Battlezone / Welcome to PSL-B! Round 1
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 17:05:49
[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="6"]Welcome to PSL Summer League 2011![/SIZE][/FONT] This year will feature 2 separate, simultaneous PSL's. PSL-A and PSL-B (A being the more advanced group, B is more intermediate). The spinners competing in PSL-B are: @Wind There will be two Divisions (called East and West for simplicity, actual geography isn't taken into consideration).
[B]West Division[/B][B]East Division[/B]MattJonSpinfordMiyatKiyoLIMITIotaWindThe regular season for each spinner will consist of 3 matches, one against each of the other spinners in their division. Playoffs will match the two top-seeded spinners from each division against each other to determine the Finals matchup. Schedule:Rules:
[*]Videos are to be from 15 to 45 seconds of spinning.
[*]Videos are to be submitted before midnight EST on the last day of each round.
[*]Any non-submissions or late videos are subject to the spinner in question being immediately replaced with a reserve spinner.
[*]Judging will all be decided by public polls which will be open for one week.
[*]All videos must be original for each battle. At the beginning of each round there will be a code provided that must be in sight of the camera at some point during the video.
[*]Submit videos via PM to iColor
[*]All conflicts/issues will be resolved in conjunction by strat1227 and iColor as co-commissioners of the league.
[SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"][B]VIDEO CODE:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] for the second round is "Continuation"
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 19:30:24
Oh I'm gonna win this one!! (maybe) Goodluck everyone!!!
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 21:56:00
so if I reach the 2nd place for example, I'll need to battle AGAIN against the first place of my group in the semi finals? Twice the same battle is kinda boring I guess, but I' don't have a problem with that ;) (Actually, I see why it is how it is^^ But I somehow prefer the other system. Nevertheless, I'm glad to participate ;) ) btw: Hi LIMIT! ^^
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 00:31:04
I like how in the first picture, my name is selected :D Good luck to all who are/will be facing me.
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 00:51:22
Ahh Now I see y I was not selected These "intermediates" are probably considered pro level for my level :P
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 02:12:58
ohohohoo..hi Kiyo~ hope we can meet again~ lol..good luck everyone:) it's very easy to battle me:P
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 09:16:56
I think it's better to structure the tournament like this: Semi Finals: 1st of East Group vs 2nd of West Group 2nd of East Group vs 1st of West Group This is because like this, it's more possible that battles occur that have never been before in that tournament AND what is more and to me the most important aspect, this way it would be like the best two spinners of the tournament, no matter in which group they were, will battle against each other in the finals (in order to make an exciting final). But in your way, it is sure that the semi Finals just repeat a round of the previous rounds, but with other videos. The only good reason for that is, that it's impossible that the final contains a battle that has already been hold. So in a conclusion, there is a preference for the common idea of a tournament (in my opinion), because: - The final is more exciting, because the battle is hold by the two best spinners of the tournament - The Semi Final is not that predictable due to battles that have occured once I finally want to say that I do like this tournament, but wanted to suggest a (in my opinion) better idea. So after all, please think about it, I am alright with all of your decisions.
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 16:59:51
I modeled it after real sports league's regular seasons and playoffs. In EVERY major (american) sport, the playoffs are within conferences and then the final match is cross-conference. If we had more time than just 5 matches then I'd do cross-conference regular-season matches too, but we only have time for 3 regular-season matches so it's all in-conference. I understand why it's easy to think it should be the other way, but it's only strange because of the very short season, maybe next time we can have it longer and it will make sense
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 17:19:20
kk i see. nevertheless: glad to be in xD (yes it'll be the last time I say this :P)
Date: Mon, May 9 2011 17:56:32
Goodluck @LIMIT !! make IPSB proud B-)
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 16:46:23
So if I don't send a video, I get replaced?
