Regular Pen Discussion / can anybody help me to translate to english/chinese

  1. wyz9
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 07:22:28 hibachi mod tut thx:boing: (i don know is it the wrong place to post this post)

  2. GigaByte
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 07:32:18

    i think it japanese . just use google translate cuz if want to translate the page i think hard

  3. Soren
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 08:26:05

    yeah just use google translate

  4. Breezy
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 14:50:25

    Google saves the day. Gata love the translator.

  5. Matt
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 16:33:28

    with japanese, google translate doesnt work AT ALL. all the sentenses make no sense

  6. Van
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 22:39:26

    Yep it's Japanese

  7. wyz9
    Date: Sat, May 21 2011 01:44:38

    use google transfer is not a good way

  8. Breezy
    Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 00:22:31

    Ching chong ding ding

  9. hoyeesuan
    Date: Fri, Jun 24 2011 03:31:57

    parts- g3 tip,g2 grip(orange), sailor cap, 4 anyballs, something barrel(i couldn't translate that), namae cap(both versions can), metallic gel tip construction 1: hollow namae cap. 2: shave off clip of sailor cap. 3: shove 4 sections of any ball grip to the end of the sailor cap. 4: put namae cap into sailor cap. 5: connect to barrel 6: add grips and stack g3 tip onto metallic gel tip.

  10. exclusive
    Date: Sun, Jun 26 2011 01:47:24

    wyz9 wrote: hibachi mod tut thx:boing: (i don know is it the wrong place to post this post)
    broken link

  11. Rabbid
    Date: Sat, Jul 2 2011 11:42:05

    Google translate doesn't work nicely. I tried before too-.-