Trading / Buying / Holypie's Selling/Trading Thread
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 14:24:53
[SIZE="5"]Rules:[/SIZE] 1. If I have more positive feedback you send first. 2. If you have more positive feedback I send first. 3. If you're buying you send first (preferable by PayPal but in case you have to use mail since sending money is faster than sending pens) 4. No negative feedback. 5. Must have at least +1 feedback. 6. I am not responsible for anything lost in the mail. [SIZE="5"]Shipping:[/SIZE] $2 within Canada, $3 internationally (Credits to miyat for the rules) [COLOR="red"]Paypal is preferable![/COLOR] [SIZE="5"]Want:[/SIZE] Japanese Dr. Grip Grips Super pirat Superlavable Metal G3 Steiga/gao/daiso stuff [B]Impact RT[/B] Money [SIZE="5"]Selling:[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Mod Commissions:[/SIZE] I'm willing to make a mod that is requested if I deem it within my ability. I will obtain the parts but the cost of the parts, as well as any shipping, etc. required to get the parts, as well as labour cost will be charged. If you request a mod commission you [U]MUST buy the pen. [SIZE="4"]Mods:[/SIZE]
Black Tornado Mod - $8 White Ballsign Mod - $6 [COLOR="red"]Turndont G3 Mod - SOLD Pirat KS - SOLD[/COLOR] Dr. CT - $25 MPFX - $8
Japanese Pencil Mod - $4 [COLOR="red"]Nachoaddict MP Mod - SOLD[/COLOR] MX^2 - $8 MSXA - $8 Product SC - $10 Tombow Mod - $8
[COLOR="red"]Lemon Mod - SOLD[/COLOR] SSS Mod - $13 [COLOR="red"]Twistable MX - SOLD[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Coulomb Namae Mod - SOLD[/COLOR] EP Comssa - $9 [SIZE="4"]Mod Parts/Unmodded Pens[/SIZE] ALL PRICES ARE FOR ONE UNIT UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE
Comssa Cap - $0.20 (moderately damaged) [COLOR="red"]Laurentian Marker (s777 cap) - SOLD Old Namae - SOLD[/COLOR] Green Bellcolor Body - $1 Pilot Neogel x 4 - $1
Airfit Gel tips x 2 - $2 American Dr. Grip Tip - $3 METAL Flexgrip Ultra tip x 1 - $1.50 Pilot Better Retractable tip x 3 - $0.50 Zebra F-301 tip x 2 - $1
Black tornado caps x 2 - $1.25 each or $2 for both Colortwin Big Caps x 3 - $1.50 Laknock grips x 2 - $1.50 Beifa grips (as many as you want) - $1 Hyperjell Cap x 1 - $1 All offers are welcome, if you think the price is too high feel free to negotiate.
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 02:21:23
@Holypie can you lower the price of a ep comssa a bit ? :/
Date: Sat, May 28 2011 02:37:40
First bump ever!
Date: Mon, May 30 2011 07:43:53
What is the quantity of your Beifa grips? [B]E:[/B] Whoops, I mistakenly forgot to read the "as many as you want" part. How long does the shipping take?
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 23:02:20
Date: Wed, Jun 8 2011 22:24:22