Approved Tutorials / Nachoaddict SC Mod
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 04:23:32
Hello, This is my first attempt at a partially hidden tip mod. Enjoy ^^ Squirts out cheese sauce if you twist the cap loljkjk.
=========================== Stats: =========================== Nachoaddict's SC Mod COG: COP Length: 20.5cm Weight: EP Comssa < Nachoaddict SC Mod < Dr. KT Style: Single Sided Writing-Mechanism: N/A Ink-Type: N/A Estimated-Cost: $8-10 =========================== Materials List: =========================== 1x Supertip 2x Signo Tip 1x G3 1x Anyball Grip 1x Airblanc 1x Bic Round Stic 1x Colortwin Small Cap 1x HGG [SPOILER="Text Tutorial"][B]Gather Materials:[/B]
You will need: Airblanc Grip, HGG Grip, Anyball Grip Signo Tips Bic Round Stic barrel and Supertip barrel G3 Cap and Colortwin small cap Preparation: Remove the backplug and cap of the Supertip. Gut it as well. Cut the tip off the Supertip so than only about 0.5cm remains Cut the Anyball grip into a 4-cell section, and two 2-cell sections Declick the G3 cap and sand the nub down Cut the Bic Round Stic Barrel down to 4.75cm [B]For the Front:[/B] Add a 2-cell Anyball section to the Bic Round Stic barrel and then add an HGG grip but make sure to leave a little room to fit the Signo tip. Add the Signo tip so that the HGG grip coveres the flat part. There should be about 1cm of Bic Round Stic left visible
Then use some water and soap or spit or some kind of lubricant to make your HGG grip slippery and then slide the Airblanc grip over the HGG Grip. There should be a little bit of the Airblanc grip left over. Make sure that the side of the Airblanc grip with the ring kind of thing at the end is near the Signo tip. Add your other 2-cell Anyball grip section under the remaining Airblanc grip.
[B]For the Cap:[/B] Add your remaining 4-cell Anyball grip section to the G3 cap. Then add a Signo tip to the small Colortwin cap. The electrical tape on the G3 cap is optional but I prefer it.
Wrap an insert around the small CT cap and put it on the tip side of the Supertip body. Then push the whole thing into the G3 cap. There should be a little bit of G3 cap overlapping onto the Supertip body. I added electrical tape but it's not necessary.
Add the Front to the Supertip body and you're done.
[/SPOILER] [SPOILER="Video Tutorial"]Part 1: [video=youtube;RYahJPm1F5M][/video] Part 2: [video=youtube;JH9zm9eJG_U][/video] [/SPOILER]
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 04:30:04
looks nice, but im not a big fan of the colors you used lol i want to get modding tools, but don't have the money =[
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 04:31:40
Nice mod! but i must agree. the color scheme does suck.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 05:23:56
u shld change the colors.. then it'll be perfect i got the materials, may make it :D
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 05:32:03
For a mod in which the tip is covered, which I usually dislike, this is a really nice mod!! Very well done Nachoaddict, keep up the great modding!
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 05:37:35
Must... make :o
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 05:59:24
You guys all hate my colorscheme :( I kinda meant it to be yellow and red cuz it's the "NACHO"addict SC Mod. But w/e. Black and white version is up hope you like it ^^
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 06:04:56
what you tried to make nachos out of your mod? lol
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 06:39:57
black and white's better! im soo gonna make tis. one qn: does anyone have airblanc grips?
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 07:46:13
B&W is a definite improvement, but I liked the white and red version you posted on SOYP. And Gr3gY, you can get full pens at Jetpens.
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 08:49:30
any subs for the airblanc?
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 08:55:03
Gspec is the closest you'll get but it's too wide :/
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 12:12:09
the color scheme is making a cool effect
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 12:26:52
ahahaha nacho i told u u are smart with the concepts ;) (ithink u know what i am talking about) very nice mod
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 17:38:16
Sexy and original. good work nacho =D
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 17:46:59
fucking sexy Iloveit, I need to get some air blancs D:
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 18:30:24
imho whiteredyellow - nice scheme. sexy mod. need airblanc=\\\\\\
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 18:31:56
N1ck wrote: imho whiteredyellow - nice scheme. sexy mod. need airblanc=\\\\\\
i didn't think the white red and yellow one looked bad either xD -
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 20:44:27
Thanks for the comments guys ^^ Updated with new pics and a video tutorial
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 11:03:45
soooo sexy and hot HAHA do you think i can sub the airblanc with clear tornado??
Date: Sat, Jul 3 2010 11:21:46
WHY DIDI JA ADD NEW COLORS? now i wanna make both red white and black white. damn.
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 02:20:33
@Sarugio I think it's possible but the front might look a little big and unbalaced compared to the back. Also the cog might shift over a bit to being slightly front heavy because IIRC tornado grips are heavier than airblancs. @Gr3gy Lol thanks. Just cuz there was some dispute over the color combinations I decided to post a few different kinds.
