Member Introductions / Huzzah.

  1. hyAmi
    Date: Fri, May 13 2011 18:39:08

    Hello! I don't know what to say, so I'll just tell how I came here. Randomly viewed a PenSpinning vid of Seven and now, I want to PenSpin too! The only pen I could make on such short notice was a Ballsign mod. I didn't really look into other mods yet. Anyway, nice to meet you all!

  2. Olji
    Date: Fri, May 13 2011 20:28:01

    Welcome to UPSB :D The ballsign mod was my first mod too (since my pencil I started with cant be considered a mod), and I liked it very much Enjoy your stay

  3. Rogersbored
    Date: Fri, May 13 2011 20:30:00

    Welcome to hell, where you will pen spin until your fingers rot :D Just kidding, but enjoy your stay. What tricks have you mastered?

  4. hyAmi
    Date: Fri, May 13 2011 21:15:18

    Thank you Olji and Roger. So far, I can do the Thumbaround, Sonic, and Fingerpass. :( The Charge is hard for me.

  5. Kill
    Date: Fri, May 13 2011 22:07:13

    Welcome :) hope you enjoy UPSB

  6. Velocity
    Date: Sat, May 14 2011 00:22:33

    hyAmi wrote: Thank you Olji and Roger. So far, I can do the Thumbaround, Sonic, and Fingerpass. :( The Charge is hard for me.
    Have u tried look at teks how to charge tutorial he is very beginner friendly :)

  7. hyAmi
    Date: Sat, May 14 2011 02:24:49

    Thanks Kid. And I will do that Flash. lol I'm surprised I didn't think of that first!

  8. ellusion67
    Date: Sat, May 14 2011 13:58:43

    welcome here...