Off-topic / Fixies
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 01:41:48
does anyone know anything about fixies? i want to get one during summer preferably a purple one... i have no clue where to get it. price should be reasonable... anyone?
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 11:30:00
Craiglists. You see more of these than anything else. Was at Jax Bikes on Culver/Walnut last week when I overheard a kid and his mom pick up a bike they "ordered". And Don't. Totally impractical, unsafe, and only assholes who think they're the shit who won't wave a simple "Hi" on the bike path with stupid sunglasses(Hipsters) ride them. Best to get road bike with gears. But, if you really want one, it might be cheaper to get an old road bike and convert it. Fixies for some stupid reason are fairly expensive.
Date: Sun, Jul 4 2010 20:25:28
Fixies are huge where I live. I've tried to get one a couple times but it never works out. If you don't have a road bike then they're great. I'm a big fan of their simplicity. But as UED said, 99% of fixie riders are hipster assholes. Also, fixies are just a trend and they'll be "out" in a couple years. Road bikes are always in style. ;)
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 00:41:26
nateiskewl wrote: Road bikes will never be in style. ;)
fix'd Also: Why you such a trendster SJ. -
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 00:48:31
lol whats wrong with all of you, why would you recommend against something because of what other people do with it? just because alot of fixie riders are "hipster assholes" doesnt mean sj is going to become one xD fixies are fun as hell, and they can do some thing that road bikes cant. and if you just want transport, i honestly think singlespeeds are better. roadbikes take too much effort to move.
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 03:39:12
Shadowserpant wrote: li honestly think singlespeeds are better. roadbikes take too much effort to move.
Yeah, go with singlespeed rather than fixed. But really, road bikes are harder? Tell me that to me after you find even a remotely steep hill. Try taking off quickly from a stop when you're running 50+ teeth front with. Its just impractical and unsafe! That's why SJ shouldn't get one. They're made for racing in a dome, and that's where they should stay there. -
Date: Mon, Jul 5 2010 11:52:00
lol its not like im gonna go hit up hills... theyre not many hills where im from just little ones and i hear fixies are really smooth to ride and they look hella cool...
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 01:56:46
I found this cheap ass fixie on Craigslist that I might buy just to mess around with. DON'T WORRY, I HAVE A ROAD BIKE SO I'M NOT A HIPSTER FAGGOT (like half the people posting in this thread).
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 02:18:08
Fuckin' hipsters.
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 02:23:54
AwonW wrote: Fuckin' hipsters.
Yeah I was in Berkeley last week. It's a real bad infestation you have there. -
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 20:02:34
Shadowserpant wrote: lol whats wrong with all of you...blah blah blah.
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 21:12:22
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 21:25:02
idk about you guys but i find the accidents that happen on road bikes are usually way worse then with fixies. with a road bike you can go super fast for sure but on a fixie you can only go as fast as your body can take.
Date: Tue, Jul 6 2010 21:58:37
Simplex wrote: idk about you guys but i find the accidents that happen on road bikes are usually way worse then with fixies. with a road bike you can go super fast for sure but on a fixie you can only go as fast as your body can take.
This is the stupidest thing I've read on here in a while. -
Date: Wed, Jul 7 2010 00:10:55
What is this shit?
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 04:06:08
so like... guys do you know any websites that sell fixies like these? besides craigslist. i heard about anywhere else? local bike shops? lol ive no idea
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 05:39:53
can some one explain the advantage of these? Are derailers really that complicated? Can you not just continue to pedal on a normal bike and not switch gears and pretend its a fixie? I DON"T UNDERSTAND
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 05:58:03
I fail to understand the purpose of these bikes.
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 06:41:54
Theyre supposed to be super lightweight or someshit, no?
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 13:56:47
jeez you ppls. stay on topic. if you like normal bikes, good for you. apparently i want a DAMN FIXIE. they look 1000x cooler than normal ones, weigh less, look cooler, one gear, easier to pedal, look cooler, etc. oh and they can go backwards. thanks for the useful posts gaiz.
