Off-topic / How to get chicks.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 03:42:16
Just kidding, there is no easy way, women are a shit load of work but it's worth it most of the time. 1) Start looking, it's really hard to be genuinely interested in someone if you're not attracted to them, thank evolution. 2) Pay attention, once you've found someone that you really think you like just start paying attention to them. Try to pick up on some of their noticeable habits ( if they have any ) just get used to that person. You're not trying to know her completely you're just trying to focus down your attention and start getting all the surface has to offer. 2a) Maybe this girl of yours is already a friend and you just know you like her, be aware of a few things, mainly the friend zone, the friend zone is a magical place that girls have for the guys they're not interested in as partners but keep around as friends. It is possible to get out of this death trap, you've just got to work it. Also be aware of your closeness to her, know how far you can push things or how much you have to currently work to get to a certain point, i.e. gaining her trust. 2b) If you are friends with this girl and you value the friendship know that you can very easily soil this friendship with a more intimate relationship. Don't let this scare you, once again, just be aware. 3)Befriend her. A girl isn't going to start dating a complete stranger, if that wasn't obvious. Befriending her is a very crucial step, you're essentially testing the water, figuring out what she likes, what she doesn't, what she thinks of your hobbies, what you think of hers. You know bonding. [color=red]NOTE:[/color]Befriending her does not mean that you have to enter her friend zone, it's just the start to getting her to like you. 3a) First off you have to get your foot in the door, there has to be something that you two have in common, whether it's a class, a club, a hobby, the same social group, hell even a mutual friend will work. Basically get to the point where you can be in the same room with her, that's usually the easiest. Use what ever you have in common to your advantage, if it's the same class, ask her about the homework from last night, do something to get into her sights. You have to let her know you exist. [color=red]NOTE:[/color]You don't have to have something in common, you just have to have serious game in order to get her if you don't. Considering the place I'm posting this I'm focusing on the easier routes. 3b) Stay in contact. Constant contact is necessary to developing a relationship of any kind. Get her Skype, AIM, MSN, Facebook, phone number, what ever, as long as you have something to get a hold of her with then you're good. Remember this is the easier route, when you're just starting off use this form of contact for the thing you have in common, you should be able to feel your way into different conversation. 3c) Don't over do it. Don't always be there, it's okay to "not see that text" or to be "afk" when she messages you, if a girl feels like it's too easy to get to you then there's no fun for them in this chase. I found video games to be a great excuse to be able to not be "there" it's whatever you can think of. White lies are okay, just don't over do it. 4) The flirt. Once you've started to feel more comfortable with her try some flirting. There are many easy and subtle flirting techniques, on of the greatest I've found is pen spinning. Go ahead, try it, do a thumbaround in front of them, they've already seen it? Bakfall, twisted sonic bust, something you know they've never seen. The amount of women that react to penspinning is actually kind of stupid. Offer to teach them, if they're interested of course, this is an excellent excuse to touch their hands, physical contact is very important. 4a) Another great flirting tool is the "Neg" I stole this trick from the pickup artist's forum, it's actually kind of funny, they pick up chicks like we pick up pens. Anyway the neg is a very simple idea, a subtle negative criticism that isn't meant to hurt them but to make them question. A kind of "Wait I thought he was interested in me" kind of thing. Go ahead laugh at them, sort of, it's a very subtle art, only try this if you're completely comfortable with doing it. 5) The Kill Shot. It's a process but eventually you get to the point where you need to make a move. Be a man about it though, if you're going to ask them out do it in person, over the phone is second, but seriously do it in person. Everyone figures it out for themselves, my kill shots included a letter, yours may be just telling her straight up, asking her out on a date, to the dance, eh be careful with the dance she may just want to go as friends then of course friend zone achieved. 6) Failing. The most important step in getting girls. You're going to fail, it's going to hurt, but have no fear, there are a billion other women out there. Let your past experiences guide you.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 03:44:29
You know what's sadder than people trying to learn from other dudes on a pen spinning board? You writing an extensive guide on how you think to get girls.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 03:47:20
strat1227 wrote: You know what's sadder than people trying to learn from other dudes on a pen spinning board? You writing an extensive guide on how you think to get girls.
Done for fun actually, I know plenty about getting girls, don't worry about me bro. -
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 03:48:28
I didn't say you didn't, I said it was sad that you spent that much time writing up this guide
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 03:49:29
30 minutes isn't that bad.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 03:50:10
I laugh at people with problems getting girls :)
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 04:24:43
When did you become Hitch, sangara?
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 04:28:00
This thread is sad.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 04:31:43
LOL this is hilarious
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 04:38:13
It went ok.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 04:49:30
nateiskewl wrote: When did you become Hitch, sangara?
Like every other man. After I watched it. Hahaha, the more I read this thread the more I love it. :rofl: it's my new pride and joy. -
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 05:19:43
Heh, better than the Spin Like Me thread, sanga. Get Girls like Sanga. I dig it.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 05:49:34
i just asked this black chick if she wanted to fuck during my last period computer class while she was sitting across with me and she gave me her phone number and said it was on so... yay?
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 10:31:52
Stare wrote: i just asked this black chick if she wanted to fuck during my last period computer class while she was sitting across with me and she gave me her phone number and said it was on so... yay?
O_o is she over 16? -
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 12:03:16
@Stare let me know how it went :) sangara <3 I actually took it seriously. :mellow:
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 12:04:40
Krypton wrote: [MENTION=2880] sangara <3 I actually took it seriously. :mellow:
you mean to tell me that it wasn't serious ? O.o -
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 12:09:55
It was, I bet we could tell if he was trolling. Other guys scorn at us who are socially inept.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 13:35:15
Chicks? Farm.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 16:20:16
yeah farms are the best place, just offer to buy some off a farmer. Its a much easier process then you make it out to be
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 19:20:04
The last step is the only one that works for me since my pen spinning is a sign that I have no life lol....uh I mean...nice guide!
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 19:46:32
All I know is: don't try it at Kentucky fried chicken. They are all dead there :(
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 20:13:13
Pudels Kern wrote: All I know is: don't try it at Kentucky fried chicken. They are all dead there :(
yeah but they're still warm, that's all that matters. -
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 20:24:10
I would not stick my dick in a KFC bucket.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 20:41:36
Picking up girls? Take the class mentioned here: !
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 03:17:38
Krypton wrote: [MENTION=2880] sangara <3 I actually took it seriously. :mellow:
You are the reason I made this thread. -
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 03:36:12
Can i give her a pet name? like boo-boo kitty fuck? or how about fine piece of ass? lol if anyone can guess what movie that's from then you are awesome
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 03:42:38
neXus wrote: I would not stick my dick in a KFC bucket.
Would you Could you With a KFC bucket? -
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 04:03:50
sangara wrote: Done for fun actually, I know plenty about getting girls, don't worry about me bro.
Not gonna sounded like a douche for a moment :\ -
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 04:18:35
Colin wrote: Not gonna sounded like a douche for a moment :\
That's because I thought strat was trying to be a douche. -
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 04:56:59
Ohayo wrote: Can i give her a pet name? like boo-boo kitty fuck? or how about fine piece of ass? lol if anyone can guess what movie that's from then you are awesome
Jay and Slient Bob Strike Back! ;] -
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 09:17:56
gonna try this
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 09:20:11
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 09:46:15
@sangara Heh, I could sorta tell. Thanks a lot for the time! Helpful tips, those :)
Date: Wed, May 11 2011 21:48:29
Eh, there are always gonna be some assholes. Especially online. It's like for some people, their keyboard is missing some keys and all they can type is 'you suck,' 'this is shit,' and 'fuck you'.
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 06:38:35
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 07:30:28
SO many flaws and things I disagree with here. But, I'm an idiot, so it's ok.
