Off-topic / DotA
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:04:59
I'm not sure if there was a thread already. I saw a thread about DotA 2. This is a thread for all DotA players. What heroes do you enjoy playing? I usually play Shadowfiend, he's pretty fun. Though, he's super fragile in the beginning. D: I play on Garena with a couple of friends: Like xSpin, GoldStars. Though, I want to find more people to practice with. (I'm newbie myself..)
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:12:17
Been a huge fan of DotA for like the past 6 maybe 7 years, used to play on Garena when LC was taken out but it kind of died out when LoL and HoN went into beta. I'll be playing everyone, there isn't a hero I don't play, but my favorites include: Mirana Pudge Bristleback Earthshaker Puck Tiny Spiritbreaker Techies Omniknight Visage Morphling Medusa Pandaren Beastmaster Rattletrap Some heroes I really don't like playing are: Bloodseeker Void Witch Doctor Abbadon Silencer I always had really bad games as those guys. Everyone else is just like whatevs. I also always random.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:20:58
Do you still play on Garena? I'd like to play with you or something, haha.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:21:48
That would require me installing WC3 D: I don't know if I have the disks anymore let alone my keys. Basically waiting for DotA 2 using HoN to fill the void.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:23:04
-doesn't have legit wc3- what a shame.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:24:52
Oh that's right Garena just uses the LAN function right?
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:26:31
Yeah. There's a lot of people on Garena but I'm super scared of playing pub games.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:27:40
Lol why are you scared of Garena, they're not that great.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:28:16
i thought LoL took over at least until SC2 exp comes with DotA for SC
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:30:24
LoL is a shitty game that doesn't deserve to be a game.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:33:01
I'm too shitty, lol. I'm focusing on last hitting a lot and takes away my map awareness. Ends up in me getting ganked and losing all my souls.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:34:17
Ah the mini map is your friend, also calling sometimes helps.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 01:36:01
I guess I should listen to my team-mates yelling "bbbbbbb" and pinging my lane faster. xD
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 02:07:46
I usually playy Dota, but I like DDay better. I also have Garena ;)
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 02:51:45
I used to play DotA. Played all day erry day. I miss going beyond godlike... recently though i've been playing techies just to fuck around haha. Usually fun heros. I play LoL now because i like playing with my friends and raging with them haha... mini map = god
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 03:25:30
Im been fucking waiting for this thread for long~ Agi heros are so badass late game and i never could play with intel. SOOOOO PAPER.I play in garena my IGN is Neuro.Genesis @iColor im looking forward 2 play wit u. i can play when im back home in SG.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 04:04:22
Add me on Garena: iColorUPSB
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 04:07:22
Hah, all this talk makes me have to ubtt in as well. I don;t play DoTa, but i do play something similar; that is, Sotis. The starcraft 2 DoTa! :D My fave chars are apparently known as murlock and witch doctor. o_O
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 04:14:59
Sorry, I don't play DotA (Or at least, not very well..) or LoL, but if I'm not mistaken, isn't LoL just DotA with better graphics?
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 04:19:34
dota's graphics ain't that bad. and dota rocks. like to use nerubian weaver to own in mid and late games.
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 06:07:07
sven, axe,'s best to play with filipinos...the #1 teams here in philippines (mineski & happyfeet) destroy all 9 towers in 12 mins lol...look em up on youtube....they're the best in the world...when they use mirana all the arrows are accurate, long range, not short range like most noobs do -.-....i'd like to be pro someday but idk i think it's too late already...used to play pro back in 2007 but stopped cuz i got that i play dota again i suck zz <<< vid of happy feet
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 06:42:43
@sangara you have HoN ! what's your username ? I'll add you and we can play together :D
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 07:09:24
so many heroes i like to use . XD
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 07:13:39
Krispy Kreme wrote: @sangara you have HoN ! what's your username ? I'll add you and we can play together :D
i also play HoN . XDD but use garena .. -
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 07:33:26
GigaByte wrote: i also play HoN . XDD but use garena ..
What's your username ? We all play together :3 -
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 14:30:50
Krispy Kreme wrote: What's your username ? We all play together :3
Garena Messenger : LoCky95 Nickname in HoN : lockyz -
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 14:33:23
GigaByte wrote: Garena Messenger : LoCky95 Nickname in HoN : lockyz
add me, diphoria -
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 14:40:35
SF with Lothar's Edge or Dagger is sooo much fun. Dart in, Ult, Raze away.
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 18:12:42
BUT useless. why raze away after using SF ulti, you'd want to kill their team after that. And Kelen is way superior to lothar's. what's REALLY fun is puck with dagger. booyah juke master. Anyway, nowadays i always seem to random. Favorite heroes would be dark seer, earthshaker, razor, chaos knight, puck, omni and rubick. and finally trying out batrider. not sure why so many people hate him, got a score of 17/6/19 few days ago, which is pretty good.
