Trading / Buying / Sakura's Trade Thread
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 12:44:25
Hi! Rules: In trading: 1) If you have more + than me, ill send first. 2) If I have more + than you, you'll send first. 3) If you have -, you'll send first. 4) If we have the same +, we send at the same time. Buying: Send money first before I send your pens. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wants: Sunburst Normal/Mx (red, yellow, pink, skyblue, white) Comssa (mod / pen) Cartoon miffy comssa Rsvp color Hgg Buster CYL PDS pen case Pds mods Offer :3 Have:
[COLOR="red"]White Emboss Mod~GONE[/COLOR] Emboss [COLOR="red"]Bonkura KT- GONE[/COLOR] Cyan Marvey Marker x2 Cream Marvey Marker x2 Crimson Red Marvey Marker x2 Colored Lakubo's ( Light green,Yellow,Skyblue, Transparent, Pink, Purple) [COLOR="red"]1 Dr.Grip Japanese Shaker- GONE[/COLOR] Double small capped Keityo F3000 Rushon x1 lime Rushon no cap White airblanc Can get: Metal g3s Gripmatic(metal tip) Signos Rsvp Normal / Rzdz HGR ( the one with grip ) HGG( white, pink, skyblue, purple, lime, yellow) Colored lakubos Thanks!
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 13:43:23
1 metallic comssa vs 1 jap. dr grip shaker?
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 11:20:56
Posted photo :3
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 12:27:53
i have 2010 PDS white pencase, PDS comssa, Donga comssa computer sign pen and buster CYL with ring or no ring
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 13:59:29
F3000 for?
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 20:03:44
Edited wants and can get :)
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 02:01:38
Bump :3
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 02:25:09
i want white emboss, i have cash and white rsvp sunburst