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 17:09:26
@Wind don't miss videos.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 17:19:52
I'll try not to ><
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 17:45:46
@Wind I PM'd you with the very specific idea that you should NOT confirm unless you were POSITIVE you could submit videos. If this has changed then I suggest you withdraw while we still have plenty of time to replace you. If you stay in you are expected to submit every video.
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 21:50:07
I'll stay. -goes finds camera-
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 21:52:20
Date: Mon, May 16 2011 23:43:45
So the vid due date is the 22nd this time around yes? Or is that when results come out....hope I didn't miss the deadline haha
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 15:19:23
Iota wrote: So the vid due date is the 22nd this time around yes? Or is that when results come out....hope I didn't miss the deadline haha
The dedline is the 22nd May ;) There will be one week for the public votings while we already prepare for round 2. By the way: Good luck! :) -
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 16:46:35
I have to film Thursday cause i'm on a trip that weekend. Dx Best of luck everyone.
Date: Tue, May 17 2011 20:00:02
good luck to you too :D
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 20:39:44
@Wind Videos due this upcoming Sunday at midnight Eastern time. Submit videos via PM to iColor DON"T FORGET THE VIDEO CODE.
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 22:27:09
Can we upload it on youtube? and send it to i color
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 22:31:02
Yes, that'll be fine.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 02:58:55
i still dont understand about the video code..
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 03:02:16
Write the video code on a piece of paper. Then put that piece of paper on your desk or anywhere in view of the camera.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 04:00:49
Video code would say something like... Our opponent's name for that round... Right?
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 04:11:08
The video code is in the first post.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 04:13:18
the video code is very large, red, and underlined in the first post. PLEASE read the freaking rules people.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 14:12:23
so it has to be there permanently? I wanted it to appear right at the end of my clip. :/
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 15:56:24
@Kiyo that's fine, as long as you show it at some point during your video [quote=strat1227]
- [*]All videos must be original for each battle. At the beginning of each round there will be a code provided that must be in sight of the camera [B]at some point[/B] during the video.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 16:15:26
we don't have to write it EXACTLY like how its there? like with caps instead..
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 16:53:17
lolol, you guys... I'll film and upload today.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 17:59:21
The point of the code is to make sure we know the video is original and made only for this, as long as I see that you put that code somewhere it's fine, caps, underline, whatever, doesn't matter
Date: Fri, May 20 2011 16:51:26
My video: [video=youtube;DwmqqyBLN1c][/video] had to film early cause of a trip, gl Jon and everyone else.
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 06:25:34
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 20:49:01
I also sent my clip to iColor and am kind of excited about what Iota will bring up. I bet he will be better, because I do not feel any good with my clip xD
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 20:49:47
Mine will be out in a few hours.
Date: Sun, May 22 2011 20:57:14
There is one thing left: You can not be sure whether you advance into the Semi Finals, because during the time of preparation for the next clip, there is a voting which is to be considered. So the Semi Finalist have only got one week for preparation.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 02:35:38
@Wind All videos due in 1.5 hours
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 02:37:56
@iColor I sent mine, good luck Kiyo, and I wasn't too pleased with my clip either, so it should be a good battle, I think you'll win :/ haha
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 02:40:37
@iColor sent it already
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 04:10:44
icolor should've received.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 05:14:52
sent already.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 05:36:08
sent something. sorry it's late. man, i don't feel well. probably shouldn't have tried to finish the witcher 2 in 2 days. great game btw. best rpg i've played in ages. highly recommend it if anyones looking for a game to play
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 06:23:30
Mage In Black wrote: sent something. sorry it's late. man, i don't feel well. probably shouldn't have tried to finish the witcher 2 in 2 days. great game btw. best rpg i've played in ages. highly recommend it if anyones looking for a game to play
Wrong thread dude xD -
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 07:26:32
It was just a notification, I mentioned everybody regardless of if you sent, I'll do it every week. If you've already submitted then just ignore it, you don't have to say that you submitted.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 14:56:30
When are the polls going to be released?