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 08:26:38
Mage In Black wrote: Eh, there are always gonna be some assholes. Especially online. It's like for some people, their keyboard is missing some keys and all they can type is 'you suck,' 'this is shit,' and 'fuck you'.
Im an ass hole, you suck, your post is shit and a nice fuck you. -
Date: Fri, May 20 2011 19:00:23
MinEste wrote: gonna try this
@MinEste you have lesbian tendencies? :o -
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 02:15:04
jaychou wrote: @MinEste you have lesbian tendencies? :o
maybe ;) -
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 09:29:29
MinEste wrote: maybe ;)
oh hot damn -
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 10:48:13
MinEste wrote: maybe ;)
i just wet my pants, and not from urine or feces -
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 15:27:04
would pen spinning get girls?
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 17:01:28
linli07 wrote: would pen spinning get girls?
if you look like this :vcool: maybe if you look like thisno
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 17:07:37
MinEste;96753]maybe ;)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=SJ wrote: oh hot damn
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 04:04:15
Do you really think that will work? Wow. I don't like guys who follow shit like that. You know what I think? You should just be yourself. If you do, the right girl will come to you. You shouldn't be following steps to get a girl. That's lame. Nuff said ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 08:08:46
LOL@Kari, someone's been watching too many teenage heartthrob Disney flicks. Real life is cooler if you're hot and talented. Here's the real story. Girls are sluts. Tell them they're sluts. Tell them to jump on your dick or fuck off. If the girl you're trying this on is hot, she'll be mortified that she has failed to get positive attention out of you. She wants to impress. She tries hard to look good to be admired; therefore, it will become her mission to make you admire her. How will she do this? Easy, she'll hop on your dick and ride you to kingdom come. Of course, this assumes you're attractive and cool. If you are neither, then you can forget about getting girls. Women are predictable emotional creatures, no point in writing a long "how-to." Winners are bold. Winners treat women like trash. Winners get laid.
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 08:30:23
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 09:18:41
You guys are funny.
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 09:20:43
life would be hella lot easier if everyone looked like beckham
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 09:37:56
Clyde wrote: life would be hella lot easier if everyone looked like beckham
No, that would just raise the standards. -
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 10:16:06
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 14:32:40
Surge wrote: LOL@Kari, someone's been watching too many teenage heartthrob Disney flicks. Real life is cooler if you're hot and talented. Here's the real story. Girls are sluts. Tell them they're sluts. Tell them to jump on your dick or fuck off. If the girl you're trying this on is hot, she'll be mortified that she has failed to get positive attention out of you. She wants to impress. She tries hard to look good to be admired; therefore, it will become her mission to make you admire her. How will she do this? Easy, she'll hop on your dick and ride you to kingdom come. Of course, this assumes you're attractive and cool. If you are neither, then you can forget about getting girls. Women are predictable emotional creatures, no point in writing a long "how-to." Winners are bold. Winners treat women like trash. Winners get laid.
Dick ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 19:26:26
You want mine? I see. Step in line, slut.
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 20:24:35
Surge wrote: You want mine? I see. Step in line, slut.
Hahaha! You wish a girl would touch that. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 20:36:53
Woman, be real. I'm out of your league looks-wise, intelligence-wise, and class-wise. You be trippin'
Date: Sun, Jul 3 2011 21:40:56
Hahaha! Yeah, you just keep talking. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 02:59:33
Kari wrote: Dick ~KTSpinner~
That is an ad hominem argument, he may be a "dick" but the real question is, is he wrong? That said you and Surge don't have that different arguments, you say be yourself, Surge is saying be yourself and hope yourself is a winner. Personally I think you can do whatever, there seems to be a groupie for every human pursuit that doesn't require too much intelligence. -
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 03:24:05
Awesome wrote: That is an ad hominem argument, he may be a "dick" but the real question is, is he wrong? That said you and Surge don't have that different arguments, you say be yourself, Surge is saying be yourself and hope yourself is a winner. Personally I think you can do whatever, there seems to be a groupie for every human pursuit that doesn't require too much intelligence.
No the real question is Does it work, you see I would agree with Surge if he had proof and statistical surveys, you see, Surge is using hypothetical conditions aka extraordinary assumptions that if you treat girls like trash they will want more of you. and hop on your "dick" you have no proof on that working there for your argument is trash, show me scientifical studys on that working and survays of girls actually admitting it. other then that you have no proof on that actually working, even if it worked in your "highschool" days there is no actual guarantee that it will work in your later yrs. -
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 03:27:18
AoD1 wrote: No the real question is Does it work, you see I would agree with Surge if he had proof and statistical surveys, you see, Surge is using hypothetical conditions aka extraordinary assumptions that if you treat girls like trash they will want more of you. and hop on your "dick" you have no proof on that working there for your argument is trash, show me scientifical studys on that working and survays of girls actually admitting it. other then that you have no proof on that actually working, even if it worked in your "highschool" days there is no actual guarantee that it will work in your later yrs.
does it work or is he wrong are pretty much asking the same thing... -
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 03:37:12
Surge wrote: You want mine? I see. Step in line, slut.
again, as I will point out, you are assuming that she wants "yours", but really how would you know. Your also assuming that she is a "slut" you sure do alot of assuming. as for me I know, that your argument is flawed, you keep making to many assumtions that all girls are "sluts" but from where im standing in this picture, iv seen alot of my friends lose girlfriends because they were total ass holes and showed them no respect, and to be hounest i havent seen those girls in a long time, im not saying your method will never happen but lets hypotheticly say that you fall in love with a girl, and all you know is how to be a dick and an ass to her, and she doesnt take your shit and leaves you and never speaks to you again. that hypothetical scenario would totaly make you rethink your way to get girls. not all girls are 5 cent whores like cXi dude, wake up and quit living in your fantasy land, your method is not proven to work nor will it always work. sure you may get lucky here and their because they have "daddy" issues or have a low "self esteem", but really if you need to go that low on a girl that has those issues, you really should just kill yourself. -
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 03:44:58
Awesome wrote: That is an ad hominem argument, he may be a "dick" but the real question is, is he wrong? That said you and Surge don't have that different arguments, you say be yourself, Surge is saying be yourself and hope yourself is a winner. Personally I think you can do whatever, there seems to be a groupie for every human pursuit that doesn't require too much intelligence.
