted, your younger siblings and future kids start smoking cigarettes, and all die of cancer before they turn 21. I wish nothing existed, nothing.
Date: Tue, Aug 19 2014 10:39:43
Granted, but then cometh the big bang I wish Russia was around the size of vatican
Date: Wed, Aug 20 2014 02:50:43
Granted, but Vatican turned into the size of Russia. I wish that I can ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Date: Wed, Aug 20 2014 09:21:38
Granted but since no one know what the fuck that is, you becoming frozen in time for ever! I wish i had a billion wishes
Date: Wed, Aug 20 2014 17:12:42
Granted, but you become so ambitious and eventually run out of wishes, but when you run out, you're still so ambitious that you can't stand not having any more wishes and you commit suicide o_O I wish I could control time.
Date: Wed, Aug 20 2014 19:08:26
Granted, but your mental state becomes corrupted due to fatigue of over processing information. i wish i have 420 posts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Date: Wed, Aug 20 2014 19:59:30
Granted but you stay at 420 posts....forever. I wish jennifer lawrence was my babe
Date: Wed, Aug 20 2014 20:54:55
Granted, but you love her too much that she becomes disgusted at you and she physically abuses you until you get so sad and sorrowful that you decide to commit suicide. I wish I were good at taekwondo.
Date: Wed, Aug 20 2014 22:56:10
Granted, but you loose all four limbs (such a shame) i wish to have an extra finger
Date: Thu, Aug 21 2014 00:27:35
granted, but with the extra finger you can no longer penspin or circulate enough blood to your extra finger and suffer severe blood problems. i wish i had a hot girlfriend (swag)
Date: Thu, Aug 21 2014 01:49:46
Granted but she overheats and dies due to a massive fever caused by MERS and now you have it as well. i wish i didnt trip on my penis all the time
Date: Thu, Aug 21 2014 06:00:05 wrote: Granted, but you love her too much that she becomes disgusted at you and she physically abuses you until you get so sad and sorrowful that you decide to commit suicide. .
I wouldnt commit suicide, she can abuse me all she wants (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) -
Date: Thu, Aug 21 2014 10:32:27
Solaire wrote: Granted but she overheats and dies due to a massive fever caused by MERS and now you have it as well. i wish i didnt trip on my penis all the time
Granted, but your penis becomes so small, girls run away from you cos they think you have a tic tac as a penis. i wish for a 2nd black president -
Date: Fri, Aug 22 2014 19:37:34
obama gets a third term i wish for a bigger lawn
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2014 02:24:53
Granted, but your lawn is so huge that you can't walk out of it without breaking down (you don't have enough stamina ._.). I wish I was good at pen spinning.
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2014 03:43:41
Granted, but you're so good that your teachers get jealous and steal all your pens. I wish I had super powers :D
Date: Sun, Aug 24 2014 07:30:15
Granted, but every one have the same power like you so its not special i wish i can wish for something
Date: Sun, Aug 24 2014 15:41:25
Granted............ ._______________. I wish i could win table tennis tournamounts with nunchuks
Date: Mon, Aug 25 2014 17:47:17
Granted, but after your incredible victory, a ninja challenges you. You think he means ping-ping, so you accept, but he means mortal combat. I wish I had a lemur tail. mpc
Date: Tue, Aug 26 2014 14:53:50
Granted but the tail is growing in hour head I wish I get a chance to win a free triple cheese burger forever
Date: Tue, Aug 26 2014 20:16:41
Granted. You get a chance to win...but you never do I wish flies were extinguished from the earth but the earths food web systems were still able to function
Date: Tue, Aug 26 2014 22:53:15
Granted but for all the flies to be extinguished, you would have to eat raw dead flies everyday. I wish lessons would be less boring
Date: Wed, Aug 27 2014 08:42:52
Granted. But lessons become so fun that you do no school work and become homeless in the future. I wish i could never do work but still pass all my test with full marks
Date: Wed, Aug 27 2014 13:42:57
Granted, but people become suspicious and you eventually get arrested. I wish kids could stop being so obsessed with being "cool". I mean, why can't they just live a normal life? What the hell, are they so immature that they think everything must be "cool"?
