General Discussion / Most Awkward pen spinning moments?
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 16:11:05
Have you ever had an awkward penspinnig moment? Like spinning during the wrong time or maybe some trick failed at the wrong time. Post them here! Original thread from V3:
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 19:22:59
Once, I was spinning my brand new KT at a burger king waiting for food. I dropped the pen on the counter where the cash register is, and it rolled back behind the counter... The very large manager threatened to keep it. :/ And when I PS in school, and drop the pen, it's always really awkward for me when the teacher stops teaching to pick it up for me.
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 20:07:42
GreymanofHershal wrote: And when I PS in school, and drop the pen, it's always really awkward for me when the teacher stops teaching to pick it up for me.
This happens a lot to me too. xD -
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 20:38:09
stop dropping the pen O.o, it shouldnt go flying anywhere except around you
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 22:49:20
I made my classmate nearly slip after I dropped my mod while PSing.
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 05:10:47
Wonder: I sit right in front of her, I've actually hit her with the pen before. Never practice multiple busts in class, no matter how boring it is.
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 06:13:50
Have you ever been spinning in class, and your pen falls in through that little space in between the chair of the person in front of you and the persons back? Does anyone know what im talking about? Its very weird.. especially since I never know the person... And sometimes they don't notice it happened, and I have to wait till class is over and they get up.. ugh..
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 09:47:04
Raphiel wrote: Have you ever been spinning in class, and your pen falls in through that little space in between the chair of the person in front of you and the persons back? Does anyone know what im talking about? Its very weird.. especially since I never know the person... And sometimes they don't notice it happened, and I have to wait till class is over and they get up.. ugh..
why don't you call/poke them to ask if they could pick it up for you? -
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 20:15:29
when you drop the pen and the pen rolls under someone's butt
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 20:22:08
when I hit my teacher during class with a Bonkura KT D:
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 21:52:14
when i did a twisted cobra bite with my sharp ass catfish mod standing up next to this girl to the right of me (im righty) who was sitting down in a desk. anyway when i did the twisted cobra bite i almost jabbed the girl in the eye lol then i ran away to go sit on the other side of the class. when she tried to tell the teacher: "i said i was over here, how could i have done that?" everyone is sooo oblivious :woop:
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 21:59:45
when i broke my 3000*f in class n i was like fuck really loud in a quiet class room................
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 22:30:23
darkrose wrote: when i broke my 3000*f in class n i was like fuck really loud in a quiet class room................
I almost got a detention for yelling "FUCKING SHIT" when my friend left class early with one of my pens. LOL but breaking pens really suck... I broke my yelllow hypergel so I had to use my "spare" for another mod. plus an 3000*f body is like... $30 hmm, what else... every time someone asks "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DO THAT?!?!" and everyone watches me. still, that's really awkward and annoying when my friend did psing for the talent show ._.' when my friend threw my seven mod across the lunch room and it didn't break. I guess that's it. :zzz: -
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 00:28:46
When I just got up...
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 07:50:59
in 6th period my friend and i sit next to the teacher, he did a a palmspin on my buster and the cap flew off full speed. at this time she was working at her desk. the cap nearly missed her head 0_o i had to go back after school to look for it in the mess behind her desk another time in 7th period, the teacher gave us our work to do but like always my friends and I pulled out our mods and started spinning instead. the teacher walked over and sat down at our table and watched us. he asked us to teach him and within a week he could do thumbaround and triangle pass. another time, on the 8th gade Washington D.C. New York trip. we were on a boat going to Ellis Island and i dropped his mod practicing multiple bust. I had to run after when it almost rolled off the boat. Everyone else was just staring at me.....
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 08:26:50
when the teacher bend over to pick up my pen, i saw a nice view of her cleavage. i was aroused ;) sheesss sooo ohoottottototototototototo
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 04:34:46
one time my friend in class asked me if i had a pen, so i threw him a personal mod i just made the week before. it took many hours to create it, and it dosnt write. so i thought itd be funny to give him that one. he yells "what the hell, this thing dosnt even write" and he fucking snaps it in half!! O.O so i get up and plow through the desks lol. i am sooo pissed i start swearing at him and grab his shirt, threatening him :P the teacher didnt do shit but the kids were like...calm down its just a pen. ...*sigh* the non spinners will never understand.
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 06:15:44
On the train yesterday, I was practicing hai tua with my buster. Next to me was some random handicapped dude sitting down. I'm almost getting the trick and I try for one more before the train got to my stop and I flip the pen too hard and hit him right in the knee with the point! He didn't really seem to notice so I said sorry, picked it up and booked it out the train.
