Battlezone / Welcome to PSL-A! Round 1
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 16:58:34
[FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="6"]Welcome to PSL Summer League 2011![/SIZE][/FONT] This year will feature 2 separate, simultaneous PSL's. PSL-A and PSL-B (A being the more advanced group, B is more intermediate). The spinners competing in PSL-A are: @xSpin There will be two Divisions (called East and West for simplicity, actual geography isn't taken into consideration).
[B]West Division[/B][B]East Division[/B]Pen Ninjai.sukSongneoknux_009AlvarisHippo2626xSpinMage in BlackThe regular season for each spinner will consist of 3 matches, one against each of the other spinners in their division. Playoffs will match the two top-seeded spinners from each division against each other to determine the Finals matchup. Schedule:Rules:
[*]Videos are to be from 15 to 45 seconds of spinning.
[*]Videos are to be submitted before midnight EST on the last day of each round.
[*]Any non-submissions or late videos are subject to the spinner in question being immediately replaced with a reserve spinner.
[*]Judging will all be decided by public polls which will be open for one week.
[*]All videos must be original for each battle. At the beginning of each round there will be a code provided that must be in sight of the camera at some point during the video.
[*]Submit videos via PM to iColor
[*]All conflicts/issues will be resolved in conjunction by strat1227 and iColor as co-commissioners of the league.
[B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]VIDEO CODE:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] the code you MUST have in your video for this round is "Opening Round"
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 16:59:59
Haha, see? I told you PSL-A looked way better than uPSL :P
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 17:12:12
to bad I am not in T_T I would love to spin against these guys! :P
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 17:53:55
I am so fucked. Ohwell. Thank you Strat1227 and iColor for organizing this.
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 18:11:09
So am i. neways good luck.. :mellow:
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 20:03:09
lol isnt @Pen Ninja more WT level instead of advance
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 22:24:45
Finally. A tourny that allows 25+ second combos. It's about time. -_- GL to all competitors.
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 22:28:10
hmm, against 3 highly creativity based spinners? *sigh* linkage and palm-up time now T__T good luck participants xD at least pen ninja isn't in my group, i guess
Date: Sat, May 7 2011 23:36:16
Wow you got it geographically dead on for the aussies. EAST GOGOGOOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 02:39:36
lol .. Australians have quite a large demographic xD I dunno if this is by chance, but it just so happens that pen ninja versed songand I versed I.suk recently. didnt expect these rematches soon >.> good luck everyone. Cant wait, always wanted to verse a lot of these spinners!
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 09:04:26
lol,me too,i would like to have a rematch with u guys,but i never expect it to happen right after my battle with peninja.anyway,im proud to be one of them
Date: Sun, May 8 2011 09:15:41
time limit 15 to 45 seconds, hmm...then again, it's about how effectively tricks are used and not merely spinning for 45 seconds if you feel like it =__="
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 05:54:59
oh!! no!! better luck next time...
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 07:54:04
All the best to everyone in the A and B league thanks strat and icolor for organising. This'll be fun! All pros in my group... And a rematch against MIB and Neo...
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 13:09:15
ah yes. I cant hold back at all in any of my rounds!!! SO much for material conservation!!!
Date: Tue, May 10 2011 13:29:55
neoknux_009 wrote: ah yes. I cant hold back at all in any of my rounds!!! SO much for material conservation!!!
haha, i'm thinking that too...but given that the top spinner in each group will be facing the 2nd ranked spinner (who they faced earlier), it's way too risky to go all out in 3 rounds and come 1st in group, only to be beaten by the 2nd seed who distributed material more effectively -.- *strategises* -
Date: Thu, May 12 2011 07:51:18
Just realised how many rematches this league is habouring. Penja vs Song Song Vs Alvaris i.suk Vs Neo i.suk Vs MIB Neo Vs Me MIB Vs Me That's Half the PSL battles Fun Fact
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 14:26:44
i believe in i.suk, my favourite spinner in this tournament, i.suk will win =D
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 15:06:17
i believe in...myself =.=
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 16:24:52
i believe in
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 20:41:56
@xSpin Videos due Sunday at midnight EST. Submit videos to iColor via PM DON'T FORGET THE VIDEO CODE
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 21:56:58
Waitwaittt, what's the video code?