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 16:26:27
yeah @strat1227 when are they going to be out?
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 17:01:12
iColor will post the polls today
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 01:40:54
@Wind Remember to vote in ALL of the other battles, for BOTH leagues! :D
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 15:40:21
strat1227 wrote: Remember to vote in ALL of the other battles, for BOTH leagues! :D
I will, but this is not necessary, is it? -
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 16:02:21
@Kiyo I can't tell who voted so i can't enforce it, but you really should
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 16:03:49
Video code for round 2 is "Continuation" I'll post it again when voting ends this round
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 02:39:35
[video=youtube;-EXwSlw_PsQ][/video] guh, round 2, gl wind....
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 15:15:09
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 17:24:34
@iColor via PM, stop posting them here. new videos are due
June 3rdat midnight EST. Current standingsEDIT: JUNE 6TH NOT JUNE 3RD
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 17:32:47
@strat1227 hmmm..what about opponent record?why mine and jon different with others in PSL A or PSL B west?
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 17:36:09
@LIMIT ah you're right, sorry that was a typo, your opponent record should be 0-1 opponent record only matters at the end of the season if there's a tie though, so right now it's not important. /fixed
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 02:03:47
JUNE 6TH NOT JUNE 3RD, sorry guys
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 12:06:28
How does the opponent record matter? I mean, how does it help out if there is a tie? Plus, I think it'd help, if you reedit the first post including the 2nd round in view of the fact that round one does not matter anymore.
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 17:54:48
@Kiyo what do you mean? i edited the videocode in the first post, but the schedule in the first post shows all 3 rounds
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 22:58:58
strat1227 wrote: what do you mean? i edited the videocode in the first post, but the schedule in the first post shows all 3 rounds
Ehm, haha you just edited it^^ now it's correct, but when I first read it, it was still at the first round status. Thanks, though. greetings -
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 00:13:18
Ah ok, i thought you meant the schedules, yes thanks for the video code reminder
Date: Thu, Jun 2 2011 02:06:15
@strat1227 Can u update the standings so it's easy to tell who won?
Date: Sun, Jun 5 2011 20:46:37
Hope it's ok if I hand in my clip tomorrow (which is the 6th of June), because in the first post, you wrote according to the table, that the 2nd round will last until June 5th. This puzzles me up =.= Nevertheless, I believe the latest posts which say June 6th. btw Good Luck Matt! gz
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 21:21:33
I screwed Up my combo. Only took 10 minutes to film. Eh I lost but Ill do better next time XD
Date: Thu, Jun 9 2011 13:24:40
spinford wrote: I screwed Up my combo. Only took 10 minutes to film. Eh I lost but Ill do better next time XD
motivates me :D thank you^^ I'm glad to battle against you. -
Date: Thu, Jun 9 2011 21:30:08
@Kiyo One day I will rematch you to a battle Be careful!!! XD
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 14:30:17
spinford wrote: @Kiyo One day I will rematch you to a battle Be careful!!! XD
Don't scare me xD You do have a chance to win! Keep it up! ;) -
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 20:06:41
@Kiyo I doupt now there is a chance to win XD Playoffs are after this round
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 02:22:51
New code is...
Date: Wed, Jun 15 2011 06:40:03
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 16:51:14
@strat1227 could one of you please Update the standings, release the new video codes soon enough and after all post new and important things in this thread as well, so that there's an order? I don't feel like what I do concerning my clips is right at all... gz
Date: Sat, Jun 18 2011 17:14:31
video code is dedication, check the link i posted above
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 19:04:08
I am using my old style to compete this time. Hope I win with my old style
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 04:09:58
So uh where's the polls?
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 20:59:55
^ that, like, aren't they supposed to be up two days ago or more? -.-
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 20:34:25
An official thread for the finals will be posted tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Date: Fri, Jul 1 2011 18:49:27
thanks, and itsallgood, just hoped it would happen eventually and not be on us ;D ♥