Off-topic / UPSB Quotes

  1. Retro-spectre
    Date: Sat, May 7 2011 23:35:34

    platypus on wiping: "*platypusvictim9 does the awkward turtle and hides in a corner Actually I stand, and kinda, um, stretch out my cheeks to wipe, god this thread is weird. I also take my pants off, like all the way, anyone else do this, or am I alone?"

  2. colourfulXinsanity
    Date: Sun, May 8 2011 01:32:44

    lolol awww what a cutie

  3. nateiskewl
    Date: Sun, May 8 2011 01:36:44

    Retro-spectre wrote: platypus on wiping: "*platypusvictim9 does the awkward turtle and hides in a corner Actually I stand, and kinda, um, stretch out my cheeks to wipe, god this thread is weird. I also take my pants off, like all the way, anyone else do this, or am I alone?"
    Ah, ye olden days.

  4. boshi
    Date: Wed, May 11 2011 04:06:14

    so you wipe standing up?

  5. zweebna
    Date: Wed, May 11 2011 21:09:39

    boshi wrote: so you wipe standing up?
    It surprised me when I first learned people do this too.