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 22:15:48
@xSpin Go read the original post carefully.
Date: Wed, May 18 2011 22:32:07
tl;dr: All videos must be original for each battle. At the beginning of each round there will be a code provided that must be in sight of the camera at some point during the video. VIDEO CODE: the code you MUST have in your video for this round is "Opening Round"
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 05:14:19
Dunno' bout the rest but I think naving no 1 week break interval between the 2 weeks prep time for each round is very tiring can it be changed? @strat1227
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 06:04:29
@Hippo2626 no, the schedule is already a bit to long as it is Plus, people rarely take two full weeks working on their combo, most people film in the last 3 days anyway, why stretch out the time even longer
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 07:30:23
I see. I guess 'cause I'm a noob so I need the whole 2 weeks for 1 combo.
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 07:34:47
Well I don't even understand what you mean as a "break", if we add another week between every round all it means is every round is 3 weeks, if we did that then you'd be asking for a week break between the 3 week rounds lol you should be able to come up with 2 combos a month, not that hard
Date: Thu, May 19 2011 07:37:52
I mean something like the WT format. 2 weeks to produce the combo. 1 week for the results to be out (break for the spinners) then another 2 weeks. Hist a suggestion but if I'm the only one who feels that way it's fine, I'll suck it up!!
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 03:39:17
[video=youtube;wYJ_LIcQ36Q][/video] My clip
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 03:48:16
you guys don't have to post here, you can submit via PM to iColor. In general that's how you should submit, this thread is for questions about the PSL and updated standings and such
Date: Sat, May 21 2011 12:30:11
All right. I PMed icolor already, just thought I'd post it here so the others can see it.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 02:37:13
@xSpin All videos are due in 1.5 hours.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 03:03:08
already submitteteteded
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 03:33:47
Pen Ninja wrote: already submitteteteded
^ -
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 04:00:35
Just finished The Witcher 2. I'll get to filming now. Be back in 10.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 04:37:41
ive already sent to icolor. ? and its on my youtube page.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 07:12:57
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 07:26:43
It was just a notification, I mentioned everybody regardless of if you sent, I'll do it every week. If you've already submitted then just ignore it, you don't have to say that you submitted.
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 15:03:27
winner is determined by public poll? oh fudge, my chance of winning this match went down even further (if that is at all possible) /sent, just to say that i sent it (in case somehow message was not received)
Date: Mon, May 23 2011 16:01:00
I haven't recieved MIB's video, unless he sen it to Strat1227.
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 01:40:05
@xSpin Remember to vote in ALL of the other battles, for BOTH leagues! :D
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 01:50:33
we can vote 0_o
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 02:33:50
i vow not to vote in my own battles... hope every1 else is as noble
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 03:37:34
Pen Ninja wrote: i vow not to vote in my own battles... hope every1 else is as noble
I had this discussion with Iota already ... everyone can vote in their own battles it doesn't matter ... everyone will probably vote for themselves so it will even out, and if you think the other person destroyed you then your one vote probably won't change anything, they'll probably win by a landslide so everyone, feel free to vote in your own thread it doesn't matter it won't change anything -
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 04:08:13
mkay, will do
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 09:02:32
What's the video code for round 2?
Date: Tue, May 24 2011 16:03:34
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 06:47:17
what happens to battles which end in a draw? does each person get 0.5 points/0.5 win?
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 07:00:39
Wait, where's LIMIT or Wind?