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 01:02:29
well i dropped my mod, and it started rolling really quickly, I flew across the table trying to catch it ._____.
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 04:14:38
So me and my ex girlfriend were talking in Spanish class and I was spinning while talking to her. She got angry because I wasn't paying attention. So she took my pen and said, "you're obsessed with your flippy pens". I then say "No I'm not, I don't really even care about them" (lies). So she announces in front of the class "Spencer says he doesn't care about his flippy pens" and she threw it away. Since it was my waterfall, I had to get up and shamefully root my pen out of the trash. Twas' extremely embarrassing with like 20 kids and a teacher watching me dig in a trash can for like 5 minutes just to find my waterfall. May not sound embarassing but it was.
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 15:53:30
when im supposed to be in bed and my parents come in and see me spinning >.<
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 16:38:37
when the whole class just stares at you PS and you can tell that the teacher is ANNOYED because she is giving info about a huge project...
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 21:39:26
My teacher sees me spinning and he tells me to put away my baton, then the class stares at me like what is he talking about but my pen is already in my pocket so they dont know what im doing lol
Date: Wed, Jul 14 2010 22:41:12
K so. I was in this store in china town (toronto) I was looking around for pens, and found that they had some. I was writing down what they had so maybe i could come back later. I was taking my time. The owners were this really old couple. They stared at me the whole time. Finally the old man comes up to me and says, "Can i help you?". I'm just like, "no you can't. Im just looking around." And he's like well if your not gonna buy anything then suck my cock.(he actually says then you can leave) So im just like...just a sec. And he's breathing on me staring with those crusty eyes. I'm trying to look for pens still. And i'm really nervous. Yeah and i leave not buying anything. But i bought stuff there before. It was really super awkward. Man i hate it when the store owners stare at you weird when you are looking at pens and or you buy a mountain of just pens. Yeah that's it i guess.
Date: Thu, Jul 15 2010 00:10:52
Haha I was in target and of course the lane that has pens in it was the one with a lady putting stuff on shelves. I was just staring at all the pens and she was like, "can I help you find something" and I'm just like..." I'm good. Just looking" Grab like 3 packs of pens and walk away.
Date: Mon, Jul 26 2010 14:33:13
Haha it's kinda weird when you go up to the counter with a shitload of pens and saying here, I'll take all of 'em haha!
Date: Fri, Aug 13 2010 05:19:57
the look that the cashier at kinokuniya gave me when i put a shitload of pens on the counter ._.
Date: Sat, Aug 28 2010 19:58:48
i was on a ferry pen spinning. And this old lady thought i was jacking off.
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 13:39:50
I dropped my brand new waterfall and it rolled under my teacher's skirt-.- then she kicked it. DR GRIPS!!
Date: Thu, Sep 2 2010 23:05:29
lets see, during class I finally pull off a twisted sonic bust x4 and yelled "OH! Did you see that!"
Date: Mon, Sep 20 2010 06:26:44
when i was lookin at a penspinnin vid on my phone then someone comes..and lures a bunch of other people automatically then they all stare at my phone =_=
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 06:57:12
Lol... my ballsign mod hit my tchrs d!ck and he said OUCH
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 15:29:21
I was in class. During a test, i was spinning my comssa. During a wiper, the pen flew off from my hand, leaving only a cap in between my fingers. It hit some girl. I didn't know what to say, except apologize a million times. Also, I was bored one time, and i figured i could try out a hai tua (this was a long time ago). BAD idea. I flipped my hand too early, and the pen flung all the way across the room, and hit some kid in the head. He just said, "OW! What the fuck?" I had to wait till class was over to get it from him. Twas' embarrassing, since pretty much everyone saw what happened. But the one thing I hate is when the teacher stops teaching a lesson or gets out of his/her way to tell me to stop spinning. Then everyone just stares -_-
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 17:59:29
About 2 years ago my teacher would always tell me to stop pen spinning, but I never would. So she decided to tape my pen to my hand.
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 19:20:38
I bought 30 Superpirats for a Hongkong trade and they just looked at me like "wtf lol omg"... and that was neither the first nor the last time i bought pirats there, maybe more then 50 of them in total. :D
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 21:23:39
one time my math teacher wouldnt accept my homework because it was too messy and she was all like if you did your homework more than playing with your pen you would have a higher grade. then i took a test and aced it and was all like well i told her
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 21:31:23
When my pen fell down a girl's shirt. she had biggies too........awkward.........
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 23:05:55
@drgripable Did you reach down her shirt to get it?
