Tutorials Pending Approval / No Name mod #2
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 16:35:04
so here it is :
[Name of The Modification]: No Name mod #2 lol [Center of Gravity or COG for short]: cop = cog [Length]: about 21 c"m [Weight]: cheat commsa > this mod > dr kt [Style]: DC [Writing-Mechanism]: N/a [Ink-Type( If applicable)]: N/a [Estimated cost]: 8$ +- materials: 2x new st caps 2x g2 grips 1x bic stic grip 2x hi tec c tips 2x signo tips umm.. thats all i think first of all connect your 2 st caps (inverted) with this:
lol credit for @JackyMacky for the images.. then take your bic body and cut 2x peices of 4.5 c"m and put some tape on the bottom so it can fit the st cap snugly.. :
lol my bic is uncut cuz i didnt want to waste now take you tips and put 1 signo and 1 hi tec c tip on each side so its st cap > g2 grip > hi tec c tip > signo tip ENJOY!! p.s sorry for the really sloppy tutorial :\.. its just have a test in history and its all year material.. so its like 50 pages :( cya guys!
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 17:12:03
How durable is it? o.O
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 17:27:34
as hell! lol jk... pretty durable.. it never came apart (and still doesnt..)
Date: Tue, May 3 2011 23:07:33
i'm pretty sure someone had a tutorial for a mod exactly like this but without hitec tips on upsb v3, but it got deleted when the server shut down.
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 00:36:23
My advice is use pictures for each step in your tutorial, a picture of the parts and maybe a detailed tutorial? IMO, the tutorial was sloppy and it showed me that you didn't take a long time doing this tutorial, and you could've made the tutorial AFTER the test. This tutorial is not good enough to be approved because it needs to be more detailed. Take your time next time and make it as detailed as possible, remember your telling OTHER PEOPLE to MAKE YOUR MOD that they have NO IDEA on HOW TO MAKE it and YOU want them to MAKE it as GOOD as possible.
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 01:12:18
Picture plagiarism!!! Lol. Looks nice.
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 01:23:46
You could try paint-drawn cartoon pictures, like what I did here. And IMO supergrips don't look very appealing when used as a whole grip...try a different grip.
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 01:47:27
Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't know if originality is holding up here :/
Almost identical minus the hi-tec C tips. I'm not trying to be a prick or anything because if what Bernardo is saying is true, it's "iffy" to call this my personal mod too but you know it's bad when people start to say things about other mods that are very similar to yours.
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 06:53:44
the original mod on v3 was the ASST
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 10:48:54
lol ok my bad.. its just some people requested :P you can delete this or what not p.s i did not call this my personal mod.. EDIT : WOW i just checked out the ASST mod and its like almost the same! my bad >.>
Date: Wed, May 4 2011 13:30:57
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2013 07:25:42
Nachoaddict wrote: Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't know if originality is holding up here :/ Almost identical minus the hi-tec C tips. I'm not trying to be a prick or anything because if what Bernardo is saying is true, it's "iffy" to call this my personal mod too but you know it's bad when people start to say things about other mods that are very similar to yours.
What mod is this?? :)