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 21:53:04
So I was playing HoN, reminded me of a few heroes I absolutely loved. Dark Seer Meepo Kunkka (is it two k's?)
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 16:20:37
Sorry for bumpin' an old thread . Anyone still plays DotA on Garena now ? Add me, iR3mix .Think there would be distance lag though . And im quite a noob . The heroes i mainly use are: Admiral(Kunkka & CoCo FTW!) Prophet(Furion) Razor Others: SandKing Troll & Some others .
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 19:05:54
So who else filled out the survey for DotA 2?
Date: Mon, Nov 14 2011 23:09:40
sangara wrote: So who else filled out the survey for DotA 2?
me me :D Still haven't gotten a key yet :< -
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 00:52:27
I don't think keys have gone out yet. Maybe just the first batch.
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 00:56:39
sangara wrote: I don't think keys have gone out yet. Maybe just the first batch.
they've sent out around 2-3 batches already -
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 01:16:50
I filed it out a while ago. Nothing yet.
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 01:27:55
Interesting, usually my friends fill me in on this info, lame.
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 06:41:04
@iColor add me on garena upsb.vaan. lets play!! ^^
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 06:45:00
Eh, I haven't played in a while. I guess I should start playing to get ready for Dota 2. Do we have enough people to host a full game?
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 14:21:03
I'm in, garena name is ralys1
Date: Tue, Nov 15 2011 20:56:52
Date: Wed, Nov 16 2011 01:45:24
i think we have enough . post your id please. ^^
Date: Sat, Nov 19 2011 01:11:00
Date: Sun, Nov 20 2011 01:29:32
If I get a set of keys I will have one to give out.
Date: Sun, Nov 20 2011 08:36:28
Date: Sun, Nov 20 2011 20:10:47
if they gave it to you, then you got 2 extra keys >:O
Date: Sun, Nov 20 2011 20:15:09
davidguy wrote: if they gave it to you, then you got 2 extra keys >:O
I got a key from my friend, if I get my keys then I will have one to give out, like I said before. -
Date: Sun, Nov 20 2011 21:55:57
So just played my first game of Dota, I'm in love. Played Jakiro like a boss and won. <3333333333333333333333
Date: Tue, Nov 22 2011 13:40:52
my school's having a dota tournament, apparently. how cool.
Date: Fri, Nov 25 2011 06:36:05
Wow . Singaporean are pro in DOTA normally But for WCG . Malaysia always wins =D
Date: Sun, Nov 27 2011 08:08:28
I believe the Ukrainians are the best right now.
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 07:52:20
so who's managed to get a key so far :| still waiting on mine lol watching dota 2 gameplay really makes me wanna play it
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 07:58:10
Sangara is the only one that i know whose gotten a key :P
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 08:00:17
HON+LOL=Dota 2
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 08:08:28
Aurora wrote: HON+LOL=Dota 2
Where did HoN and LoL come from ? Dota. -
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 08:16:54
@SuiXidaL Ya :D They just improve graphics and hero variation
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 08:45:32
either way that just makes it even better lol
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 09:23:46
I got my key a while back. Being a complete HoN player, it was hard getting used to the slower pace pf gameplay. :/
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 10:08:08
Chobi wrote: I got my key a while back. Being a complete HoN player, it was hard getting used to the slower pace pf gameplay. :/
Mind if i have your key ? :3 -
Date: Sat, Dec 24 2011 10:42:19
SuiXidaL wrote: Mind if i have your key ? :3
No stay in HoN =D i quit for .. a good cause -
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 05:47:23
They aren't giving any more gift keys, for the time being. Only people who signed up will get in. Also, the biggest dread I have is the dying HoN community. Because there's only one place they'll go: DotA 2. The last thing I need is to deal with a community worse than LoL's.
Date: Sun, Dec 25 2011 06:41:26
6.73 is now released ^_^
Date: Sun, Jun 17 2012 15:22:33
Hey can someone send me a Dota 2 beta invite? Apparently the official site only sends out 180 per day and the only other way to get a key is for someone to invite you. My steam name is: furloy650 you can add me as a friend anyone and please either tag or pm me so i get an email notification thanks.
Date: Fri, Jul 20 2012 06:30:58
i like juggernaunt, jakiro , dragonus, magnus , faceless void and others
Date: Mon, Jul 23 2012 00:14:18
and I hate fucking noob teenagers that are ruining my game.
Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 12:45:42
im able to play most heroes expect invoker that bastard... anyone still play?
Date: Sun, Sep 2 2012 12:55:44
I specialize in Agi chars . Been to 2011 TGX games round 2 but lost so slightly
Date: Tue, Sep 4 2012 16:15:43
IG took it, I'm so disappointed Complexity.
Date: Wed, Sep 5 2012 22:27:35
DO anyone here play Dota 2 and LOL? CAn you tell me the difference in Graphic Options do you have? I play LoL with almost everything on Very High (shadows on Low) with a 60 fps all the time. But on DotA 2 I have to run on VEEERY LoW and it's still not 60 fps. Anyone?