Date: Thu, May 26 2011 17:08:42
i.suk;99039]what happens to battles which end in a draw? does each person get 0.5 points/0.5 win?[/QUOTE] Yes a draw will give you each half a win. if at the end of the season there's a tie for 2nd then it will go to vote differential [QUOTE=Far wrote: Wait, where's LIMIT or Wind?
Dunno what you mean, there's a thread for their battle -
Date: Fri, May 27 2011 00:44:40
strat1227 wrote: Dunno what you mean, there's a thread for their battle
Are they PSL B? Oh I see, sorry I forgot -,- -
Date: Sun, May 29 2011 04:13:40
ho hum
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 08:04:19
update with PSL-A Round 2 thread + results/standing etc? @strat1227
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 17:26:09
@xSpin New videos are due June 3rd at midnight EST. Video code is "Continuation." Good luck everyone Current standings:
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 21:36:15
strat1227 wrote: New videos are due June 3rd at midnight EST. Video code is "Continuation." Good luck everyone
June 3rd or June 10th? coz the polls are meant to run for 1 week after R1 vids handed in, and they closed only 1 week has passed for ppl to film their R2 combos? maybe i forgot something, but check please ^^ -
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 01:39:57
yes double check. i will not have a video ready by this friday.
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 01:50:16
i can do it by tonight if necessary >.>... but ide prefer not to have to... @strat1227 check plz
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 01:52:13
I was very clear in the original post that you were supposed to spend the week of polls working on your combo as well 1 combo every 2 weeks is not very hard to do, if you guys wasted this last week there's not much i can do :dunno: there's not enough time to do 1 combo every 3 weeks, it would take forever, we set the schedule and now have to stick to it i even posted dates in the original post :dunno:
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 02:03:07
@xSpin aaaah fuck, i.suk was right, June 6th at midnight. I posted friday and not Sunday. It's the same week, you just get the whole weekend to work on it too. My bad guys.
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 02:11:39
Ohhh, ok thanks. Haha. I kinda panicked a little @@
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 05:49:56
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 07:42:33
Whew Got scared a little there! Thanks Strat!
Date: Wed, Jun 1 2011 16:50:43
i will kill myself if i need to submit the video by tomoro.anyway,thx for confirming,and thank you isuk!and strat too!
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 12:28:57
lol what its due today?i thought it was due on the 10th. fail.
Date: Mon, Jun 6 2011 23:18:11
Come on guys. this is only the 2nd round. You guys knew the commitment when you agreed to do it, one video every 2 weeks is not asking that much
Date: Tue, Jun 7 2011 00:48:43
@neoknux_009, Strat clearly announced on his other post that it was due June 6th at midnight, and you even replied to the post saying "yay".
Date: Tue, Jun 7 2011 01:42:13
@strat1227 if you guys want to reduce points or disqualify my video thats fine. i accept the consequences.
Date: Tue, Jun 7 2011 01:43:13
@neoknux_009 get a video as soon as you possibly can, and then we'll figure out whether there will be consequences and what they might be
Date: Tue, Jun 7 2011 05:32:39
thanks strat and hippo. really sorry ill try harder to not let this happen again. uploading vid now.
Date: Tue, Jun 7 2011 06:09:05
late vid is late: [video=youtube;GAm6Jf5MKQo][/video]
Date: Tue, Jun 7 2011 08:06:05
video code for 3rd round?
Date: Tue, Jun 7 2011 13:05:46
Date: Tue, Jun 7 2011 13:55:48
strat1227 wrote: "Dedication"
i see the not-so-subliminal message, lol -
Date: Wed, Jun 8 2011 17:38:51
Not going to make a new thread or at least change the title? and i got owned badly =.=
Date: Wed, Jun 8 2011 17:44:12
This thread is the general PSL discussion thread, no reason to have a new one every round that's dumb This is where all the codes will get posted and the updated standings will be (check the first post) it wouldn't make any sense to have 9 threads about the PSL
Date: Fri, Jun 10 2011 00:15:57
Just to confirm the due now so that there wont be any panic attacks later, The due is on the 21st June?
