Trading / Buying / "Teq" selling off pens
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 01:04:20
I dont really know if you guys remember me, but I used to be called "Teq" on here. I just found my old pens and wanted to sell them. I honestly dont know if Jimmy still comes on here, so if he reads this, i promise im not trying to cause any drama, I just wanted to clean out my room. So if anyone wants to buy these from me, just let me know and ill try to work something out. You can buy all or just a few i dont care, i just want to sell em please. Retractable KT MX^2 So Cal gathereing MX with signed insert Bictory Another signed insert from 2008 So Cal gathering other random pens Its like an auction, so whoever bids most will get it. Ends....umm....Sunday at midnight California time.
[/IMG] Thanks :)
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 01:16:22
How much do you want for the Miffy and Melanie mod?
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 01:18:18
how much are you willing to give for it??
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 01:22:48
I guess i will start the price at 25 for the dr M&M?
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 01:33:20
so much for an auction lol, think that's as high as it will go since the tips are NOT from Japanese Dr. Grips
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 01:36:27
Thats fine, but if someone else wants it they can raise the price by a buck or whatever.
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 07:35:55
ok i know i said the auction would close today, but i completely messed up so im going to extend it a few more days. I know its not really a battle lol, but just so you guys know Nation- MFPX $20 White Bictory $12 AwesomePS:) KT $26 Poisened: Mx^2 $12 :)