Date: Thu, Sep 6 2012 16:00:48
That's very odd considering Valve games are known for being very low demanding, but also doesn't surprise me because the budget for DOTA 2 and LoL were probably very different. EDIT: I run both games at max but my computer is a bit of a powerhouse, or was 2 years ago.
Date: Fri, Sep 7 2012 05:54:33
meh, thank you sanagara anyways. I think Low budget is lower than dota 2, but it looks like dota 2 is requiring to much. o.o
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2012 12:10:34
anyone still play the original dota on WC3?
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2012 13:25:22
me bro
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2012 12:34:30
Yamaguchi wrote: me bro or garena? -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2012 12:47:36
... wrote: or garena?
Garena.. is kinda laggin for me AND I got trauma in .... -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2012 14:17:37
Yamaguchi wrote: Garena.. is kinda laggin for me AND I got trauma in ....
lol how long have you been playing for? -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2012 15:39:54
... wrote: lol how long have you been playing for?
since I was 12.. im 18 now hahaha -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2012 23:14:31
Yamaguchi wrote: since I was 12.. im 18 now hahaha
holy crap... only 4 years -_- -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2012 00:06:25
... wrote: holy crap... only 4 years -_-
yep hhahaha I'm level 23 in garena lol -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2012 00:38:09
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2012 01:08:50
Yamaguchi;226313]yep hhahaha I'm level 23 in garena lol[/QUOTE] lvl 9 here [QUOTE=sangara wrote: 7 YEARS WHAT'S UP?
WTF!!??! -
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2012 22:31:05
I recently just started play DotA 2 and I must say, I find this game way less frustrating than LoL by a lot. Although, I still hate the community both equally sometimes. I mostly enjoy playing the agi heroes especially Riki and PA c: they're just so fun to play
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2012 23:03:32
That's because it's basically the same community. Had the greatest game ever last night, came back from being down 2 racks. So crazy.
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2012 23:28:06
do you play DotA 2? if so, whats your steam!?
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 00:01:57
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2012 00:25:27
okay, I just sent a friend request under either idkkira or cthulhu
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2012 08:17:55
DotA 6.75b is out! just if anyone doesnt know
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2012 10:06:53
Anyone still playing? Me and my friends at school always play the original DotA until now, it's always been fun ^^
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 16:32:45
Starcraft2 is the real deal
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2012 16:46:35
Date: Sat, Nov 3 2012 06:10:26
Dota 2 Halloween even super fun.
Date: Tue, Nov 6 2012 08:47:32
Does anyone need a Dota 2 invite?
Date: Mon, Nov 11 2013 20:28:46
I started playing Dota 2 a couple of days ago, only played about 5 bot games but it's been pretty fun so far. I think the transition from LoL to dota has made it easier for me to understand how to play the game, but I still need to get used to the mini map and pay attention to what's going on other areas of the map. Does anyone here still play?
Date: Mon, Nov 11 2013 21:37:38
I've played a lot of dota 2 amd I'm very much addicted to meepo and invoker lately, they're so gpddamn fun to play as.
Date: Wed, Nov 13 2013 00:25:35
What heroes do you suggest for beginners? And please tell me what lane these heroes should be played in. Also, if i were to pick a random hero to play, how would i know what lane that hero is generally played in ? I've only been playing bot games so two heroes would go top but if i play a normal game against real players would only one hero go top and one goes to the jungle? And if there is a jungle how do you jungle? Is it similar to LoL where you start at a buff camp and get help from the other laners to help leash?
Date: Wed, Nov 13 2013 01:40:33
Supergirl wrote: I've only been playing bot games so two heroes would go top but if i play a normal game against real players would only one hero go top and one goes to the jungle? And if there is a jungle how do you jungle? Is it similar to LoL where you start at a buff camp and get help from the other laners to help leash?
From my knowledge of the jungle in DotA, there aren't any "buff" camps; there are just normal monsters. My friends tell me that jungling is basically dragging out the creeps in each of the camps such that more creeps spawn in their old place, thus "stacking" the camps. When you get a lot of these stacked up, you kill them for a burst of exp and gold. I don't play DotA often, so I'm just recalling what my friend told me. don't bash pls -
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2014 22:58:14
started plying dota 2
Date: Fri, Apr 25 2014 05:54:13
Date: Fri, Apr 25 2014 07:27:22
add me on steam: __godzilla
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2014 08:50:00
added. my name is Ledos
Date: Tue, Jul 1 2014 07:11:17
Anyone watched esl one? I was there and watched it live. That last game was really amazing by iG. 3rd game 22-0. It confirms 322 tho. Huehue
Date: Thu, Jul 24 2014 19:22:55
Finals of The International were disappointing. The last 2 games were like pubstomps.