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 04:11:13
Hippo2626 wrote: Just to confirm the due now so that there wont be any panic attacks later, The due is on the 21st June?
pretty sure deadline is the 20th? -
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 04:40:28
i.suk wrote: pretty sure deadline is the 20th?
@strat1227 please confirm -
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 22:59:35
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 11:49:42
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 13:10:21
Considering the late poll releases, I guess It will be the 21st. But I'm not sure myself. So @strat1227 , please tell us the due date.^^
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 13:25:32
sorry guys i'm out of town, you could have mentioned icolor and asked if you needed to know the schedule said the 19th (again you can read the first post for the answer i dont know why you're confused) you're supposed to have them in by sunday night midnight EST, but if you need to be 6-12 hours late that'll be ok, but if it's later than that it will cause problems
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 15:03:12
miscalculation in dates on roster xD (possibly? round 2 vid deadline was june 6th, as stated earlier in this thread somewhere, so round 3 deadline is 20th if round times are 'overlap' by one day, 21st if not) round 1 = may 8 to 22 -->14 days round 2 = may 23 to june 5 --> 13 days =__=" meant to be june 6th (it was changed to june 6th later, actually) so round 3 should be june 7 to june 21? idk, it seems on roster it had round 2 AND 3 as 13 days each (intentional? as rounds are every 2 weeks including 'overlap'? idk), not really sure (sorry for being pedantic, should've mentioned this agesss ago) sighs, feel guilty for causing trouble for PSL organisers repeatedly -.-
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 15:06:14
Videos are due every other sunday at midnight, like i've said several times already how about you just turn it in a day early that way you never have to worry about it. then it's still 2 weeks for you if you always turn it in a day early if you guys would not try to wait until the last possible second then it wouldn't be an issue
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 15:08:14
ok thanks strat :) hmm, one day to film after exams end on saturday late in afternoon -.- CHALLENGE ACCEPTED x)
Date: Sun, Jun 19 2011 22:55:17
blah [video=youtube;LgZPJ5Jn3QE][/video]
Date: Mon, Jun 20 2011 14:10:24
sorrrryyyy,i just found out that the video i uploaded to youtube was not the video that i planned to use in psl r3 and i couldnt change it imeadiately(was working by tht time,didn have the usb cable).is it ok for me to upload the real one?if cant,im ok with it.the old one is still on my youtube channel.
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 00:13:27
@strat1227 video code for next round? xD (for those who may want to start recording/planning before results of final poll are determined)
Date: Tue, Jun 21 2011 22:20:00
wll we could maek the polls ourselves....shall we?
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 12:43:29
@strat1227 Hey there! The next video as the plan says should be released this weekend, but I don't even know who advanced into the Half Finals. So the thing is that I don't want to record anything until I know whether I advanced or not. Further it seems like that both of you have lost the interest in further organisation in this leagues. It seems as if we were lonely and in fact, we cn not go on like this. I mean, we don't even know the video code for the next round. Please continue with this league as you did in the first round. It is only 2 rounds left. greetings Kiyo
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 12:46:44
@Kiyo video code for next round is 'Preparation', and since polls for R3 are closed, you can deduce who is in next round by seeing who the 2 best spinners from your group/side are but still, i'd like an official announcement too :P
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 14:32:27
and pls tell me when we need tosubmit our monday i guess?
Date: Wed, Jun 29 2011 19:00:26
@i.suk I know that, but 3 of our group have won 2 battles. So, who are the two bests?
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 07:10:07
the person with the most voters
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 20:30:34
I don't know all the data of who won how much, and with what vote number. Frankly, I don't think we should have to look all that up. I'm going to be out of town this coming week, so hopefully there insta a due date during that time if I somehow made it farther...@iColor, please do some sort of officioal announcement of this with both A and B?
Date: Thu, Jun 30 2011 20:33:50
An official thread for the finals will be posted tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.