He is wrong. You don't treat women like shit. That's all you need to know. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 03:54:10
Kari wrote: He is wrong. You don't treat women like shit. That's all you need to know. ~KTSpinner~
now that isnt always true, hes not wrong, the way he looks at his arguement is wrong, "the way I see him looking at his arguement is that all he see's are 5 cent whores and you talk shit and you get laid", that may work, that may not, he was pushing his arguement as if it was the correct way to get girls, that is were he is false, it doesnt always work but from the way he put together that Paragraph, that he posted, he was basicly saying "thats the way to get girls" so from that, im already getting to know the fact that he is a closed minded prick, but that still doesnt change the fact that his way will sometimes get what you want. but sometimes it wont, -
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 14:55:36
AoD1 wrote: now that isnt always true, hes not wrong, the way he looks at his arguement is wrong, "the way I see him looking at his arguement is that all he see's are 5 cent whores and you talk shit and you get laid", that may work, that may not, he was pushing his arguement as if it was the correct way to get girls, that is were he is false, it doesnt always work but from the way he put together that Paragraph, that he posted, he was basicly saying "thats the way to get girls" so from that, im already getting to know the fact that he is a closed minded prick, but that still doesnt change the fact that his way will sometimes get what you want. but sometimes it wont,
You are right. And nicely said. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 15:12:29
Kthen, we'll do this the hard way. 1) Confidence with respect to loss of virginity in men: Highlights from above source: "On average, college-age males become more satisfied with their appearance after first intercourse, whereas college-age females become slightly less satisfied." So... let me get this straight. A recent ex-virgin man becomes more confident, whereas a recent ex-virgin woman becomes less confident. I will leave the psychological implications of this open for now. 2) Does being nice and friendly to women work? Of-fucking-course not! Highlights from above source: " Women find happy guys significantly less sexually attractive than swaggering or brooding men, according to a new University of British Columbia study that helps to explain the enduring allure of "bad boys" and other iconic gender types." … "The study found that women were least attracted to smiling, happy men, preferring those who looked proud and powerful or moody and ashamed." … "For example, past research has associated smiling with a lack of dominance, which is consistent with traditional gender norms of the 'submissive and vulnerable' woman, but inconsistent with 'strong, silent' man, the researchers say. 'Previous research has also suggested that happiness is a particularly feminine-appearing expression,' Beall adds." I don't believe these few quotes from this study need any explanation. They are as explicit as supportive evidence gets. 3) Think being attractive doesn't help you get girls? LOL, you black? Go read, nigger! Highlights from above source: "While men need to be exceptionally attractive to tempt women to consider casual sex…" "…women have higher standards and are more likely to engage in casual sex with an exceptionally attractive man than with a less attractive man." This part hardly needs to be proved! Attractive men get girls. Fact. 4) Do women want you to show interest in them? No! Women are objects, no need to treat them differently! Highlights from above source: "College women viewed the Facebook profiles of four male students who had previously seen their profiles. They were told that the men (a) liked them a lot, (b) liked them only an average amount, or (c) liked them either a lot or an average amount (uncertain condition). Comparison of the first two conditions yielded results consistent with the reciprocity principle. Participants were more attracted to men who liked them a lot than to men who liked them an average amount. Results for the uncertain condition, however, were consistent with research on the pleasures of uncertainty. Participants in the uncertain condition were most attracted to the men-even more attracted than were participants who were told that the men liked them a lot. Uncertain participants reported thinking about the men the most, and this increased their attraction toward the men." ____________ In short, women like unhappy, broodish, attractive men that do not show interest in them. I rest my case, can provide more studies if needed. PEACE OUT BITCHES
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 15:32:12
Yay for generalizations.
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 15:53:43
I got a thing for those yellow chicks.
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 17:25:30
I have jungle fever:
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 18:51:46
Explosion101 wrote: I got a thing for those yellow chicks.
rofl -
Date: Mon, Jul 4 2011 21:45:34
Surge wrote: Kthen, we'll do this the hard way. 1) Confidence with respect to loss of virginity in men: Highlights from above source: "On average, college-age males become more satisfied with their appearance after first intercourse, whereas college-age females become slightly less satisfied." So... let me get this straight. A recent ex-virgin man becomes more confident, whereas a recent ex-virgin woman becomes less confident. I will leave the psychological implications of this open for now. 2) Does being nice and friendly to women work? Of-fucking-course not! Highlights from above source: " Women find happy guys significantly less sexually attractive than swaggering or brooding men, according to a new University of British Columbia study that helps to explain the enduring allure of "bad boys" and other iconic gender types." … "The study found that women were least attracted to smiling, happy men, preferring those who looked proud and powerful or moody and ashamed." … "For example, past research has associated smiling with a lack of dominance, which is consistent with traditional gender norms of the 'submissive and vulnerable' woman, but inconsistent with 'strong, silent' man, the researchers say. 'Previous research has also suggested that happiness is a particularly feminine-appearing expression,' Beall adds." I don't believe these few quotes from this study need any explanation. They are as explicit as supportive evidence gets. 3) Think being attractive doesn't help you get girls? LOL, you black? Go read, nigger! Highlights from above source: "While men need to be exceptionally attractive to tempt women to consider casual sex…" "…women have higher standards and are more likely to engage in casual sex with an exceptionally attractive man than with a less attractive man." This part hardly needs to be proved! Attractive men get girls. Fact. 4) Do women want you to show interest in them? No! Women are objects, no need to treat them differently! Highlights from above source: "College women viewed the Facebook profiles of four male students who had previously seen their profiles. They were told that the men (a) liked them a lot, (b) liked them only an average amount, or (c) liked them either a lot or an average amount (uncertain condition). Comparison of the first two conditions yielded results consistent with the reciprocity principle. Participants were more attracted to men who liked them a lot than to men who liked them an average amount. Results for the uncertain condition, however, were consistent with research on the pleasures of uncertainty. Participants in the uncertain condition were most attracted to the men-even more attracted than were participants who were told that the men liked them a lot. Uncertain participants reported thinking about the men the most, and this increased their attraction toward the men." ____________ In short, women like unhappy, broodish, attractive men that do not show interest in them. I rest my case, can provide more studies if needed. PEACE OUT BITCHES
That proved absolutely nothing. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 08:05:44
I know, babycakes, science and women don't mix. Sit down and leave the thinking to men, k? ;)
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 08:11:36
jeez, just get some eggs. You'll have plenty of chicks in no time. -.-
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 08:31:22
chrisPS wrote: jeez, just get some eggs. You'll have plenty of chicks in no time. -.-
translation: jeez, grow some balls. -
Date: Tue, Jul 5 2011 08:34:49
by chicks, we mean not average looking, we mean those 10s! Surge is 110% correct, you'd only get 10's if you yourself are a 10
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 16:13:47
Clyde wrote: by chicks, we mean not average looking, we mean those 10s! Surge is 110% correct, you'd only get 10's if you yourself are a 10
Not true. There are 10's out there that for some reason like nerds and go for 5's or less. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 16:14:37
It just depends on what you are into. Can't help what you like. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 17:47:42
Kari wrote: Not true. There are 10's out there that for some reason like nerds and go for 5's or less. ~KTSpinner~
I can't help but agree with this. I have seen some 10s go for some 5s or lower. What surge said is somewhat true but not differs person to person... -
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 20:33:50
TheAafg wrote: I can't help but agree with this. I have seen some 10s go for some 5s or lower. What surge said is somewhat true but not differs person to person...
Right. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 21:20:33
ya... pulling "10's" is easy if you know how to be smooth and shit. nd not a complete spaz! confidence, smoothness, and be yourself. i was in ninth grade and i pulled this hot ass college chick. she was a def 15 on a scale 1-10... the reason she liked me is cuz i was mature. and that i knew how to treat her. i knew how to respect her! plus we had alotta shit in common... to get a girl thats a 10 basically what you do is respect her. ya dawg:D exprience dawg! exp with older women. or ask other girls what they like and what they dont like...
Date: Wed, Jul 6 2011 21:55:47
Date: Thu, Jul 7 2011 00:29:50
itzDaKine wrote: ya... pulling "10's" is easy if you know how to be smooth and shit. nd not a complete spaz! confidence, smoothness, and be yourself. i was in ninth grade and i pulled this hot ass college chick. she was a def 15 on a scale 1-10... the reason she liked me is cuz i was mature. and that i knew how to treat her. i knew how to respect her! plus we had alotta shit in common... to get a girl thats a 10 basically what you do is respect her. ya dawg:D exprience dawg! exp with older women. or ask other girls what they like and what they dont like...
Most 9th graders don't so that's impressive. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 01:30:23
Lol at this thread. My opinion each situation is different but is more on karis side. Wingman?
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 04:00:58
DrakeOhMeteor007 wrote: Lol at this thread. My opinion each situation is different but is more on karis side. Wingman?
Thanks Drake. :) ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 04:04:10
yeah maybe those 10's go for those 5s, but those 5's are either bad boys or alphas who are not good looking or nerds who are uber rich
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 04:17:53
Clyde wrote: yeah maybe those 10's go for those 5s, but those 5's are either bad boys or alphas who are not good looking or nerds who are uber rich
Not always. Like I said, you can't help what you like. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 04:20:38
Women have a far greater variance in taste than men do.
