Tutorials Pending Approval / chrisPS Bellcolor SC
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 10:16:27
No official name for now Also, I'm still not sure about the weight as I don't have enough mods to weigh it out. Also I apologize for blurry pictures >.< Requested by ninjaskillz,SPRiNGFiELD, and ScaringChildren I don't recommend writing with it
=========================== Stats: =========================== Name: Personal Bellcolor SC COG: Click Me Length: 20cm Weight:MX^2 < this mod < Cheat Comssa Style: Single-Sided Non-Retractable Writing-Mechanism: Marker Ink-Type: Marker Ink Estimated-Cost: ~10-15 USD =========================== Materials List: =========================== Picture [x1] Bellcolor (body) [x1] G2 (grip) [x1] Anyball (grip) [x2] G3 (2 tips, 1 grip, 1 cap) [x1] Hi Tec C (tip) Electrical Tape Scotch Tape (not included in pic) Cutting Tool(s) (not included in pic) =========================== Tutorial: =========================== Optional: Empty the Bellcolor body of its inktube (not really necessary)
1. Wrap 2-3 layers of electrical tape followed by 1-2 layers of scotch tape on the bellcolor backplug.
2. Cut 2 sections from the front of the Anyball grip and 3 sections from the back (I used old grips, so meh)
3. Remove the clip from the G3 cap, and remove the nub as well. Attach the cut Anyball grip sections as shown (2 sections first, then 3). Then tape the remaining space with electrical tape.
4. Assembly. The 2 G3 tips are on the front. The Hi Tec C tip is on the back. Optional: Amount of G2 grip to 'push' on the bellcolor body 5. Congratulations! You made the mod! A short FS using the mod: =========================== Q/A: More questions will be appreciated Q: Why Bellcolor and not Comssa? A: The inktube within the Bellcolor is stable compared to the Comssa. Plus, it adds additional weight and momentum as well Q: It looks like a Springfield SC variation A: I know, right? O.O =========================== Comments will be appreciated.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 11:57:17
Nice looking mod and very simple to make =D. Will make one for sure ;P
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 12:35:13
Name?.. Ehm. It's just a Flexible MX.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 12:55:33
Good Mod :D
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 12:59:01
I guess it is a hyped up variation of it. However, until iMatt or another pro modder has a say, I'm keeping neutral.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 13:19:12
everything with a comssa (in this case bellcolor) body sc kinda thing is a flexible mx (or variation) ? no.. hell no.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 18:40:25
I'd like to disagree with you, Springfield. This is just a varient, a more varieated varient..but a varient. G3 cap- Mr.LSC uses it on his flex mx on G2 grip- Just a substitute for a profile grip Tips..probably the most diffferentestest part. Nonetheless, I was like "wtf :o" still nice, still nice
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 18:44:25
I like it, :3 I might just have to make a pink one, and find a use for my pink g2/bellcolor
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 18:45:44
looks pretty nice, definitely like to see this in different colors lol
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 09:36:26
glad you guys liked it :D idk though what to rename it if it really is a hyped up variation of Flex MX. -.- better to leave it that way? :hmm:
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 14:12:28
looks cool chrisps :) how about "Double G3 Personal Bellcolor Mod"? and in the parts list you forgot to include that ou need a G3 cap
Date: Thu, Jul 1 2010 14:31:18
Hmm? Seems too long Oh right. :facepalm: edit: fix'd
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 01:49:55
Date: Fri, Jul 2 2010 09:27:48
lolz, my name doesn't suit a mod well. :P anyways, let's put it at that for nao. :(
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 10:19:56
I like how it's all black.
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 12:26:23
@Bam!: thanks :D
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 07:05:32
nice one
Date: Fri, Aug 6 2010 00:35:05
chriscolor mx?? lol