Date: Wed, Aug 27 2014 14:09:07
Granted, but that's not gonna stop them from being immature B^) I wish for an indestructible bouncy house that will never lose air
Date: Wed, Aug 27 2014 14:43:00
:noface: I wish i could spin at menowa's level
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 11:36:52
But menowa woke up one day and realised he couldn't spin anymore :P I wish I wouldn't be sad
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 12:02:31
You get used to the feeling of happiness so you dont even feel happy anymore. I wish someone would corrupt this wish.
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 13:21:04
Granted, but then you would create a black hole and go back in time before you posted this. I wish this thread wouldn't stop
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 14:45:53
Granted, but then we keep on using this thread until we get really old and our typing becomes so slow and we have to wait for a week before a new post comes up. I wish my parents would let me devote my life to taekwondo.
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 14:59:34
Granted. But thats all you do, nice life in NOTHING ELSE. I wish i had the same thinking logic as sherlock holmes
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2014 15:03:59
granted but you are a high functioning sociopath that people tell to "piss off" i wish find 30 bucks
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2014 16:18:47
Granted. You leave it on the ground..... I wish the summer will never end :) (sun)(sun)
Date: Tue, Sep 2 2014 04:13:08
Granted but you will have boils all over from over exposure. I wish I could travel threw phone lines.
Date: Wed, Sep 3 2014 00:28:40
Granted, but but you realize "threw phone lines" don't exist and you kill yourself. I wish I had correct grammar.
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2014 12:26:30
But than u had so perfect grammar that everyone hated you I wish that I would never die
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2014 13:55:34
granted but you grow so old that you cant do anything cause you are so weak i wish i could last 1 hour before know...cum...
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2014 17:00:45
Granted but now you can never cum I wish my mom was alive
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2014 17:09:32
Granted. But she would be so alive, she will never die. I wish 'JEB' were my initials.
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2014 18:42:28
Granted. But then I kill you because I hate people who randomly fawn over Japan simply because they don't even do their research and just think Japan is so "cool". -_- I wish people would stop loving Japan without even knowing their history.
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2014 20:39:52
Granted, but they love Japan even more because they know about their history i wish cl3u would stop complaining (along with half the upsb population)
Date: Mon, Sep 8 2014 00:44:01
Granted, but people from different boards come along and complain more :DDDD I wish Japan would stop stealing things.
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2014 09:14:30
Granted, but China starts doing it. I wish for a better Internet connection.
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2014 18:48:34
frozenpopsicles wrote: Granted, but China starts doing it. I wish for a better Internet connection.
Granted, but ebola i wish for talking ebola cells -
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2014 20:58:22
Granted, but they only insult you I wish to own another musical instrument
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2014 21:09:31
MightAsWellGG wrote: Granted, but they only insult you I wish to own another musical instrument
granted but you get an electric triangle. i wish i would never spam linkages. -
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2014 22:06:08
Granted but you start spinning a dr kt and drop it on your foot and get profuse bleeding I wish i had a 8 pound bag of gummi worms
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2014 22:33:58
Granted, but you can't eat them. I wish I could be smart without having to study.
Date: Thu, Oct 16 2014 17:32:28
Granted, but it's called Wikipedia and it doesn't look good on a bibliography. I wish I could have Sabine Lisicki come to my house and read me a bedtime story.
Date: Fri, Oct 17 2014 18:01:18
MPC wrote: Granted, but it's called Wikipedia and it doesn't look good on a bibliography. I wish I could have Sabine Lisicki come to my house and read me a bedtime story.
Granted but she wacks you with her tennis racket. I wish penwish will un-discontinue White Art Twins