Off-topic / The Gun Discussion Thread
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 03:24:51
A thread discussing guns. Anyone watches FPSRussia?
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 04:26:51
FPS Russia is so cool. He is really funny. I also know a litle bit about guns.
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 04:53:16
FPSRussia just got this huge-ass gun thing, I don't even know. Makes me go what the fuck xD
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 05:15:44
lol thanks for sharing FPSRussia, it made my day XD
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 05:32:46
FPSRussia's terrible fake accent doesn't make his shitty videos any better.
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 12:24:11
Hmm.. more intrested in the Pistols section, more easy to get :D
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 12:50:16
His name is Kyle, he's not really Russian and his videos get boring really fast.
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 12:56:55
So whats the point of this thread?
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 13:27:29
Uhh, I just recently bought a few airsoft guns, if that counts. G36C, G36K AEGs :D
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 15:34:59
I Heard guns are cheap in the states. Apparently an AUG costs 2000
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 13:04:17
his guns are tight, but his "accent" is just too overdone
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 18:00:53
idk much 'bout guns but my dad bought me a para ordinance .45 super hawg when i was 13...still under his name but will be chagned to mine when im 18
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 18:24:14
Guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns kill people.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 18:27:04
then why give the stupid people guns
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 20:21:28
Lol: [video=youtube;i4Iz0TXmmvU][/video] [video=youtube;bI0AzYwIILQ][/video] Audio is a little poor, but if you can hear what he's saying it's pretty hilarious :lol: On a less related note, I wish I could find the time and money to go to a shooting range and actually fire a gun at some point. I've been quite the gun and military nut for a while, but never got the chance to try one out.
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 21:02:31
strat1227 wrote: then why give the stupid people guns
overpopulation -
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 21:05:33
@Awesome then give the smart one guns, not the stupid ones, that's going in the wrong direction
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 21:10:47
strat1227 wrote: @Awesome then give the smart one guns, not the stupid ones, that's going in the wrong direction
stupid people kill with guns, as mentioned in a previous post. How many deaths are you going to get with that kinda thinking D: (this thread isn't in serious discussion :P) -
Date: Wed, May 25 2011 21:12:55
lol i know i was just messing with you :P