Date: Sat, Aug 14 2010 18:52:10 Very good deal right there. I has machined rims so you can run brakes if you want. From what I've heard, the frame is really solid. If you get it, you're gonna want to get some new rims; Alex, Velocity, H+SON, Aerospoke and HED are all good manufacturers. You might also want to get riser bars for a comfy ride or get a stem that rises and have straight bars. Either way, you're gonna want to cut your handlebars down so they're not super wide. The only thing with the bike that you might not like is the toe overlap. It is a track bike, so it's not designed to take tight turns or do tricks. If you don't want your feet to run into the front when it's turned, get a 650c size front wheel. Useful tips when you get your bike: - Ride with your hands next to the stem to stay upright in traffic. - Call it a 'fixed-gear bike' when explaining how it works to other people. - Carry a wrench, you will need it to hit cars. - Be careful while turning tight corners and [B]always signal your turns in traffic[/B]. - Know your local bicycle laws. And remember, you're special. You have rights to the bike lane and the car lane. It doesn't matter how fast you're going. - Know which tires to get. They should be 700c x yourdesiredthickness. Bike racers rarely go under a thickness of 23c, while some fixed gear riders have been known to go up to 40c. I ride 25c. - Learn to skid stop before you take your bike out of your front yard. Trust me on this one. You'll eventually be able to do it without even leaning forward. - Keep in mind that that the police can ticket you for running brakeless. - Roll up your right pant leg. You can't pedal backwards if it gets stuck in the chain like you could with a freewheel. - Consult Sheldon Brown's site for anything bike related. - Watch Fixie Life every day. I'll upload some pictures of my bike when I get my new Velocity B43 rims. Hope I helped. :D
Date: Sun, Aug 15 2010 08:17:27
dangggggg thanks for the detailed response. but i want a fixie thats white+purple like the one I posted. i honestly dont know where to begin ._. T_T ------ so i searched a little what do you think about these sites so ive got some questions for you 1. do u recommend buying a complete bike or getting parts and possibly building it myself? lol 2. are cross lever brakes better or drop levers? 3. whats the best handle? i see a lot of fixies have the bullhorn handle... that goes down. what about the one that goes up? what about the straight one? 4. what do you think about white tires? do they get dirty easily? is it a good idea to get white ones? 5. what are top tube pads for? why is it useful? let me know if you have other things to enlighten me :) thanks in advance! ----------------- I got a question for you guys. which one do you like best? #1 #2
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 02:34:02
Funny, I googled the username I use for everything and I noticed you posted up one of my pictures. Haha .. The frame that I have is an Eighthinch Scrambler V2 which can be purchased from The wheels in question are Velocity Deep V's. I would advise you to not purchase bikes from websites that offer "fixies for ______" (Bigshot Bikes, Repulic Bikes, etc ..). They are usually just pieces of shit. Bikesdirect has solid beginner fixed gear bikes. I would suggest the Kilo TT, that was my first and enjoyed it.