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 03:45:05
maybe i can sub the grip with tornado and add extra hgg tip in the back and creat sarugio style nachoaddict sc (i know it's too long) how bout dr grip cop cog?? it's not realy heavy,even lighter than tornado grips
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 16:05:59
I don't think adding an hgg tip to the back will make it longer. maybe hide it in the colortwin cap or mount it on top of the signo tip or just add tape so it fits into the end of the g3 cap and doesn't rattle. If you're talking about dr. grip g spec grips, the side without the lip is quite wide. I know it narrows down as you go closer to the lip so it could work, but tbh I dunno how it will look. I'm curious to see how it turns out ^^
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 05:58:07
nono i mean maybe by adding hgg tip at thw back is to make it balance after i sub the airblanc with tornado grips and i'm also curious where the hell i'll get money for that dr grips-_- hahaha. btw nacho i saw one of our post said "everybody hates my color scheme. i personaly love the yellow one. the only thing i dont have for this mod is the airblanc. btw g-spec grips are blurry so i don't think it will look realy nice on this mod haha
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 00:44:27
I kind of like the mod, but I hate airblancs :( Great job though
Date: Fri, Jul 9 2010 03:13:23
i would like it if you did make it squirt out nacho cheese... because its NOT CHO CHEEESE, ITS MAH CHEESE
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 04:07:33
Very nice mod, i have everything except airblanc. T^T Can you show me a pic of airblanc grip at the angle where i can see the thickness of the grip? i see if i can find ans use sub.
Date: Sat, Jul 10 2010 04:25:28
The width is similar to an hgg grip however its a lot more elastic and can stretch pretty easily.
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 17:39:38
sorry for a little bit necroposting. 1: i think dr grip cop will be a good sub its not thick at all and look like airblanc instead of its not clear like airblacn grip. 2 this mod is not sc because it use 2 cap. 1 ct cap and 1 g3 cap
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 18:13:41
i like the mod, i'm assuming you could change the body to black or something also?
Date: Sat, Jul 17 2010 18:57:02
yea black supertip works too. @saugio then the same applies for mods such as the minwoo sc mod
Date: Thu, Jul 29 2010 10:25:29
i like most of your mods RAARR!! i cant get the parts awww *shame*
Date: Tue, Aug 3 2010 13:56:41
Nice Color Scheme nice mod but no parts/skill would really like to make all your mods.
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 14:52:43
okay nacho first i have to tell you that i found a sub for the grip. these chinese pen have the same grip as clear tornado but it's much lighter. sorry i've no pic for the pen but i'll take a photo realy soon as i buy this pen. nahh,the next problem,do you think i can usesupertip cap as sub for ct cap? and also my nacho addict sc:
gevana grip,and subed ct cap and subed cap*i use jap jimnie because i dont have g3 cap*
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 15:02:06
yes you can. just stick the part of a bicstic thats under the grip into there and screw on a signo tip. Honestly the color scheme looks a bit weird but gj on finding the sub and making my mod with a lot of subbed parts ^_^ :thumb:
Date: Sat, Aug 7 2010 16:13:12
yeah about the color scheme. i make this for germany *and they lost from spain:facepalm:* maybe i should take the tape
Date: Tue, Aug 17 2010 06:28:48
in my country airblanc is very rare, can i sub it with airfit, and can i sub colortwin cap with somehing> thanks
Date: Tue, Aug 31 2010 19:01:15
Airfit will be pretty hard to slide oner the hgg grip and the front will look very wide. You can try though ^^ As for colortwin cap, there are thigns like keityo small caps or art color small caps that look exactly the same but in terms of something that is not a near replica of the part, I can't think of anything. I suppose you could refrain from cutting the tip of the supertip and then just use a grip instead of the cap with the signo tip inside teh grip and an insert wrapped around.
Date: Wed, Sep 1 2010 17:46:16
Wow, this mod looks nice. I prefer the white body w/ black stripes color scheme, though. I'm going to mod it, if I get all teh materials for it D:
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 18:11:36
Date: Tue, Sep 21 2010 22:14:34
So the ct cap is stuck inside the ct cap right? okay take a bic stip barrel and thicken the barrel with tape on one side. Stick it into the ct cap and pushso the barrel is deep inside th ct cap. then use a twisting motion and pull. If that doesnt work, apply a small bit of superglue to the taped barrel and insert it immediately. Let it dry and pull.