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 04:30:15
Twine wrote: I laugh at people with problems getting girls :)
such as urself? -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 04:32:26
lol if jack black get's adriana lima / ann ward as his wife then probably some 10's do go for 5s
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 04:40:16
Kcom2002 wrote: such as urself?
No because I don't have any problems. -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 04:46:03
Twine wrote: No because I don't have any problems.
then I'm assuming your gf should be a 10, and at par w/ hollywood celebs -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 05:23:58
Clyde wrote: then I'm assuming your gf should be a 10, and at par w/ hollywood celebs
In my eyes yes. In other people's eyes, no. Preferences. Besides, in all honesty looks are the least of my concerns in finding an amazing girl. -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 05:25:18
Twine wrote: In my eyes yes. In other people's eyes, no. Preferences. Besides, in all honesty looks is the least of my concerns in finding an amazing girl.
but the chicks we're talkin about here are chicks in general, 10s in everyone's eyes -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 05:26:48
Twine wrote: In my eyes yes. In other people's eyes, no. Preferences. Besides, in all honesty looks is the least of my concerns in finding an amazing girl.
As it should be. That's the best thing I heard on this thread so far. :) ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 05:33:40
Clyde wrote: but the chicks we're talkin about here are chicks in general, 10s in everyone's eyes
I don't know why you still try to argue this. Besides, there is no specification in whether we are talking about chicks that are 10's or chicks that are 1's. They are still chicks in some peoples eyes. You can't just look at this from your view. You have to look at it from the view of every person around you. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 05:38:02
Clyde;115033]but the chicks we're talkin about here are chicks in general, 10s in everyone's eyes[/QUOTE] Okay whatever. I can't be stuffed arguing. [QUOTE=Kari wrote: As it should be. That's the best thing I heard on this thread so far. :) ~KTSpinner~
Aww thanks. -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 06:38:03
LOL @Clyde no offence bro, but you are most probably not a 10, then why do you expect to get a girl-friend thats 10? not everyone is perfect, imperfection is what makes us unique :)
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 06:43:37
TheAafg wrote: LOL @Clyde no offence bro, but you are most probably not a 10, then why do you expect to get a girl-friend thats 10? not everyone is perfect, imperfection is what makes us unique :)
then my theory and surge's theory is correct, only 10s get 10s edit: well idk but this mutha fucka is a fuckin negative, but hes the most famous womanizer in philippines lol edit: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz idk anymore LOL maybe kari's right or w/e =.= edit: no nvm, I forgot that this guy was a famous singer back in the 70s, was really rich and on top of all the singers in ph -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 07:16:32
Here is how I see things with who I pick. I don't go for anyone high on the scale because they think they can get any woman they want and they don't feel the need to treat women right (and I'm not saying all are like that). I go for those near the middle because if they want to keep someone like me around they will treat me right. And I'm not saying I'm anywhere near the top. I turned down a hard 10 because of how he treats women. I didn't want to be any part of that. Is that about right or am I wrong? Well I guess there is no wrong or right. Everybody has their opinions and everybody has their way of doing things. You just have to find what works for you. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 17:47:13
itzDaKine wrote: ya... pulling "10's" is easy if you know how to be smooth and shit. nd not a complete spaz! confidence, smoothness, and be yourself. i was in ninth grade and i pulled this hot ass college chick. she was a def 15 on a scale 1-10... the reason she liked me is cuz i was mature. and that i knew how to treat her. i knew how to respect her! plus we had alotta shit in common... to get a girl thats a 10 basically what you do is respect her. ya dawg:D exprience dawg! exp with older women. or ask other girls what they like and what they dont like...
Pic please? -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 18:09:45
I would like to see that too. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 18:27:20
Have fun with your bland and shallow 10s, guys. B)
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 18:31:57
Erirornal Kraione wrote: Have fun with your bland and shallow 10s, guys. B)
now that isnt always true bro, dont try to kid yourself -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 18:33:15
Not always, but damn if most of the hot girls aren't just simply idiots. o_O
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 19:17:55
Society's fault. Also parents' fault. But also society's.
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 19:38:50
neXus wrote: Society's fault. Also parents' fault. But also society's.
true dat -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 19:52:04
Treat queens like whores, and whores like queens.
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 20:21:15
Retro-spectre wrote: Treat queens like whores, and whores like queens.
thats if u wanna hook up with whores ._. -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 20:24:57
neXus wrote: Society's fault. Also parents' fault. But also society's.
Explain please. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 20:45:02
SJ wrote: thats if u wanna hook up with whores ._.
90% of the people in this thread are burgeoning misogynists (probably angry that no women want to touch them). -
Date: Sat, Jul 9 2011 22:04:39
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 00:01:59
Retro-spectre wrote: 90% of the people in this thread are burgeoning misogynists (probably angry that no women want to touch them).
Now that's not true. Maybe 50% but no more than that. Besides, a lot of them are too young for relationships. And too immature. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 00:03:24
Kari wrote: Now that's not true. Maybe 50% but no more than that. Besides, a lot of them are too young for relationships. And too immature. ~KTSpinner~
this lol :trollface: -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 03:28:34
what too young? we have a batchmate that's so good in dancing, is ripped, 16 y/o, gets girls as gf's in 1 week, gets to kiss most of the hot girls during parties, most of his GFs are hot. He got them, why? because he's a good dancer, ripped, rich(he drives an MB sls), and a bad boy. It's a fact that it's impossible for a 1 to get a 10. If Gary Busey or Jack Black gets a sex scandal w/ Adriana Lima/Ann Ward/etc VS model, then it will be indeed possible for a 1 to get a 10 zzzzz shallow shallow shallow, that's why we want to know how to get 10's not seriously because we're YOUNG, maybe when we're in college, that's the time when we're gonna look for the girl we'll have for the rest of our lives. High school is all about pride and status - -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 10:26:53
And that's shallow too. :D
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 10:37:41
lol we are thinking in a shallow way since we're only 16...I haven't accomplished anything great in HS lol and I at least want to get even a non serious gf as an accomplishment other than graduating
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 10:42:35
Kari wrote: Explain please.
If you are a "hot" girl you are more likely to have things handed to you, because boys/men think that if they are nice to you there is the slight chance that you will let them into your pants. Now of course that isn't going to happen but the male brain just pursuits a simple animalistic urge: fucking and so it suppresses the fact that even though you are nice to her, she will not have sex with you. A beautiful woman that is aware of this is a dangerous thing as she can and will use it to abuse men. This is commonly referred to as gold-digging. It is the parents fault because kids need to be taught from early on that shit isn't handed to them in life and that they should work for it and earn it. -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 10:44:30
neXus wrote: If you are a "hot" girl you are more likely to have things handed to you, because boys/men think that if they are nice to you there is the slight chance that you will let them into your pants. Now of course that isn't going to happen but the male brain just pursuits a simple animalistic urge: fucking and so it suppresses the fact that even though you are nice to her, she will not have sex with you. A beautiful woman that is aware of this is a dangerous thing as she can and will use it to abuse men. This is commonly referred to as gold-digging. It is the parents fault because kids need to be taught from early on that shit isn't handed to them in life and that they should work for it and earn it.
ok maybe I should stop posting and just listen to everyone to be myself and prove that I want the girl -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 11:44:30
Clyde wrote: lol we are thinking in a shallow way since we're only 16...I haven't accomplished anything great in HS lol and I at least want to get even a non serious gf as an accomplishment other than graduating
What the fuck did I say about priorities. You go to school to educate yourself, graduation should be your #1 goal in high school. -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 11:54:12
Dude, Nexus.... With all due respect, shut up and let Darwinism do its work.
