Pen Modifications / Orange Dr. Grip Grips!

  1. Fail
    Date: Thu, May 19 2011 20:28:04

    Today, while messing around with Dr. Grip Grips, I colored them a dark orange. All you need is some: G2 Inktubes (black) Food Coloring (blue, red, or purple [i think all dark colors work]) Water Take the Dr. Grips and put them in a cup/container of diluted food coloring for 16+ hours. They should turn purple/pink. Then, put them in a cup of black G2 Ink (empty the inktubes [watch Guitrum's Gold Dr. Grip Grips Video]) for 2-3 days (less still may work). Remove the Dr. Grip Grips. Wash thoroughly. It should be dark orange.

  2. Raos
    Date: Thu, May 19 2011 20:34:53

    this has already been done a lot of times before. People used to dye dr grip grips with massive amounts of food colouring/dye and ink.

  3. spinford
    Date: Thu, May 19 2011 20:49:29

    I turned my dr grip dark orange when I just simply stuck a dark orange grip under the dr grip. I didnt take it out for a week until I finally decided to pull it out. The drgrip was orange.

  4. funnky
    Date: Thu, May 19 2011 21:09:00

    lol thats pretty cool.

  5. Flarion
    Date: Thu, May 19 2011 21:13:47

    Guitrum did this a long time ago, he just took G2 ink and put it into a film holder, then put the dr grip into it and it came out golden-orange Still interesting though

  6. RicLu98
    Date: Thu, May 19 2011 23:07:52


  7. +Guitrum+
    Date: Thu, May 19 2011 23:51:46

    beat ya to it

  8. Rapid
    Date: Thu, May 19 2011 23:55:18

    As your username says, fail. But nice try though.

  9. Soren
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 07:58:45

    lol got pwned by guitrum

  10. SuiXidaL
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 09:19:44

    Turn around and start walking.

  11. sasuak
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 09:40:04

    spinford wrote: I turned my dr grip dark orange when I just simply stuck a dark orange grip under the dr grip. I didnt take it out for a week until I finally decided to pull it out. The drgrip was orange.
    this method will change dr grip grip color for permanent or just temporary? Coz i got one of my pen mod that using dr grip grip has changing color to orange/yellow.... how to clean that color?

  12. Ejikpyroman
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 11:52:37

    How about other colors? Red, Skyblue, Green? Just another color of Food Coloring without putting grip in G2 inks or something else?

  13. Fail
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 19:27:28

    No, my Dr. Grips are darker than Guitrum's. :)

  14. spinford
    Date: Fri, May 20 2011 20:29:06

    @sasuak the dr grips color will be permanent

  15. BeyondEminence
    Date: Sat, May 26 2012 21:23:40

    [QUOTE=+Guitrum+;96347]beat ya to it Hey Guitrum! I like what you do for the psing community and I just wanted to know how the grips felt. If they feel the same as they did before the dying then i just might do that with my Waterfall that is coming in soon.

  16. FRspinner
    Date: Wed, Jun 27 2012 13:57:02

    How about pink?