Pen Modifications / Waterfall mod review
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 03:45:55
MAKER: Waterfall Hey guys it's me bubbles back with another review.. this one is longer than the others any way hope u like it The Waterfall mod
WEIGHT/LENGTH: 15g/21 cm COG: COP COST: 12.07 ( price) PRO'S: Momentum is this mods bitch, if you empty the super pirate all the momentum is on the ends. It has a very nice weight, its not so heavy that it will cramp your fingers after an hour or so of spinning, but it also spins smooth because of the high momentum (not like an MX that looks choppy when most people spin them). The Dr. Grip grips offer great uh... grip :) for wipers. Basically, this pen is almost perfect but...... CON'S: The customizability of this mod is terribad, the only thing you can change is the colour of the caps... but even then you would have to spend like 10 dollars to get them. Another Huge con in this pen is that the Dr. Grip grips will get foggy after you have been spinning it for awhile. There isn't really a way to stop this from happening.. unless u dont spin with it XD RECOMMENDED FOR: I would recommend this mod for any tricks, the high momentum of the pen helps for powertricks but the light weight of this pen means you can spin it for along time without your hands cramping up. I would reccomend it to spinners at around 6 months when you should be moving out of the metalic comssa and RSVP mods. ( NO BUSTERS ) CUSTOMIZATION: I DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT.... There is none cept for the colour of the caps which you can get in white, yellow, pink and green.. the coloured ones cost alot more. VALUE FOR MONEY: If I knew how awsome this pen was I would pay probably around 30 dollars for it, and it being less than half that makes the value for money outrageous for this pen. FINAL THOUGHTS: If you don't have this mod you need to get onto and buy one. Its the best mod I have EVER spun. (waterfall wasnt lying when he said "It was (and still is) the best mod I've ever touched"). Though the customizability is lacking in this mod it still looks like a very sleek mod. Really what im saying is that the pro's outweigh the con's on this mod... A LOT.. I endorse this mod and ANYone who spins with it. srsly go get one noobx RATING /10 No one in the shoutbox had one.. I will update it when I get some more ratings.. feel free to rate it in the comments Customizability 1/10 Looks 6/10 Spinability 11/10
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 04:49:49
On mine, I used sailors on the cap for stripes.
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 04:57:17
Lol at spinnability XD 11/10
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 07:24:59
i have this mod =D spins really nice, got great length, good momentum, doesnt have that knob on the comssa cap that gets in the way of spinning and its not too heavy
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 09:27:55
Supergirl wrote: i have this mod =D spins really nice, got great length, good momentum, doesnt have that knob on the comssa cap that gets in the way of spinning and its not too heavy
i think this mod not use comssa cap . it use reynold cap -
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 09:42:16
GigaByte wrote: i think this mod not use comssa cap . it use reynold cap
read my post again, i never said this mod uses comssa caps -
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 09:46:08
Supergirl wrote: read my post again, i never said this mod uses comssa caps
u like say that . btw , if u say so . im sorry .. ~ -
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 09:56:45
GigaByte wrote: u like say that . btw , if u say so . im sorry .. ~
i said it doesnt have that knob on a comssa cap, because reynold caps dont have that knob -
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 11:03:07
Spinnablity should be 20/10 XD Idk bout u guys but spinning a full white mod looks like ur spinning some luminous cos lighting will make it bright. @bubbles Watch more Korean PS vids. Look at how smooth they spin MXs
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 17:59:46
Customizability isnt that low..there's neon waterfalls as well, altho they're expensive as hell. and you can still add stripes, etc
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 19:14:04
You can always add rings under the grip, and colored tape under the grips. It spins great and looks cool too. Was I the only one that had a slight learning curve when first spinning this mod?
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 19:29:53
@bubbles i dont agree with customizability 1. you can change cap color 2. you can add grip stipes, just like any other dc mod. 3. you can change body color. I have a lime green capped with black comssa body (i had to cut it to make the same length as super pirat but its worth it. 094 caps fit on a lot of bodies as well so this has a wide range of customizability. and personally, i think the cloudy grip looks cool
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 01:12:35
you can do clear version and also you can do tape, grip, cap,body cuts although its not relaly good to cut a dr.grip(gripcut wise)
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 01:29:28
Yea, I think that customizability (is that a word?) should be higher, because you can still add stripes or color the grips.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:10:03
@Alvaris The reason I rated it so low on customizability was because compared to most mods it you cant customize it very much... Most others have coloured grips and some have inserts, yes you can have a clear waterfall but that is subbed parts, yes you can get 3 diffeerent colours of caps, but you have to spend lots of money on them, and yes you can add rings/change the grips but you can do that on any pen. BUT, feel free to rate /10 when you get it/if you get it/if u have it :)
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:13:22
@bubbles Don't forget that once you drop the mod, ITS GRIPS ARE A MAJOR DIRT/DUST COLLECTOR. X_X
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:16:53
@JackyMacky I KNOW IT FUCKING SUCKSSS,,, everything looks great untill you drop it and then it all goes to shit
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 02:25:32
I wash the grips out on occasion. They become quite clean, and they're easy to pull off.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 03:20:39
JackyMacky wrote: @bubbles Don't forget that once you drop the mod, ITS GRIPS ARE A MAJOR DIRT/DUST COLLECTOR. X_X
Thats the only downfall of Dr. Grip Grips. -
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 03:43:17
Isn't Dr. Grip grips easy to clean?