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 02:48:15
SJ;14877]dangggggg thanks for the detailed response. but i want a fixie thats white+purple like the one I posted. i honestly dont know where to begin ._. T_T ------ so i searched a little what do you think about these sites
There's really no such thing as a 'beginner' frame. Any modern low-end frame can be turned into a top-of-the-line track bike with the right components. Could I ask why you got rid of your Kilo TT frame? Was it the toe overlap? That's the one thing I don't like about mine. :P Funny, I googled the username I use for everything and I noticed you posted up one of my pictures. Haha .. The frame that I have is an Eighthinch Scrambler V2 which can be purchased from The wheels in question are Velocity Deep V's. I would advise you to not purchase bikes from websites that offer "fixies for ______" (Bigshot Bikes, Repulic Bikes, etc ..). They are usually just pieces of shit. Bikesdirect has solid beginner fixed gear bikes. I would suggest the Kilo TT, that was my first and enjoyed it. so ive got some questions for you 1. do u recommend buying a complete bike or getting parts and possibly building it myself? lol 2. are cross lever brakes better or drop levers? 3. whats the best handle? i see a lot of fixies have the bullhorn handle... that goes down. what about the one that goes up? what about the straight one? 4. what do you think about white tires? do they get dirty easily? is it a good idea to get white ones? 5. what are top tube pads for? why is it useful? let me know if you have other things to enlighten me :) thanks in advance! ----------------- I got a question for you guys. which one do you like best? #1 #2 #3[/QUOTE] 1. Building a bike almost always turns out to be more expensive than buying a complete one because you can't get the parts at factory prices like the store can. 2. I don't use brakes. 3. Here's a page describing all the different types of handlebars. Right now, I'm using drops because I just A lot of people like riser bars because they give barspin clearance and a more upright riding position. 4. Fixed gear bicycles go through tires faster than other bicycles. The extra few dollars it usually takes to buy colored tires can really add up. I just go with the cheapest black ones I can find. 5. Top tube pads can be decorative, frame protectors or genitalia protectors. A few things to say: Brakes are messy, there's really no reason for two. A front brake and your feet will suffice as a braking system. Make sure your bike is going to fit you. Measure your inseam and compare it to the standover height of the frame you're looking to buy. I'd say your inseam should be about 1" more than the standover. The best way to know is to try it out. [QUOTE=Nawzlew wrote: -
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 03:30:57
What I meant by beginner frame was just something to start with. Just to learn how to ride around and not be too afraid about damaging the bike. I sold my Kilo after about 4 months of riding. Main reason was that I wanted something new. The toe overlap wasn't too big of a problem, it was just a small nuisance.
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 03:33:06
Nawzlew wrote: What I meant by beginner frame was just something to start with. Just to learn how to ride around and not be too afraid about damaging the bike. I sold my Kilo after about 4 months of riding. Main reason was that I wanted something new. The toe overlap wasn't too big of a problem, it was just a small nuisance.
Ahhh, alright. Got pictures of your Scrambler? -
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 03:37:00
It was the first one SJ posted, that's how I found this site, haha.
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 03:39:07
Nawzlew wrote: It was the first one SJ posted, that's how I found this site, haha.
Very nice color scheme. :D -
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 03:40:42
Thanks. Looking to buy a new pedal set up soon.
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 06:19:37
Ah, thanks for the responses once again... i got more questions lol 1. why get a front break and not rear? 2. how much are colored wheels cost usually? colored rims? the wide rims lol how much are black ones usually? are they more expensive if theyre bigger? 3. is it a good idea to get a white saddle? or a black one? 4. around how long do tires last if you ride... 3-4 times a week? 5. do you need light(s) on a fixie? to indicate youre riding on the road at night 6. are colored wheels easy to get?
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 07:33:07
SJ;15085]Ah, thanks for the responses once again... i got more questions lol[/QUOTE] Shoot! [QUOTE=SJ;15085] 1. why get a front break and not rear?[/QUOTE] So you don't have to run cable lining all the way to the back of your bike. [QUOTE=SJ;15085] 2. how much are colored wheels cost usually? colored rims? the wide rims lol how much are black ones usually? are they more expensive if theyre bigger?[/QUOTE] Are you talking about rims, tires or entire wheels? [QUOTE=SJ;15085] 3. is it a good idea to get a white saddle? or a black one?[/QUOTE] It's really up to you. Keep in mind that white things get dirtier than black things. [QUOTE=SJ;15085] 4. around how long do tires last if you ride... 3-4 times a week?[/QUOTE] You can make tires last a really long time. If you simplify your gear ratio like a fraction, the smaller number will be how many skid patches you'll have. Multiply that by two if you can skid with your left foot forward and your right foot forward. Knowing all this, you can take your chain off and rotate your back wheel to spread out the skid patches. I've had my front tire for two months and my back one for a a month and a half. They both still have a lot of life in them. And I bike a lot. I'm usually out on 2-3 long rides a day. [QUOTE=SJ;15085] 5. do you need light(s) on a fixie? to indicate youre riding on the road at night[/QUOTE] Lights are always a good idea. Knog Frog lights are what everyone I know uses.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=SJ wrote: 6. are colored wheels easy to get?
