General Discussion / Spinning a pencil to get better?
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 05:24:12
I've been curious about spinning a pencil (unmodded/slightly modded) to become a better spinner. Id think it would work the same way running with ankle weights would. I think spinning a reaaaally light mod would make you focus on the technique more then, say an MX. Spinning a pencil would be harder to spin smooth imo.. Am i rite? Or am i totally missing something....
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 05:39:28
I get what you're saying, and I think it could possibly work. I mean, my style has changed when I switched from something around Dr. KT weight, to something more of and extended comssa. vids for proof: [video=youtube;rv_vhgNkcvA][/video] [video=youtube;ECGsB6UEwgA][/video] technique can improve greatly, and you can focus on small things in your spinning for a more overall improvement.
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 06:03:04
Use a heavy mod to understand how a trick feels, and then practise on lighter pens. There was this vid on this guy doing a Hai Tua with a pencil.
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 07:41:50
I use to spin with pencils, it is fun but if you want to become a better spinners and maybe spin something easier, then choose a mod, not a pencil. Myself: [B]Pencil:[/B] [video=youtube;8tcMBu_OYcM][/video] [B]Minwoo Mod:[/B] Did it in 5-7 minutes according to my camera's memory. [video=youtube;cbED7s6cWe8][/video] [B]Minwoo Mod to be specifically:[/B] [video=youtube;2FazoqGWU7M][/video]
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 08:16:58
as long as you can keep the dedication to keep on learning with a pencil and not stay stuck with what you already know. pencil gives you a temptation to dumb down your combos so you'll have to over come that. Then you can spin a lot more things so it makes you spinning a lot more impressive to non-spinners just by itself
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 11:16:19
What about bonkura? He made the ballsign mod and also his personal favourite mod, it is very light and he spins it like a pro![video=youtube;K-ejIcrnoZY][/video] and don't forget David Weis, the creator of the backaround, he spins with a pencil. [video=youtube;X854lEfGyzA][/video]
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 12:16:55
Pencils are pretty easy to spin, better than most of the mods out there imo in terms of spinnability.The thin body, and somewhat lightweightness of it help you develop better control, plus, it's just really fun to spin a nice pencil :p. Helps deal with the misconceptions about spinners only being able to spin "weighted mods". Many people scoff at it and ahve misconceptions that all of our mods are made to be perfectly balanced and weighted... ( because we need them to be...)
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 12:43:03
:hah:I agree with shoeman6.
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 14:11:00
I am going to start spinning my pencil only (an eraser thing on each side) for a long while and ill record a combo or two when i feel i have become good enough to do so. Lol wish me luck! Btw im a 4 month spinner.
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 14:17:06
It'll help you get better with other mods. For example, if you learn a trick with a BiCtory, you will be able to perform it just as well if not better on a Dr. KT
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 14:39:47
for me pencils are too hard to spin imo, maybe its coz i suck but i can only spin good with a modded pen
Date: Fri, Apr 29 2011 17:38:54
i spin with a pencil. not that good but i do! lol, i saw off the eraser and add these:
id rock these but im just not cool enough yet...
id go with the thing on the left, whatever the hell that is loll
Date: Mon, May 2 2011 04:34:52
you have to rely on technique in order to do a trick, not just momentum from a heavier pen I agree Explosion101, If you can do a trick on a BICtory or pencil you should be able to do a trick as well if not better on a modded pen