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 13:18:18
Clyde wrote: lol we are thinking in a shallow way since we're only 16...I haven't accomplished anything great in HS lol and I at least want to get even a non serious gf as an accomplishment other than graduating
I'm 15 and I know the girl I want to spend my life with. -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 14:34:21
UEDan wrote: Dude, Nexus.... With all due respect, shut up and let Darwinism do its work.
I like Clyde too much :( -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 17:15:34
zweebna wrote: I'm 15 and I know the girl I want to spend my life with.
You're a faggot. In ten years, you won't even remember her name. On the note of hot women, they deserve to be treated like objects. They're arrogant, selfish bitches, and attractive, rich men—such as me—would rather use them and throw them away. This "rest-of-my-life" shit will get you three kids, creditcard dept, and a lot of divorce paperwork. Have fun being a lonely alcoholic getting sued by your bitch ex-wife for missing child support. -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 23:12:23
Surge wrote: You're a faggot. In ten years, you won't even remember her name. On the note of hot women, they deserve to be treated like objects. They're arrogant, selfish bitches, and attractive, rich men—such as me—would rather use them and throw them away. This "rest-of-my-life" shit will get you three kids, creditcard dept, and a lot of divorce paperwork. Have fun being a lonely alcoholic getting sued by your bitch ex-wife for missing child support.
I'm going to be the one laughing when that becomes your life. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 23:18:12
neXus wrote: If you are a "hot" girl you are more likely to have things handed to you, because boys/men think that if they are nice to you there is the slight chance that you will let them into your pants. Now of course that isn't going to happen but the male brain just pursuits a simple animalistic urge: fucking and so it suppresses the fact that even though you are nice to her, she will not have sex with you. A beautiful woman that is aware of this is a dangerous thing as she can and will use it to abuse men. This is commonly referred to as gold-digging. It is the parents fault because kids need to be taught from early on that shit isn't handed to them in life and that they should work for it and earn it.
Only deepens my hate for humanity. ;) ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sun, Jul 10 2011 23:24:13
This whole thread just makes me LOL.
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 00:50:15
Surge wrote: You're a faggot. In ten years, you won't even remember her name. On the note of hot women, they deserve to be treated like objects. They're arrogant, selfish bitches, and attractive, rich men—such as me—would rather use them and throw them away. This "rest-of-my-life" shit will get you three kids, creditcard dept, and a lot of divorce paperwork. Have fun being a lonely alcoholic getting sued by your bitch ex-wife for missing child support.
Bull shit. Even if we're not together, she's made too much of a difference in my life for me to forget her. -
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 01:25:57
zweebna wrote: Bull shit. Even if we're not together, she's made too much of a difference in my life for me to forget her.
Aww that's sweet. :) ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 02:48:31
What's sweet is the sound of my cock whipping across your tear-covered face. In a flash, the pain creeps up your spine and electrifies your entire, swollen head. I smile as you sob in the corner.
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 03:22:30
i need help i took the chance of asking this guy out who i had a thing for and he rejected me by saying he liked me :(he likes pen spinning just like me and i knew him since kindygarten.what should i do???
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 04:01:23
Surge wrote: What's sweet is the sound of my cock whipping across your tear-covered face. In a flash, the pain creeps up your spine and electrifies your entire, swollen head. I smile as you sob in the corner.
Hahaha you are pathetic. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 08:35:33
lol it's true though that most (maybe 80%) of 10s would just marry a dude for his money/fame and leave him once he's broke
Date: Mon, Jul 11 2011 16:21:05
Clyde wrote: lol it's true though that most (maybe 80%) of 10s would just marry a dude for his money/fame and leave him once he's broke
Yeah because 10's love money. That's all they care about. I hate when guys buy me anything. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 02:46:59
Kari wrote: Hahaha you are pathetic. ~KTSpinner~
Seems like he's trolling you pretty hard... -
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 03:01:37
yoppi000 wrote: i need help i took the chance of asking this guy out who i had a thing for and he rejected me by saying he liked me :(he likes pen spinning just like me and i knew him since kindygarten.what should i do???
how did he reject you by saying he liked you? maybe im missing something here... -
Date: Tue, Jul 12 2011 05:31:17
Awesome wrote: Seems like he's trolling you pretty hard...
He sure sucks at trolling. I'm only laughing at his stupidity. It's quite entertaining. :p ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Wed, Jul 13 2011 23:56:18
Stupid girls are awesome because one never feels bad about throwing them away like pieces of trash when one is done with them. Take Kari for example, nice, used-up whore! MELIKES. C;
Date: Thu, Jul 14 2011 01:34:51
Surge wrote: Stupid girls are awesome because one never feels bad about throwing them away like pieces of trash when one is done with them. Take Kari for example, nice, used-up whore! MELIKES. C;
I'm sorry but you don't know anything about me so please quit assuming you do. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Thu, Jul 14 2011 07:10:14
i lost all my faith in humanity reading this. though i also found a new respect for AoD1 and Kari ^_^ also what do you class as 10's? hourglass figure and natural beauty? or a skank that shows as much skin as possible? o.O and-no offence- but how many of those '10's' would think pen spinning was cool? just wondering
Date: Thu, Jul 14 2011 09:00:56
MeiTenshi wrote: i lost all my faith in humanity reading this. though i also found a new respect for AoD1 and Kari ^_^ also what do you class as 10's? hourglass figure and natural beauty? or a skank that shows as much skin as possible? o.O and-no offence- but how many of those '10's' would think pen spinning was cool? just wondering
skanks = 10's , but since they're skanks = 2 10's = audrey hepburn like -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 01:40:42
Clyde wrote: skanks = 10's , but since they're skanks = 2 10's = audrey hepburn like
Not all skanks are 10's. Especially not the ones that do drugs or are anorexic or bulimic. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 04:33:46
Kari wrote: Not all skanks are 10's. Especially not the ones that do drugs or are anorexic or bulimic. ~KTSpinner~
Hey now, I wouldn't generalize like that. Not that one's that do meth. -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 04:57:57
this thread is epic.
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 05:41:01
Kari wrote: Not all skanks are 10's. Especially not the ones that do drugs or are anorexic or bulimic. ~KTSpinner~
Dudette, no skank is a 10. -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 06:40:51
UEDan wrote: Dudette, no skank is a 10.
That depends on who you ask I suppose. Although to me, you are correct. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 07:20:41
This is now a woman vs. Men thread: [video=youtube;LQ7wT4CUprQ][/video]
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 07:58:56
Kari wrote: That depends on who you ask I suppose. Although to me, you are correct. ~KTSpinner~
As well to any self-respecting guy More guys a girl sleeps with the less attractive she is. No its not a double standard; ladies can pick superficial things to like too. -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 10:02:00
is a girl a skank if she has sex with only one guy everyday, or something? or is it just a girl who sleeps with lots of guys?
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 11:36:23
Epic thread. LOLOL.
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 12:18:37
MeiTenshi wrote: is a girl a skank if she has sex with only one guy everyday, or something? or is it just a girl who sleeps with lots of guys?
The latter. -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 18:24:52
Awesome wrote: As well to any self-respecting guy More guys a girl sleeps with the less attractive she is. No its not a double standard; ladies can pick superficial things to like too.