Again, I'm not quite sure what you're talking about when you say "wheels." -
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 08:28:52
nateiskewl wrote: Are you talking about rims, tires or entire wheels? Again, I'm not quite sure what you're talking about when you say "wheels."
Are rims generally expensive? I find the wide rims very stylish.... but they seem to be more expensive lol When I said wheels, I meant tires. Are colored tires harder to get? how much do they usually cost? what about black ones? white ones? purple? lol does the cost vary by size? if there is a brake, do you still need to know how to skid? thanks! -
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 09:36:40
Any modern low-end frame can be turned into a top-of-the-line track bike with the right components
Ummm no. Theres something called frame flex. Frame material can suck. Many cheap ass bikes don't follow standard frame measurements. And FRAME GEOMETRY, read up on that. Not all frames are equal.nateiskewl wrote: So you don't have to run cable lining all the way to the back of your bike.
No you fucking traitor. When braking you push the majority of your inertia down and forward, where your front wheel is, this means you will get more traction in front. And the more traction you get the more efficient your brakes will be. And if you brake hard enough up front, your rear wheel will lift, no traction, less braking. Rim prices vary due to construction strength, ie double walled, aluminum grade etc. And some manufactures sell precolored wheels. but if you really want colored shit, just spray paint. Should last a long time if you're just riding in the street. Tires can be cheap and tires can be expensive. General rule: Soft rubber tires = wear quicker, usually more expensive, great traction. Hard rubber tires = last longer, usually cheaper, less traction. If there is a brake you not need to skid. As I mentioned before, majority of the braking is in the front(when done correctly), for bikes I think its >80% front <20% rear. So really, you'd be a complete retard not to have a front brake, unless your dirt jumping.... [B]Seriously, think about it, you lean forward to do a skid right? That means your rear wheel. Which is supposed to be stopping you is not getting the downforce caused by your weight and is skidding, fucking skidding. I'd rather brake than skid my car on the road to stop. [/B] If you want to compare braking, let me show you what disc brakes on a bike can do vs skidding. Just bring your fixie when you get one. And at night, especially in Irvine, have a light. Thats one other reason why I prefer mountains to road. Bike/car accidents are quite common in Irvine. Yeah I'm attacking nate, not just because hes a 12 year old fixie traitor, but giving out bad info. -
Date: Mon, Aug 16 2010 17:11:35
UEDan;15148]Ummm no. Theres something called frame flex. Frame material can suck. Many cheap ass bikes don't follow standard frame measurements. And FRAME GEOMETRY, read up on that. Not all frames are equal.[/QUOTE] Most of the frames on Bikesdirect (where everyone's been telling him to go) are made of quality Reynolds cromoly tubing, which is exactly what most non-carbon track bikes are made from (especially Japanese keirin bikes). To get around Consumer Product Safety Commission rules, they are marketed as track bikes, with track bike geometry (track dropouts, fork ends, toe overlap, etc.) so they don't have to run brakes. [QUOTE=UEDan;15148] No you fucking traitor.[/QUOTE] 1. U MAD? 2. You know, I thought exactly the same as you did before I actually got a fixed gear and now I understand it a lot more. A front brake + simply resisting the cranks (not skidding) is enough to slow down to a complete stop within a handful of feet. Hell, resisting the cranks without a front brake brings you to an easy stop. You don't have to skid. [QUOTE=UEDan;15148] Seriously, think about it, you lean forward to do a skid right?[/QUOTE] Erm, no. Take a look at this video. It's Massan's part from the MASH DVD. Just watch the whole video, it's pretty entertaining. [video=youtube;_pBms2Rw114][/video] If you're skilled, you only lean forward to skid when you're messing around on flat ground. In traffic, doing whip skids like in the video above is best. [QUOTE=UEDan wrote: Yeah I'm attacking nate, not just because hes a 12 year old fixie traitor, but giving out bad info.
