Off-topic / Movie Reviews
Date: Mon, May 30 2011 03:58:53
[video=youtube;Bh0AIxrJgKg][/video] Hangover review btw its not me guess who?
Date: Mon, May 30 2011 04:04:23
Based on the Trailer I thought the movie was going to be the same. I guess I was right but since it got a B i will still go see it.
Date: Mon, May 30 2011 06:58:20
lol wtf you were recording eso ... creepy @Eso
Date: Mon, May 30 2011 13:39:29
this was saturday? whats up with the weird laugh at the end
Date: Mon, May 30 2011 23:02:49
Zombo wrote: this was saturday? whats up with the weird laugh at the end
lol probably my parrot