Date: Fri, Jan 14 2011 00:30:58
I didn't have some of the parts you used for your SC. So I improvised. Subbed the pilot grip for tornado grip, the anyball grip for G2 grip, the CT cap for the cut G3 grip to hold Signo tip in the cap. Added an blue ink tube so I can write with it too. :D You created a really sexy mod nacho, my first SC mod (that isn't so back heavy). [SIZE="5"][B]Nachoddict's SC: tornado G2 variant.[/B][/SIZE]
it's kinda beaten up b/c i let my friend borrow it......he is such a noob. kept dropping it so much. i wanted to beat him up for beating up my mod.
Date: Tue, Jan 18 2011 05:15:22
thats so cool ^^
Date: Tue, Apr 26 2011 15:11:22
uh @Nachoaddict can i use CT/AC/KT intead of ST?
Date: Wed, Apr 27 2011 01:00:44
Yeah. The only thing you might need to do is thicken the bic barrel wil a bit of tape and also the ink plastic thing where the CT small cap goes just so they are both secure in the body.
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 00:48:15
Is there any way it can writable?
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 01:49:48
Sorry to bring back this old thread, but how the butt do you stick the airblanc over the hgg? if i can do this, I'll make a black and purple one.
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 02:02:29
Lubricate thr hgg grip with spit or soap and water or vaseline and it should slide on relatively easily.
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 21:16:57
But the airblancs so thin...and then wouldn't there be soup/vaseline in between after?
Date: Tue, May 31 2011 22:23:05
It's not noticeable and it should dry up sooner or later. And the grip is thin but it is stretchy.
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 09:22:49
sorry for revival again but @Nachoaddict does new supertips work?
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 21:12:09
Yeah either version should work. I used new ones in mine but you should be able to thicken the bic barrel sothe st body slides on smoothly and sturdily. edit: changed thanks to Cloud
Date: Mon, Jun 13 2011 23:45:11
@Nachoaddict Wait, don't you mean Bic barrel? And since this thread already got revived, I just wanted to share a way to make the tip sturdier using hot glue and a gel-ink inktube. I found the tip a little too flimsy for my taste, since I first used tape to connect the Signo tip to the Bic body. You didn't really explain how to connect the tip, so yeah. Then, I found if you stick an empty gel-ink inktube (for example G2) and hot glue it to the Signo, then glue it to the Bic, then tape it, it becomes a lot sturdier. I did this because the first time I made your SC mod, I dropped it a few times and somehow managed to shake loose the tip. It was really frustrating having to redo the whole front part.
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 00:07:06
Oh I didn't even attach it to my bic barrel lol. My hgg grip holds it in place pretty well. That works too it's just that the tip is kind of worthless once you hotglue it to something >_< The bigger problem is securing the tip in the ct cap without the use of glue in my opinion.
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 00:27:11
Not really. You can always pry the glue from the tip. It's actually really easy with an X-Acto. I've done it quite a lot and it works flawlessly. Besides, I'm never going to dismantle my Nacho SC. It's probably my favorite SC mod. I'm not sure what you mean by the tip in the back. It stays on really well on the CT cap and once its covered by the G3, I've had no problems with it.
Date: Tue, Jun 14 2011 02:50:46
Well I've dropped mine on hard surfaces before and had the signo tip pop out and then it rattles in the g3 cap lol.
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 00:56:27
I'm thinking of making this mod into a DC mod, I'll post the results when I get all of the parts =P.
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 02:22:27
Cool. Eh I thought about trying that but decided the airblanc plus hgg wouldn't looks as good on dc as sc. But let's see what you come up with :)
Date: Thu, Jun 16 2011 11:49:51
That's basically what I was going to do =P. I dunno, I think it would look nice. I suppose I'll find out when I try.
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 03:13:34
lols, cool mod, definitly on my "mods to get" list S: time to get the parts!
Date: Sat, Jul 16 2011 09:53:49
Just Added some shit to my cart again == Hope that this will be a good mod! (Mainly because i spent extra bucks on it lol :P)
Date: Tue, Oct 11 2011 15:00:55
hmmm, this mod seems interesting, i think i might make it =D
Date: Thu, Oct 20 2011 23:54:43
Quick question is your supertip the new one or the old one ^^
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 00:12:29
I used the new supertip.
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 00:46:54
the new one as in the backpulg that impossible to take out and cant fit a bic stic in the back
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 01:26:53
._. Have you used needlenose pliers? Or use a screw and screw it into the back and then pull? It's not very difficult for me lol. And the bic body should fit very well. In the old version they don't fit as well.
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 01:34:25
idk a friend gave me some supertips with a very short backplug compared to the supertips I always used
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 01:36:18
That's the old version then I think. More information here:
Date: Fri, Oct 21 2011 01:52:30
ohhh, my friend gave me the old one
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2013 16:30:53
Okay, this is what I call epic *___*
Date: Wed, Apr 3 2013 09:31:12
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2014 10:27:16
this is mesmerizing but why most of your mods require small CT cap? nice mod tho
Date: Wed, Oct 29 2014 18:07:39
Trying to make it blue :)