Single Member & Tag Videos / Twine Quick Sololoololol (UPSB tourney clips)

  1. Twine
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 05:44:07


  2. Far
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 07:18:21

    Awesome man! Love your quick solo, I like your first Midbak 1.5 X) Congrats on the win on the tourney! :D

  3. GigaByte
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 07:19:50


  4. J74Q
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 07:38:27

    Clap Clap

  5. EliteN00Bz
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 08:24:08


  6. supawit127
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 08:54:44

    love last combo :3

  7. song
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 09:39:07


  8. Krypton
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 09:42:05

    Awesome, and congrats again on winning UPSBT. Requesting Pinkybak rev in the next nice linkages series? And that Inv shadow rev > fl MA linkage you BD for me please :3

  9. Twine
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 09:50:35

    AWWW YEEEAAA Supawit liked one of my combos!!! I can rest in peace now :3 Everyone else, much thanks :)

  10. i.suk
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 10:01:51

    twine for WT13 :thumb:

  11. Hippo2626
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 10:13:55

    i.suk wrote: twine for WC12 :thumb:
    My verison

  12. i.suk
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 10:23:24

    Hippo2626 wrote: My verison
    i was thinking that too, but UPSB needs to get into WC12 first x) also twine, how do you come up with those linkages? O__O'

  13. Twine
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 10:31:51

    i.suk wrote: i was thinking that too, but UPSB needs to get into WC12 first x) also twine, how do you come up with those linkages? O__O'
    This will sound stuuuuuuuupid ._____.' I generally flex my hand around aimlessly with the pen in my hand. Boom new sonic based linkage lol. By spamming stupid things, I find nice linkages. My better linkages are generally thought out a bit more though haha

  14. i.suk
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 10:59:54

    Twine wrote: This will sound stuuuuuuuupid ._____.' I generally flex my hand around aimlessly with the pen in my hand. Boom new sonic based linkage lol. By spamming stupid things, I find nice linkages. My better linkages are generally thought out a bit more though haha
    the ways of a genius often sound strange to normal people :P hmm, i'll try that then O__O'

  15. Rabbid
    Date: Tue, May 10 2011 12:46:26

    Naise man:clap clap:

  16. Breezy
    Date: Fri, May 13 2011 19:51:18

    Twine for wt? YES

  17. Velocity
    Date: Sat, May 21 2011 10:06:57

    Best spinner in NZ~