I agree. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 18:35:24
Twine wrote: This is now a woman vs. Men thread: [video=youtube;LQ7wT4CUprQ][/video]
That is epic. That's exactly how I feel. I hate when guys buy me shit. I have my own money, I will buy it myself. XD I take care of myself and everyone else. Nobody else takes care of me :p ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 18:40:57
Twine wrote: This is now a woman vs. Men thread: [video=youtube;LQ7wT4CUprQ][/video]
so awesome twine. -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 19:22:31
Kari wrote: I'm sorry but you don't know anything about me so please quit assuming you do. ~KTSpinner~
1) Profile picture. It says a lot about you, babycakes. Well, less about you and more about your insatiable appetite for attention. Can I get a SLUT. Posts. Ya can tell a lot about someone when they're as serious as you are. "MS. YES SO KEWL CHECK OUT MY OPINION. OH OOOH. YA." Can I get a WHORE. I mean, come on, I posted a long argument, linked with studies done on actual men and women from various places on various topics. Your reply? Well... Can I get a STUPID. Surge baby, darling, wear your hat On your hip Square like me. -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 19:49:24
ouchhh. Anyways, still can't believe this thread is 16 pages. Clyde, don't get chicks, get chicken.
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 21:56:26
Surge wrote: 1) Profile picture. It says a lot about you, babycakes. Well, less about you and more about your insatiable appetite for attention. Can I get a SLUT. Posts. Ya can tell a lot about someone when they're as serious as you are. "MS. YES SO KEWL CHECK OUT MY OPINION. OH OOOH. YA." Can I get a WHORE. I mean, come on, I posted a long argument, linked with studies done on actual men and women from various places on various topics. Your reply? Well... Can I get a STUPID. Surge baby, darling, wear your hat On your hip Square like me.
Haha you can't read people worth shit. Again, you know absolutely nothing about me. But you know something... I like you. You make me laugh. It's quite entertaining seeing your replies. But don't get me wrong. I still wouldn't touch you with a 50ft. pole. I'm not a mean person in any way. I'm just honest and some people can't handle it. ;) ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Fri, Jul 15 2011 22:49:15
Kari wrote: Haha you can't read people worth shit. Again, you know absolutely nothing about me. But you know something... I like you. You make me laugh. It's quite entertaining seeing your replies. But don't get me wrong. I still wouldn't touch you with a 50ft. pole. I'm not a mean person in any way. I'm just honest and some people can't handle it. ;) ~KTSpinner~
that was epic. -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 00:35:35
Kari wrote: Haha you can't read people worth shit. Again, you know absolutely nothing about me. But you know something... I like you. You make me laugh. It's quite entertaining seeing your replies. But don't get me wrong. I still wouldn't touch you with a 50ft. pole. I'm not a mean person in any way. I'm just honest and some people can't handle it. ;) ~KTSpinner~
If you presented a thought out argument the discussion could go somewhere... I guess that would require thinking though, and where's the fun in that, right? -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 03:12:37
lol this thread is still alive, how I wished Barney Stinson / Stifler was my friend :(
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 03:22:04
Surge is just one of those likable assholes.
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 03:56:00
Awesome wrote: If you presented a thought out argument the discussion could go somewhere... I guess that would require thinking though, and where's the fun in that, right?
Eh. I'm about done trying to convince him. I just really want to talk to him. It's fun. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 04:13:49
If all girls were like Kari, then we'd all be making our own sandwiches. +1 for Kari
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 04:35:22
Sam wrote: If all girls were like Kari, then we'd all be making our own sandwiches. +1 for Kari
* -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 04:42:22
Kari wrote: Eh. I'm about done trying to convince him. I just really want to talk to him. It's fun. ~KTSpinner~
Isn't this kind of proving that being a douchebag gets girls? .... -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 05:04:07
colourfulXinsanity wrote: Douchebags get girls
. -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 05:54:29
colourfulXinsanity wrote: Isn't this kind of proving that being a douchebag gets girls? ....
lolwut -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 06:19:19
colourfulXinsanity wrote: Douchebag gets girls ....
. -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 09:43:53
Sam wrote: If all girls were like Kari, then we'd all be making our own sandwiches. +1 for Kari
$20 says you said that to get points with Kari. -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 09:44:23
TheAafg;117037][QUOTE=Sam wrote: If all girls were like Kari, then we'd all be making our own sandwiches. +1 for Kari
*[/QUOTE] You too. -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 15:51:33
:wub: I love your double quotes @UEDan
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 16:19:27
colourfulXinsanity wrote: Isn't this kind of proving that being a douchebag gets girls? ....
No because he hasn't gotten anything. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 16:31:49
Great! This link is very**** FUNNY****. Thanks for share this.
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 17:18:51
UEDan wrote: $20 says you said that to get points with Kari.
why would I want points with a girl who lives in usa and over the internet :lol: Let me share my thoughts : not all girls like douchebags. Like 10% or less of the girls date nice guys and are happy. Most , and I say most of the girls like jerks and end up getting hurt. I still have no idea why girls like assholes but they do. Its a fact. Its something I have learned by living life. Being a jerk gets girls. Fact. You will keep getting dumped but you will have much higher chance of getting with a girl in the first place. Nice guys have a much, much lower chance with girls. Fact. Being nice keeps the girls, but being a douche gets the girl. -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 17:36:54
TheAafg wrote: why would I want points with a girl who lives in usa and over the internet :lol: Let me share my thoughts : not all girls like douchebags. Like 10% or less of the girls date nice guys and are happy. Most , and I say most of the girls like jerks and end up getting hurt. I still have no idea why girls like assholes but they do. Its a fact. Its something I have learned by living life. Being a jerk gets girls. Fact. You will keep getting dumped but you will have much higher chance of getting with a girl in the first place. Nice guys have a much, much lower chance with girls. Fact. Being nice keeps the girls, but being a douche gets the girl.
this guy :facepalm: -
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 19:10:17
The "douchebag" gets girl thing is very easy. The "douchebag" is what we call an alpha male. He's strong and he doesn't take shit from the other monkeys. The girl sees him as the better mate because of his attitude and his confidence she thinks he is able to protect and kill food for her and her children. So if you want the girl, hit the gym and man up. You don't need to become an asshole but you need to show women that you can take care of them.
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 19:42:08
TheAafg wrote: why would I want points with a girl who lives in usa and over the internet :lol: Let me share my thoughts : not all girls like douchebags. Like 10% or less of the girls date nice guys and are happy. Most , and I say most of the girls like jerks and end up getting hurt. I still have no idea why girls like assholes but they do. Its a fact. Its something I have learned by living life. Being a jerk gets girls. Fact. You will keep getting dumped but you will have much higher chance of getting with a girl in the first place. Nice guys have a much, much lower chance with girls. Fact. Being nice keeps the girls, but being a douche gets the girl.
lmao, i read this and i lol'ed -
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 03:04:59
neXus wrote: The "douchebag" gets girl thing is very easy. The "douchebag" is what we call an alpha male. He's strong and he doesn't take shit from the other monkeys. The girl sees him as the better mate because of his attitude and his confidence she thinks he is able to protect and kill food for her and her children. So if you want the girl, hit the gym and man up. You don't need to become an asshole but you need to show women that you can take care of them.
