Tutorials Pending Approval / Soschie G3 Tutorial
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 04:30:34
Soschie G3 Mod =========================== Stats: Soschie G3 COG: COP Length: 20.5 cm Weight: 18 g Style: Single Sided, Non-Retractable Writing-Mechanism: N/A (I think) Ink-Type: N/A Estimated Cost: $1.80 + $1.19 + $2.99 + $1.40 + $2.15 + $.69 + $2.54 = $12.76 ===========================
=========================== Materials List: 1x Signo Tip 1x Impact RT Tip & Grip & Inktube 1x G1 Tip 2x HGG Grips 1x Hyper Jell Cap & Grip 1x G3 body & Inktube 1x Anyball Grip =========================== Here is an original tutorial from GPC: =========================== Tutorial: =========================== [SPOILER="Tutorial"] Gather your materials Disassemble all the pens, and keep the following tips, grips, and body: G3 Body, Signo Tip, Impact RT Tip & Grip & Inktube (I think), G1 Tip, HGG Grips, Hyper Jell Cap and Grip, and a couple of Anyball grips. 1. Remove the G3 grip, slice down with a blade, and poke out the back plug with a long inktube (RSVP). File down the nubs on the front of the G3, also. 2. Wrap tape around the Impact RT inktube and put it into the Pilot G3 Body
3. Put the HGG grip and the other HGG grip (cut the second one) until they cover everything below them
4. Glue the Signo tip to the G1 tip and put them on top of the G3 body
*The G1 tip should not be seen whatsoever, only the Signo tip should be seen. 5. Put the Impact RT grip over everything, adding some Anyball grips if wanted.
Congratulations, you are done with the front (main) part of the pen! 6. Remove the G3 back plug and add approximately 2 mm wide of tape, so the Hyper Jell cap can stay one firmly.
7. Glue the Impact RT tip to the G3 inktube, and wrap tape around the inktube
the rest of the inktube can align properly with the body;
And so the grips can fit on tightly
8. Put the Hyper Jell grip and some other Anyball grips on, and then place the completed cap on the body
*The remaining space of the cap should be around 2mm Optional: Break off the clip of the Hyper Jell cap Add an insert of your choice and spin! [/SPOILER] =========================== Q/A: Q: How can I cut my cap clip? A: You could use some sort of hacksaw, then an X-Acto to clear the leftovers, and then sand it, or wire cutters work. Q: I don't have a G1 tip. What should I do? A: Use the newer HGR tip as a sub; they are kind of the same in weight… ============================ I really like this mod (even though it is too heavy for me, a 4-5 month spinner); it has a great weight/length (For you, maybe. For me, no) and a lot of momentum! (Too much for me, :P) Thanks for reading, and I hope you will all enjoy this mod and tutorial!
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 05:05:32
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 05:29:13
that mod looks cooooool ^^
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 05:58:23
for the Q&A, this mod sure use inktube ( G3 and IRT) and i think the 4th question is saying you can use any tips similar in weight and i think those white stripe are HGG grip...... so you nid lots more HGG grip so the cost would be higher but of course u can jus use anyball
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 05:59:25
Drake: OMFG I MUST MAKE THIS, goes spend some more money
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 20:03:04
What are the inktubes for?
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 23:19:07
@Explosion101: I really don't know for exact :P For weight? Balance? You can ask Drakeohmeteor007 or Penwish, sorry
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 02:31:27
weight is 18 grams, inktuebs are uesd to help the tip not rattle and LOL @Jacob8185, LOL i was gonan post a tut fro this LOL