Date: Mon, Feb 7 2011 23:08:21 was a bic.....flew in there...left
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 02:33:30
:...::ilulz::hah::spin::xd::trollface::ninja::ssst::woop::applaud:^lol well, yeah. on the first day of second semester, I drop my pen, it rolls across the room, and the teacher stops the entire class to walk to the other side of the room to pick up my buster. She called it big... :wtf:
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 02:43:02
That awkward moment when you mess up a TA in a combo ._.;
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 03:10:38
Seems like most of the embarrassing moments came from spinning modded. Remember kids, when in public spin unmodded pens, no embarrassment, no caps falling off, no need to worry if you lose them etc. etc.
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 04:57:05
I also find it awkward when someone asks to use my MX for writing lol....
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 06:17:50
I was doing a ta in class and it flew off almost hitting my teacher in the middle of his lecture. He turns to me and asks if I am trying to kill him. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 10:46:24
Well, it wasn't really awkward, but I let people use my MXs and MX^2 to write. i just get the cap and tell them to use the backplug side. They cool with it. ^^
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 12:48:54
drgripable wrote: When my pen fell down a girl's shirt. she had biggies too........awkward.........
probably got stuck -
Date: Tue, Feb 8 2011 17:15:17
I did a FS wombo combo, I was listening to music and put my pen down, took off my earphones in content. Then I look up and notice that 5 of my classmates were watching that whole time. I then look down at my pen and put my earphones back on and resumed spinning.
Date: Sat, Feb 12 2011 16:04:42
YES!!! once someone asked me to use my BICtory to write, they couldn't figure out how to write with it XD
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 04:45:14
Well i stabbed a girl in her boobs so then she screamed it out loud to the class and i think most of the class heard it
Date: Sun, Feb 13 2011 13:53:11
when my teacher called my pen mod a "toy"..then he took it away but i started spinning with a normal pen
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 17:15:31
when I was doing pun kan in class and my pen flew into the teacher's face... I never got either half of that buster back...
Date: Mon, Feb 21 2011 17:48:07
When my teacher adresses me in a weird name "so what is the answer pen twirling king?" or "impressive but please pay attention"
Date: Tue, Apr 5 2011 09:34:24
My classmate had a broken toe, and I was spinning my HAL KT in front of him and I did x6 bust and it fell on his broken toe! He screamed so loud that everyone in the library heard him. Now because of me pen spinning is banned in the library
Date: Fri, Apr 8 2011 23:42:47
when my teacher picked up my pen and asked if it writes and said it was cool pen and told me to teach him how to spin it
Date: Sat, Apr 9 2011 04:15:59
when I was doing a thumflap charge rev while my teacher was explaining something when the eraser on my pencil flew out between her legs. Everyone stared at me like I did something very bad. O.O
Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 02:01:20
walrus wrote: when im supposed to be in bed and my parents come in and see me spinning >.<
It pisses my parents off so much when i do this!!! -
Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 13:12:39
when i was trying to do a haitua,my pen flew into my classmate's face,fortunately it is a light mod and doesn't has sharp tip,or it will be very pain
Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 17:19:06
Anytime the teacher has to say to stop spinning and pay attention. ANYTIME that happens, its really awkward. And also, one time i was trying to do some wipers, and my pen flew 3 seats over and landed on some girls desk. The girl had a few papers on her desk so when it landed it made all the papers fly off her desk. I didnt know how to explain what had happened -_-
Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 17:49:17
Congratulations!!! You guys over my post deserves the Premium:
Gold shovel
Date: Fri, Aug 19 2011 18:14:46
at the checkout at officemax........i bought dr grip gspecs, and the cashier was like: -um...........$30.00............. -i pull out $40 -*stares at me weirdly* would you like a bag for that?
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 07:51:27
I dropped my pen from the top level of a building to the ground level, almost hitting a student that was walking past. Luckily it was a Bictory with vinyl tubing grips. :P
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 11:45:58
On the bus to school I was spinning and it flew out of my hand up a few seats. It hits the back of this kid's head. I'm like " Hey sorry can you throw it back here?" He said it was cool and tossed it right back to me. Wasn't too awkward but that's my most memorable moment I can think of.
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 13:47:51
When i was almost going to get like my 6th bust, then my teacher yelled at me and i got so scared i hit the table with my mod. TT.TT
Date: Sat, Aug 20 2011 14:47:02
i'm in the department store, with my mom, i started spinning, after 5 minutes i look up and find a circle of people watching me spin my buster... i felt both weird and proud at the same time :)
Date: Fri, Jan 6 2012 11:11:59
when my teacher came near me and asked me how am i doing that