what? douchebag =/= alpha male, alpha male = ladies' man like elvis or james dean, douchebags hit women and disrespect them( in a joking manner ), but that description of alpha male is correct, it's gonna be hard though because alpha males are BORN, not MADE -
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 07:40:10
Clyde wrote: elvis or james dean, douchebags
Did the Philippines finally get the 50's? Sorry couldn't resist =P -
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 07:53:04
UEDan wrote: Did the Philippines finally get the 50's? Sorry couldn't resist =P
no, since when was barney stinson, stifler, or ben wilder an alpha male? douchebags =/= alpha male -
Date: Sun, Jul 17 2011 22:16:55
Kari wrote: Haha you can't read people worth shit. Again, you know absolutely nothing about me. But you know something... I like you. You make me laugh. It's quite entertaining seeing your replies. But don't get me wrong. I still wouldn't touch you with a 50ft. pole. I'm not a mean person in any way. I'm just honest and some people can't handle it. ;) ~KTSpinner~
You're a silly little girl, as if you could lift a 50-foot pole! —–Like a lion ––In Miami ––Bikini sandwich mother fucker What I mean to say is I know enough. Besides, telling people to suspend judgment is pointless. We judge by virtue of looking. Looked I have. Don't idolize Disney princess endings, ya silly skank. ––You and me ––I'm the mountain to your mole hill ––You're the butter to my toast ––You melt all over me. GET REAL WOMAN. -
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 00:36:44
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 01:56:16
Clyde wrote: what? douchebag =/= alpha male, alpha male = ladies' man like elvis or james dean, douchebags hit women and disrespect them( in a joking manner ), but that description of alpha male is correct, it's gonna be hard though because alpha males are BORN, not MADE
I am pretty sure a guy can become alpha male if he works at it and really wants to for whatever reason. It might take some effort on his part is all. -
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 06:20:03
i dunno about other girls but i have never liked a douchebag, i was the type of girl who got crushes on a guy as soon as they showed kindness towards me, if they were a dickhead to me then i wished them a painful injury, like a kick to the groin or something. Maybe I'm weird but i could only really like nice guys. FYI Bad boy doesnt equal Douchbag, you can still be a bad boy and a nice guy.
Date: Mon, Jul 18 2011 08:58:33
Awesome wrote: I am pretty sure a guy can become alpha male if he works at it and really wants to for whatever reason. It might take some effort on his part is all.
hmm yeah maybe, idk, there are 2 kinds of alpha, 1 is the ladies' man, good looking, bad boy, hot headed, and the other is the stallone/schwarzenegger/duke nukem type, the badass, muscular hero who is emotionless. I think the alpha you're talking about is the 2nd one, I read that Stallone was a nerd at school and copied superman all the time thinking that he could fly, which forced him to get big well idk, lets see if "being myself" gets me a girl -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 01:20:18
MeiTenshi wrote: i dunno about other girls but i have never liked a douchebag, i was the type of girl who got crushes on a guy as soon as they showed kindness towards me, if they were a dickhead to me then i wished them a painful injury, like a kick to the groin or something. Maybe I'm weird but i could only really like nice guys. FYI Bad boy doesnt equal Douchbag, you can still be a bad boy and a nice guy.
Let me diagnose you. You're ugly and unpopular, that's why you'd get crushes on guys that were nice to you. Hell, you were happy to be getting attention at all. But those few guys who looked past your hideous, undesirable exterior and showed you kindness—those were the guys you liked, naturally. This is as common as a cold in Kaliningrad. Sadly, it has nothing to do with the subject at hand, which excludes persons of unfortunate complexion, such as yourself. Though thanks for your useless digression, are you an Oprah fan by chance? God knows digression is usually an Oprah fan's weapon of choice in conversation, usually to the annoyance of every able-brained individual within listening distance. Cheers, and get a makeover. It'll improve your self-esteem and your chances of making it with a member of the opposite sex that doesn't look like Ron Jeremy. ;) -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 01:23:18
Surge wrote: Let me diagnose you. You're ugly and unpopular, that's why you'd get crushes on guys that were nice to you. Hell, you were happy to be getting attention at all. But those few guys who looked past your hideous, undesirable exterior and showed you kindness—those were the guys you liked, naturally. This is as common as a cold in Kaliningrad. Sadly, it has nothing to do with the subject at hand, which excludes persons of unfortunate complexion, such as yourself. Though thanks for your useless digression, are you an Oprah fan by chance? God knows digression is usually an Oprah fan's weapon of choice in conversation, usually to the annoyance of every able-brained individual within listening distance. Cheers, and get a makeover. It'll improve your self-esteem and your chances of making it with a member of the opposite sex that doesn't look like Ron Jeremy. ;)
oh god that was awesome. -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 01:27:35
yes that could be why, i was never pretty but i have never watched oprah in my life, not to sound horrible but i laugh at people who do. I mostly liked the attention because i was a middle child and was ignored by everyone for years. i do have horrible self esteem, but i have an awesome boyfriend who i love completely. thanks for the advice but i think i've done well enough. ^_^
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 01:44:00
MeiTenshi wrote: yes that could be why, i was never pretty but i have never watched oprah in my life, not to sound horrible but i laugh at people who do. I mostly liked the attention because i was a middle child and was ignored by everyone for years. i do have horrible self esteem, but i have an awesome boyfriend who i love completely. thanks for the advice but i think i've done well enough. ^_^
:clap: nice job! -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 09:12:03
Surge wrote: Let me diagnose you. You're ugly and unpopular, that's why you'd get crushes on guys that were nice to you. Hell, you were happy to be getting attention at all. But those few guys who looked past your hideous, undesirable exterior and showed you kindness—those were the guys you liked, naturally. This is as common as a cold in Kaliningrad. Sadly, it has nothing to do with the subject at hand, which excludes persons of unfortunate complexion, such as yourself. Though thanks for your useless digression, are you an Oprah fan by chance? God knows digression is usually an Oprah fan's weapon of choice in conversation, usually to the annoyance of every able-brained individual within listening distance. Cheers, and get a makeover. It'll improve your self-esteem and your chances of making it with a member of the opposite sex that doesn't look like Ron Jeremy. ;)
wow, harsh but it is true though, ann ward would definitely never marry a look alike of great khali / mark henry / jack black -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 13:28:44
Clyde wrote: well idk, lets see if "being myself" gets me a girl
seems to work for me. :dunno: -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 14:48:02
chrisPS wrote: seems to work for me. :dunno:
POST YOUR GIRL THAT LOOKS LIKE EMMA WATSON/ ANN WARD, THX, we're talking about 10s, not negativesonce this dude hits on this chick:
then I'd believe being yourself gets you chicks, but no, being an alpha male and a perfect looking guy would get you Emma Watson. One has to look like this
to get this:
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 21:44:06
MeiTenshi wrote: i dunno about other girls but i have never liked a douchebag, i was the type of girl who got crushes on a guy as soon as they showed kindness towards me, if they were a dickhead to me then i wished them a painful injury, like a kick to the groin or something. Maybe I'm weird but i could only really like nice guys. FYI Bad boy doesnt equal Douchbag, you can still be a bad boy and a nice guy. yes that could be why, i was never pretty but i have never watched oprah in my life, not to sound horrible but i laugh at people who do. I mostly liked the attention because i was a middle child and was ignored by everyone for years. i do have horrible self esteem, but i have an awesome boyfriend who i love completely. thanks for the advice but i think i've done well enough. ^_^
You're the best. :) ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Tue, Jul 19 2011 23:34:43
Your still talking about this shit?
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 01:03:55
AoD1 wrote: Your still talking about this shit?