Too bad I'm 15. -
Date: Tue, Aug 17 2010 03:23:21
SJ wrote: Are rims generally expensive? I find the wide rims very stylish.... but they seem to be more expensive lol When I said wheels, I meant tires. Are colored tires harder to get? how much do they usually cost? what about black ones? white ones? purple? lol does the cost vary by size? if there is a brake, do you still need to know how to skid? thanks!
can u answer these please lol gracias -
Date: Tue, Aug 17 2010 03:30:35
SJ;15139]Are rims generally expensive? I find the wide rims very stylish.... but they seem to be more expensive lol[/QUOTE] Rims are generally the most expensive part of a fixed gear bike. Besides the frame, maybe. [QUOTE=SJ;15139]When I said wheels, I meant tires. Are colored tires harder to get? how much do they usually cost? what about black ones? white ones? purple? lol does the cost vary by size?[/QUOTE] Colored tires are hard to get. None of my local bike shops carry them. Just go with black tires. [QUOTE=SJ wrote: if there is a brake, do you still need to know how to skid?
I suppose not. I really wouldn't know, though. -
Date: Tue, Aug 17 2010 03:50:12
how much are the wide rims usually? for the big tires... for someone whos 6 2. how much are black tires? purple tires? do you know by any chance? lol thanks again
Date: Tue, Aug 17 2010 04:52:23
SJ;15371]how much are the wide rims usually? for the big tires... for someone whos 6 2.[/QUOTE] Deep walled rims can vary. There are many different models from different manufacturers, they can range from $100-5000. Pretty much everyone rides 700c sized wheels. It's the standard for every type of road bike or track bike. [QUOTE=SJ wrote: how much are black tires? purple tires? do you know by any chance? lol thanks again
Again, there are tons of manufacturers. They can range anywhere from $15-70. A simple Google search could answer most of these questions for you... -
Date: Tue, Aug 17 2010 06:11:53
I purchased my Velocity Deep V's off of an eBay dealer (Wheel and Sprocket) for $200. If you're looking for a cheaper alternative, take a look at the Eighthinch wheels. Colored tires are unnecessary. Just go black. If you're running a brake, might as well go Singlespeed, and not fixed.
Date: Tue, Aug 17 2010 08:02:45
lol i love you SJ anyways i still want a singlespeed, fixie if you want to learn tricks man
Date: Sun, Nov 28 2010 21:15:47
i still want a fixie/singlespeed.... i just dont know where to get it. bikesdirect? whats a good model? mercier kilo tt? i want something that looks pretty nice though. not one of those that look like its 20 yrs old my budget is 300-500ish any ideas? im gonna stop by my local bike shop sometime soon lol
Date: Mon, Nov 29 2010 03:18:04
talk to domtom i think he wants some
Date: Wed, Dec 1 2010 05:16:28
Yup. I think i'll look for an old track frame, in my grand-parent's basement, that kind of stuff. Then i'll convert it. It will probably cost cheaper than buyin' a whole fixie bike.
Date: Wed, Dec 1 2010 07:56:55
well i need someone in the US that knows about fixies T_T
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 00:20:04
Well, you still can do what i've said.
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 00:34:57
@SJ Theres this store in Alhambra, on Main St. Not sure if they have it, but thats the only bike shop i know of LOL. GL
Date: Thu, Dec 2 2010 00:52:50
Skateboarding ftw?
Date: Sun, Dec 12 2010 02:45:03 im torn between these 2... idk which to get lol probably too luxurious for me, but might as well get a good one for it to last. i still havent gone to a bike shop but will do next week :D