Trading / Buying / ~Free Stuff~ Forealz..
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 01:06:33
Hello fellow UPSBers Here is how i work: 1) I TRADE and SELL! I DO NOT BUY! 2) give me pm with an offer (i will respond no matter what) 3) If you are actually willing to trade then reply PM's quickly!! Im sick of people never replying my pms 4) If we are trading, give me a week to get pens 5) If you want pics, please tell me 6) My MSN is [email][email protected][/email].. add me With that over with, lets Trade [SPOILER="STORY [Read if you want..]"]Quick Story: We are moving. I have lots of left over modding parts. I was going to toss them since we were in a hurry. My father doesn't want me to toss them. Instead he wants me to give it away. So first place: UPSB Forums[/SPOILER] So basically, all you need to do is pay for actual shipping; meaning you pay the price i have to pay to ship it out to your location. I can only say the price after i know your location. Shipping will be done via USPS. Payment will be done via Paypal GIFT OPTION or FEES ON YOU. So the pictures: [SPOILER="Click."]
[/SPOILER] There are actually useful stuff in there. Stuff included : Random Bodies Tips Springs Some grips (mostly cut) Random caps Stuff -______- You will receive feedback as long as you give me feedback. PM PLEASE :D BTW : I'm moving FROM USA TO MALAYSIA. So shipping shouldn't be alot if you live in USA. BTW 2 : Container not included O_O
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 01:41:28
ummm if you should try to show some materials of value, plus this is pretty fishy imo, even if it IS a small amount lol
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 01:44:55
Not lie, i promise :D I don't get what you want me to show. Some stuff that are actually worth it the shipping price?
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 01:48:05
yknow we can't even see anything under the top layer of stuff in that box. mind listing them or pottung them on the floor and taking a pic?
Date: Wed, Jun 30 2010 01:51:51
Mmkay. But i honestly just need to get rid of them. Listed some stuff on first post. Ill add moar pics . :) Edit: More pictures added.
Date: Mon, Oct 25 2010 00:26:29
did u have the comssa cap .. ??