Sadly. :p ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 01:45:11
Clyde wrote: POST YOUR GIRL THAT LOOKS LIKE EMMA WATSON/ ANN WARD, THX, we're talking about 10s, not negatives once this dude hits on this chick: then I'd believe being yourself gets you chicks, but no, being an alpha male and a perfect looking guy would get you Emma Watson. One has to look like this to get this:
I have my own tastes/preferences. FREE COUNTRY, BIIIITCH. And I think the Original post didn't say anything about getting 10s. It was about getting chicks. posted in the wrong thread, did you? :trollface: Anyways, not gonna argue anymore with what you said cause who doesn't like Emma Watson? -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 01:55:56
Clyde wrote: POST YOUR GIRL THAT LOOKS LIKE EMMA WATSON/ ANN WARD, THX, we're talking about 10s, not negatives once this dude hits on this chick: then I'd believe being yourself gets you chicks, but no, being an alpha male and a perfect looking guy would get you Emma Watson. One has to look like this to get this:
If you really believe that, then why the fuck are you still talking about this topic, if you believe it fine, good for you, if you dont, good for you. but clyde honestly if you believe that, then your not going to get that "10" because your not the alpha male, your a follower. there are two types in this world alpha males and the followers, I can tell your the follower because you let people control what you think, AKA Surge, and all of upsb, if you were the alpha male, you would have no doubt in your mind that you were able to get the girl you want. and we would not be having this conversation. and this topic would not have been brought up. -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 02:22:43
This thread is win, thank you to the posters that made it so entertaining :)
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 03:48:35
I think 10 girls dont have to be pretty,they have to be intelligent,cool,sociable and most important,have personality. of course,if youre ugly but have all the things I said up here,youre not 10.youre 5. Almost all the guys I know are douchebags,and I'm sure they never had a serious relationship.And they will never have one. you have to respect the person you like,and thats going to make this person like you.And if this person like's you after you made shit or even if you are a douche bag SOMETIMES,this person is a real 10,and this person have all the things I said up there. And doing this,you will make people like you too ^_^
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 04:19:51
It's like Barney Stinson VS Ted Mosby from HIMYM. Clyde's side is Barney my side and many others is Ted's
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 05:28:53
AoD1 wrote: If you really believe that, then why the fuck are you still talking about this topic, if you believe it fine, good for you, if you dont, good for you. but clyde honestly if you believe that, then your not going to get that "10" because your not the alpha male, your a follower. there are two types in this world alpha males and the followers, I can tell your the follower because you let people control what you think, AKA Surge, and all of upsb, if you were the alpha male, you would have no doubt in your mind that you were able to get the girl you want. and we would not be having this conversation. and this topic would not have been brought up.
-claps- Btw. This is how you get a girl.. [video=youtube;dM9JCzOL4ek][/video] 's number. -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 05:35:53
^^ :facepalm:
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 05:39:28
Awesome wrote: This thread is win, thank you to the posters that made it so entertaining :)
I take full credit, thanks. -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 05:46:16
Everybody has a sweet, caring side. Even Surge. No matter how much he wants to show otherwise. And Clyde too. But he shows it more than Surge. ~KTSpinner~
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 06:28:27
My sweet and caring side wants to hold you down and fuck the shit out of you. OH, SANTA, YOU DIRTY OLD BAG, SOD OFF. What I mean to say is colourless green ideas sleep furiously.
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 08:45:09
chrisPS wrote:
ARE YOU THAT DAMN FUCKING STUPID!??!?!?! ANYONE CAN GET CHICKS LIKE THOSE "CHICKS" AKA DREAM GIRLS YOU HAVE, WE DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK IF THEY'RE AVERAGE LOOKING, ALL THE FUCK WE CARE ABOUT IS IF HOW TO GET CHICKS!! AND ONLY 10S ARE CHICKS @darkKT no, an ugly/average looking girl who has the characteristics you mentioned is only a 4~7. If one is beautiful, gorgeous, and the said characteristics, then one is a 9999999999. 10 = physical only. Have you watched the film "She's out of my league"? She's a bitch but THAT's how 10's should look like, drop dead gorgeous, not "worth staring at for 5 secs." and really, Barney Stinson should have his own show, Gentleman 101 or somethingSpoiler
I have my own tastes/preferences. FREE COUNTRY, BIIIITCH. And I think the Original post didn't say anything about getting 10s. It was about getting chicks. posted in the wrong thread, did you? :trollface: Anyways, not gonna argue anymore with what you said cause who doesn't like Emma Watson? -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 08:58:20
this thread is hopelessly entertaining...oh, the close-mindedness.../out before I waste precious time on bitching about something that need no bitching about.
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 09:00:16
chrisPS wrote: this thread is hopelessly entertaining...oh, the close-mindedness.../out before I waste precious time on bitching about something that need no bitching about.
because it's the truth, unless Barney Stinson gets his own show or book -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 10:15:39
you guys know that the guy who plays Barney is gay, he's married to another guy and has (i guess adopted) kids? He's an awesome actor though, makes you wonder if he uses thoses tricks from the show on other guys xDDD
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 10:18:16
MeiTenshi wrote: you guys know that the guy who plays Barney is gay, he's married to another guy and has (i guess adopted) kids? He's an awesome actor though, makes you wonder if he uses thoses tricks from the show on other guys xDDD
yeah that's why we refer to Barney the character, not the actor -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 16:47:13
@Clyde what you described you behavior as is insecure beta behavior trying to be alpha.
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 17:03:55
Surge wrote: My sweet and caring side wants to hold you down and fuck the shit out of you. OH, SANTA, YOU DIRTY OLD BAG, SOD OFF. What I mean to say is colourless green ideas sleep furiously.
That's not your sweet, caring side. You sure are a strange one though. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 18:01:58
To whom it may concern, I am strained of chained affection and reigned of gained reflection! That binds, binds, binds my subtle erection, But tamed in public—a grounded ship! Rests, oh restlessly rests uncased in pants. I am constrained of feigned detachment and maimed of stained accoutrements! That binds, binds, binds my recondite treasure, But pained in passion—a grounded ship! Rests, oh restlessly rests uncased in pants. That in the lull of lightless midnight, oh sweat-sullied sheets, might I—contrite— By and by, through rite, ignite, Shake my chained erection to, Rapture.
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 18:49:28
Surge wrote: To whom it may concern, I am strained of chained affection and reigned of gained reflection! That binds, binds, binds my subtle erection, But tamed in public—a grounded ship! Rests, oh restlessly rests uncased in pants. I am constrained of feigned detachment and maimed of stained accoutrements! That binds, binds, binds my recondite treasure, But pained in passion—a grounded ship! Rests, oh restlessly rests uncased in pants. That in the lull of lightless midnight, oh sweat-sullied sheets, might I—contrite— By and by, through rite, ignite, Shake my chained erection to, Rapture.
WTF This should mean?? -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 19:26:06
Surge wrote: To whom it may concern, I am strained of chained affection and reigned of gained reflection! That binds, binds, binds my subtle erection, But tamed in public—a grounded ship! Rests, oh restlessly rests uncased in pants. I am constrained of feigned detachment and maimed of stained accoutrements! That binds, binds, binds my recondite treasure, But pained in passion—a grounded ship! Rests, oh restlessly rests uncased in pants. That in the lull of lightless midnight, oh sweat-sullied sheets, might I—contrite— By and by, through rite, ignite, Shake my chained erection to, Rapture.
Poetry? Maybe? But like I said, strange. ~KTSpinner~ -
Date: Wed, Jul 20 2011 19:34:58
My genius is wasted on morons, oh well.
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 01:30:43
This hole tread is strange,but its funny to see various opinions about this...
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 08:15:31
Awesome wrote: @Clyde what you described you behavior as is insecure beta behavior trying to be alpha.
yep you're right, but I really don't think it's possible to be a Johnny Depp kind of alpha, only a Stallone/Schwarzenegger/Duke Nukem kind of alpha is possible. -
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 10:17:38
I'd say it's the other way around.
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 10:46:00
No Johnny Depp is about as aplha as it gets.
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 11:55:31
@Erirornal Kraione why? Johnny Depp is far more manly than 80s~90s action stars yet he's a skinny guy? it's weird though that everyone says only alpha's get 10s, yet if you see their wives, they're all ugly lol
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 15:35:08
Johnny Depp is one of the greatest things on this earth, he is gorgeous <333333 >3<~~~~ i soooo wanna meet him edit: uhmmm, sorry bout that, bit of a fangirl, i love Johnny Depp but i would never leave Pen Ninja for him, even if he showed up at my door offering me everything in the world ^_^ just so it's clear lol
Date: Thu, Jul 21 2011 16:49:50
Rowan Atkinson is by far, the most handsome out of all those scrubs.