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 04:38:33
After reading this review, I want one. Shame I can't get the parts in aus... :( May have to get on penwish or do a trade. tno
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 04:44:32
@Krypton you cant make it unfoggy
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 04:50:24
@Cloud Didn't know that actually. But since Waterfall uses G-spec grips I guess it doesn't make that much of a difference?
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 04:55:27
@Krypton well it uses ANY dr grip grip most people (afaik) dont actually use g spec since they are more expensive so when i said that, i meant like the penwish type g specs dont get dirty at all... you just brush off the crap stuck to it and ur done
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 05:01:14
@bubbles your rating of the customizability of Vic mod is 4/10, and this is 1/10? I feel like they should be around the same, 3 points higher is quite a difference. And I've had my G-Spec gripped waterfall for a long time now, and it's done a pretty good job at staying clean.
Date: Fri, Jun 3 2011 22:43:34
@JC like someone commented on Vicgotgame mod review, you can customize its length, thats a pretty big thing
Date: Sat, Jun 4 2011 14:39:42
just had a nice busting session with this mod and i must say, ive achieved the most busts i have ever done with this mod more than any other mods like a buster or dr kt
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 05:35:02
Wait, isn't the price of it $17.99? ($13.33 if you construct the parts yourself) You have it as 12.07....
Date: Sun, Jun 12 2011 06:13:08
Fl0wingfire wrote: Wait, isn't the price of it $17.99? ($13.33 if you construct the parts yourself) You have it as 12.07....
Correct. The original Waterfall is $17.99, and the Comssa version is $14.99. -
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:03:19
Oh and I have another question...*raises hand* What does it mean when it says "100% stable with use of additional comssa backplug!" on penwish? I'm just randomly assuming you got yours there, correct me if I'm wrong @bubbles
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 03:07:37
Fl0wingfire wrote: Oh and I have another question...*raises hand* What does it mean when it says "100% stable with use of additional comssa backplug!" on penwish? I'm just randomly assuming you got yours there, correct me if I'm wrong @bubbles
he means that with the comssa backplug the reynold caps have a lesser chance of falling off the super pirat body -
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 03:50:12
Hmm, so does the cap fall off often without the comssa backplug? Btw, is there any weight difference? Sorry for all the questions, I'm having trouble deciding on buying a premade or just the parts...
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 04:45:47
It's called "Glittering Generalities".
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 04:50:23
You shouldn't feel a weight difference. Unless you have some super sensitive senses or something. The cap shouldn't fall off either. My waterfall with just the superpirat body didn't even have caps falling off.
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 05:18:39
i dunno i find whenever i put even the slightest change to a mod i can easily feel the difference. Like if i add some hoops on each end, it feels much different..for me. my personal waterfall mod uses half cut (not 2/3rds...) american dr grips, and 3 profiles to sub. Also ive cut off the "pen" bit and removed the backplug completely using a saw, so the barrel is fully a barrel.
Date: Thu, Jun 23 2011 03:28:36
i cut my barrel like that too. but i think penwish makes his classic waterfalls by cutting off the blue end and taking the ink out, and uses the comssa back plug to offset the protruding white tip ont he other end S: never seen a penwish made classic waterfall but thats just my assumption
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 02:11:12 thing i don't get is when people talk about the the waterfall mod, do they mean the waterfall or the waterfall commsa? On penwish, the commsa version has way more reviews, but it seems like the normal one is more popular...will someone clarify?
Date: Mon, Aug 29 2011 02:18:11
felix1429 wrote: thing i don't get is when people talk about the the waterfall mod, do they mean the waterfall or the waterfall commsa? On penwish, the commsa version has way more reviews, but it seems like the normal one is more popular...will someone clarify?
waterfall comssa is a cheaper version of waterfall. Only difference is it uses a comssa body. They are very similar but the bodies are differer in price and feel. They are close but comssa tends to be more slippery. -
Date: Sun, Oct 30 2011 00:29:52
I like this mod because of its weight and simple spinning effect :)